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Everything posted by motorcycle_1300

  1. BMW 1600 is a V6 I believe Indian could have gone the route Yamaha went and put in a V4 that looks similar to a traditional V twin with a Dolby casset sound system Al
  2. After 40 something years riding including a couple Ventures I bought an FJR for an entertainment bike. It was an awesome bike. a lot of fun to ride, but every once in a while I would look down and find myself doubling the speed limit and not really riding safe for the conditions, although the bike was handling it very well. I ventually sold that bike but even then I stated in my ad that I would only sell to an adult with a Motorcycle endorsement on their license. The hybusa is an even more impressive bike than the venture, your Neighbor will kill himself or somebody else starting riding on that bike. I took the Motorcycle safety class after riding 40 years, had a blastg and discovered that I had accumulated a lot of bad habits. I do disagree with some of their teaching but for the most part they were right on . Talk to him, then his wife, kids etc until he takes a class Al
  3. I cut it twice and it is still too short
  4. because the Harley is still an anemic V-twin, that is not what we have been asking Yamaha to create, we are asking for 4 or more cylinders more powerful smoother, quieter clutch six speed transmission and a dolby cassette player. the Harley is just warmed over same old thing. well maybe not so warm we are asking for innovative from Yamaha Al
  5. like the new indian tourer, this is nice looking bike crippled with an anemic V-twin. They also brag about the best in class comfort for the passenger, but it still looked cramped compared to the venture. Somebody please make a full size bike with something more than a glorified lawn mower engine. My choices for a bike keep getting leaner, I can get a wing(got one but not impressed with the comfort), or a BMW 1600 (tried one seems to suffer the same comfort issues as the wing). Guess I am buying from the used bike community for the foreseeable future Al
  6. I will hit on the wing thing again. In my search for comfort on my Goldwing I have installed Kuryakin highway pegs. these mount on the Goldwing crash bars and can be ordered with any of several extensions to move them back or out. I have yet to find a combination where I can g et my feet on the pegs without the insides of my calfs being pressed against the edge of the fairing I have tried several different length combinations. I have also switched over to kuryakin floorboards instead of the pegs. Every little bit has helped but the wing is still far from being as comfortable as the Venture Al
  7. I have been watching these for bout a year now, but I will not put my money down before actual production begins. This looks cool but there have been many advanced technical products announce without enough funds to come to production, some are well meant others are a complete scam. Some use the down payments from investors for development capital. I remember the BD5 homebuilt from Jim Beede, looked like a perfect kit plane fast easy to build etc. unfortunately only few were actually produced. This is the cute little jet Roger Moore was flying in in one of the James Bond Movies. The kits never materialized. So once it is in a showroom where I can walk in with a handful of cash I am always a little suspicious Al
  8. My 2007 Venture Midnight has a problem with the compass. About every other day I head out and somehow the compass fails and I get lost, usually takes me all day to find my way home Al
  9. \ Couple people can't get their trunk lids to open to a full vertical position. Some lids won't go beyond a 60 degree angle (or so). I know some people have fixed this and hopefully they will post how. I just removed the connecting bar assembly on mine. I was getting tired of doing a two step every time I wanted to close my trunk lid, so I removed the mechanism (left side looking in. also allows my trunk to open all the way, be carefull if you have a rack and it has weight on it. while you are tightening trunk lid hinge screws doo the ones on the saddle bags, Al
  10. I have a 2004 Goldwing, I am going to let my wife have it triked out, because it is way too uncomfortable, compared to my 2007 Venture. If the ride is for more than an hour, I take the venture. 2004 Goldwing 15k miles, 2007 Venture 60k miles easy to see which gets ridden more the Goldwing just wasn't designed for full sized men Al
  11. I am seeing some harmless motorcycle related adds in the upper right corner of the page, where can I get my half naked women adds, if I subscribe twice can I get the whole picture? Al
  12. Not sure why I said it needed a fairing, I think I meant to say a trunk I like the fairing it has Al
  13. I like it, but it needs a fairing and the other half of an engine, I bought my last V-twin 20 years ago, I will never go back Al
  14. Disconnect the battery let the bike stand overnight then hook things back up give it a shot. I would lean towards the fuel system but computers do dumb things from time to time, maybe it is remembering you hitting the rev limiter Al
  15. My wife and I just got back from staardays 2200 miles in a week, short for a stardays trip but my wife asked if there is a back rest available for a stock 1100 seat. She doesn't want to go to the expense of a custom seat, but would like a backrest. She rides a 2008 1100 cutom. Al
  16. I have a 2004 Goldwing with about 15k miles on it, I also have a 2007 RSV midnight. I put about 4 times as many miles on the rsv as the Goldwing each year. I find the Goldwing cramped feeling(love the engine and transmission). I am much more comfortable on the RSV. Better seat more leg room better cruise control and sound system. RSV riders are more friendly Well a lot of them are, I have never had an issue with anybody on this forum, I left the Goldwing forum because of rude arrogant comments when ever any other bikes are mentioned Long and short I like my RSV better, and the deal offered sounds pretty one sided in the dealers favor Al
  17. This was not just a media circus, if they didn't gain from their presentation of the case they wouldn't have trumpeted their poition blame the consumers of the media. What bothers me a lot is the DIJ spending taxpayer money to organize protests throughout this case. I also object to the president opening his big mouth and interfering with local justice issues. The thought that the DOJ is preparing a civil case against a man found innocent of a crime to be wrong. Al Petrie
  18. Ride to work are you nuts, I am retired
  19. Was that for a one or two year renewal? It was a little steep to register my bikes and cars in florida, a lot of that was excise taxes, I am not sure how much my renewal will be Al
  20. Not sure I need a helmet to tell me I am lost again, I have a wife
  21. Get that old battery out of the mix, remove it completely , if you are only getting 10 volts it probably has a shorted cell. use a good battery any car or motorcycle battery connected to the battery cables If you have to extend the wires these should be at least the same gauge as the ones on the bike. try starting. if it cranks but does not start look for fuel or ignition issues. if it starts what is the charging voltage when you are reving at 2k or more. should be 13 or more volts. if not look to the charging system. if that appears good shut things down check voltage should settle out at about 12.7 after ten to fifteen min. let it sit overnight, it should still be 12.7 if it drops overnight something is sucking juice out of the battery, anything left on? it is possible to have the solenoid click on or chatter and still not have enough juice to start. if you jump a car with another using jumper cables a lot of the juice from the good battery is going into the old battery and you have to wait a while before you can jump start it. the same is true with a bike, but to a lesser extent on bikes due to the smaller batteries. I would still get the old battery out of the mix as soon as possible. hard to trouble shoot things like this remotely but if you keep looking something will eventually show up as the culprit. Al
  22. these are big top heavy bikes, but you can ride on dirt and gravel. just be carefull. My wife and I took our bikes to Nova Scotia for a ride. we went all the way to the end of the road at Meat cove (northern most town in Nove Scotia) as well as the Cape D'or light house. Both are steep dirt roads with many switchbacks, steep hills and long drops if you go off the road. I was on my Venture, she was on a 750 shadow. we were loaded with luggage. I would suggest avoiding heavy use of the front brakes. downshift and rely mostly on the rear brake, and you will do fine Al
  23. nlikely but does your mp3 player have a FM output, and you are listening with the Radio control pod set to one of the FM inputs? if you have aux selected on the control pod try some other device plugged into the input. When you are playing and the sound cuts out does the display on the pod go out, I doubt there is any way for the RF input to short out the Dc but stranger things have happened. can you make the sound cut out by tapping the anteana when everything seems to be working fine? last I suspect the audio input jack is the culprit either one of the wires going to the jack are poorly soldered or one of the contacts is not making good contact. Do you loose everything or just one channel left or right. if only one channel it would be that contact, if both it would be the common. anything feel loose when yu plug in? Al
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