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Everything posted by motorcycle_1300

  1. Fuzzy do you by any chance know the number or tech id of the dealer tech note about torquing the head bolts thanks the battle rages on Al:fingers-crossed-emo
  2. I am fairly comfortable on gravel roads, however while riding in Nova Scotia this summer I gained new respect for gravel roads and those who ride them. took a couple side trips to light houses and a small town called Meat cove(purported to be the northern most community in NS. the roads out to the light houses were loose gravel very steep climbs and drops very twisty. found the rear brake was my best friend. Meat cove after a several mile ride in similar steep twisty gravel roads ran into a couple goldwings pulling trailers comming back from there, realized then and there I'm a wimp they seemed to just take the road in stride. I do think gravel roads are a lot easier than paved roads with just a little spilled gravel at random locations. If you are even in NS take a trip out to the Cape D'or light and up to Meat cove, gravel roads but the sceenery is spectacular. hate the poing sounds stones make when they spit out from under your tires as you ride along, I am sure they are taking hunks of rubber ofyour tires Al
  3. I just use water to clean my windshields on all my bikes past and present. I too use the soak a few min method, warm works best but cold works too. I use the nice soft lint free towels they sell at most bike events, I have never needed to use any kind of polish and my windshields always look like new. Remember soak don't scrub. Water is cheap and easy to find, is as close to a universal solvent as you can get, just takes time Al
  4. great Idea, I have been thinking the same thing, just havn't done it yet, I never use the heel shifter, and tghe only time it gets used is to accidentallyshift into neutral when I pick my foot up onto the boards. Obviously it can be done and looks better than I thought it would Thanks Al
  5. Ken: the Venture is a big top heavy bike easily 1000lbs all up, you have 60lbs of gas as high as possible just to make things worse. IMHO I would start with an 1100 or a 950 and then move up a year or two later. That Said the Venture is a joy to ride long distance. Compared to my Goldwing it has more comfortable seating, roomier seating and loads of leg room. It rides better than my Goldwing. The Goldwing has a much lower center of gravity so handles twisty roads better, and of course the engine/transmission is a lot quieter than the venture. That said the Venture is by far my favorite bike for most riding, but it is not a beginner bike. As for your sanity, your question is insufficent for a valid evaluation Take your time and you will enjoy the bike more once you get one Al
  6. 2007 Venture Midnight 40k miles. still under the warrentee One of the other dealerships I frequent suggested is was probably the Carbs, based on my description of the problem. I do plan to tale the bike to the other three dealers within 2 hours and have them diagnose the problem. Then it will come down to a pissing contest to see if the local dealer will cover the cost of repairing the problems he has created. I really appreciate all the input from the guys on this forum, the more info I have the better. Al Petrie
  7. The dealer is essentially blowing smoke up my Butt. They still claim it is the tires, Once I get the new tires on I will have the owner take it out for a test ride. the head salesman actually rides a stratoliner and was the former president of the local star riders group. I have bought two bikes at this dealer My girlfriend also has bought two bikes there. For the most part the service there has been acceptable up untill the last two years. Took them a month last year to replace the tapered spline in the rear end. we are rapidly heading for 6 weeks on this project. They changed service managers a couple years ago and things have been going down hill. I do still have a 92 venture Royal a 2008 FJR and a 2004 goldwing that I can still ride, but the venture is by far my favorite. We rode the cabot trail this year, and are planning to do the southern half of NS next summer, plans are still pretty preliminary at this point. Al
  8. Recently I noticed one of my head gaskets was leaking a little oil, as it wasn't a lot I continued my planned tour of Nova Scotia while the dealer ordered a set of gaskets (july 1st). I gave the bike to the dealer July 19th, after the usual two rounds of it isn't ready yet, I ordered the wrong gasket set, they gave me the bike back one month to the date after I brought it in. On starting the bike I noticed the Idle was set a little high and could see the windshield visibly shake(never did b4) the exhaust was a little louder than normal and I think I could hear a slight leak. Once I got it out on the road the bike would vibrate, stutter and buck like I was in a too high gear, I can't even acelerate from 5th gear on level ground driving 40mph without downshifting to 3rd. pulled into my driveway and my nieghbor said what happened to your bike it sounds like crap ( he rides a Harley). Took the bike back to the dealer left it another week, returned to be told the shaking and noise was due to a bad rear tire.( admittedly I do need the tires replaced) Remember the bike shakes at idle. if I get the bike rolling downhill at 50mph shift to neutral the bike coasts like it was on carpet. Restart the engine and the shaking starts. This is my thrid Venture so I am pretty sure I know when it is right and when it is wrong. So now what are my options , is there a national Yamaha rep group to escalate service issues? Al
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