Recently I noticed one of my head gaskets was leaking a little oil, as it wasn't a lot I continued my planned tour of Nova Scotia while the dealer ordered a set of gaskets (july 1st). I gave the bike to the dealer July 19th, after the usual two rounds of it isn't ready yet, I ordered the wrong gasket set, they gave me the bike back one month to the date after I brought it in.
On starting the bike I noticed the Idle was set a little high and could see the windshield visibly shake(never did b4) the exhaust was a little louder than normal and I think I could hear a slight leak. Once I got it out on the road the bike would vibrate, stutter and buck like I was in a too high gear, I can't even acelerate from 5th gear on level ground driving 40mph without downshifting to 3rd. pulled into my driveway and my nieghbor said what happened to your bike it sounds like crap ( he rides a Harley).
Took the bike back to the dealer left it another week, returned to be told the shaking and noise was due to a bad rear tire.( admittedly I do need the tires replaced) Remember the bike shakes at idle. if I get the bike rolling downhill at 50mph shift to neutral the bike coasts like it was on carpet. Restart the engine and the shaking starts. This is my thrid Venture so I am pretty sure I know when it is right and when it is wrong.
So now what are my options , is there a national Yamaha rep group to escalate service issues?