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About marczing

  • Birthday 04/22/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Marc Zingarelli


  • Location
    columbus, ohio, United States


  • City
    columbus, ohio


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    bicycling and motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 RSV
  1. out of town for this one, I'll let you know when I get back!
  2. More Destiny. I live and work in Circleville and your profile says williamsport
  3. God I wish, then I could pay someone to do all of this stuff for me lol. Between the IRS and lawyers this is gonna be a maintenance summer
  4. Oh I've been riding. The leaky shock is a worry so I'm keeping it local till I get the $ for a new one
  5. after a year away from here I'm back. Took a year to get through a nasty divorce and didn't get much maintenance done. Guess what I'm doing this year? Valves, rear shock and couple others head the list but on the bright side.......I got to keep my RSV
  6. I'm planning a trip up that way and coming back down through the U.P. this summer and had been eyeing 355 and avoiding also avoiding gary. This seems to confirm my inkling zinger
  7. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I pay for the membership here. Zinger
  8. one of the nice thice things about working in the medical field.......60ml syringe and oxygen tubing. Takes a few times but I didn't have to buy anything. Have since switched to an electric mower LOL
  9. please put my name on the list
  10. because of that and hotels in convention districts that charge for internet service, I bought a MIFI to use "pay as you go". Now when I hit those areas I thumb my nose at them. Another choice is phone tethering if you can do it on the cheap
  11. I'm tempted to break something that's not on my bike just to try this out
  12. no wonder people always buy new bikes. Payments are cheaper than mechanic fees LOL
  13. ya' know I'm a fair mechanic, but I'd still rather have someone with me the first time I attempt it. Add to that the fact I work 3 jobs and 4 hours is a big block of time for me. I they would've quoted me under $400 I probably wouldn't have thought about it since I hadn't looked at what it involved but when he said $700 I got suspicious. Zinger
  14. I'm coming up on 28k miles and need to get my valves done. One local stealer quoted me $700 just to do the valves. Any one know a reliable / honest mechanic in the central ohio area? I've wrenched on a lot of bikes but this valve train is something i don't want to do by myself as I've never done one. Thanks Zinger
  15. after coming off a bike with a small windshield, the fairing on the venture blocks a lot of wind. I find that an insulated suit and heated gloves keep me pretty warm down to 30F
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