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Wade 2000

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Everything posted by Wade 2000

  1. What did she say?? I was distracted:whistling:
  2. Very nice!! Congrats!!
  3. Are there pictures??
  4. Well put!! Having a hobby you both can share and really enjoy will only bring you closer. We have spent a lot of miles, seen much of this beautiful country, and have many irreplaceable memories since we got the RSV.
  5. I suggest getting on Youtube and listening to some different pipes. I have the Samson slash cuts, but as mentioned they are Loud. I like it. My buddies have the Bubs. They sound good, a nice crisp rumble but their chrome on the tips flaked and they had them powder coated black. Still looks good
  6. Pretty cool!! I once drove 200+miles in a Truck pulling a 16' trailer and when we arrived at our destination we realized a Coors bottle about 1/4 full rode the entire way on the bumper.
  7. Thanks for the insight on this. I think I'll be changing out my gears this winter. You Guys Rock!!
  8. That's high but remember you still don't have a state income tax.
  9. Ok I've been tossing around doing the V-Max upgrade but I figured on loosing a few MPGs because of it being a lower gear. How is it that people are gaining MPGs with this change?? I definitely get the better throttle response and power in top gear but better MPGs?? Somebody smarter than me, explain this. Please:bowdown:
  10. I love those roads, mountains, the people, the food.. One of the best spots in the country:thumbsup2:
  11. JayBird hooked me up at Freebirds MD. [ATTACH]78252[/ATTACH]
  12. Loyalty, Honesty, and being someone others can count on. All qualities my God displays perfectly, I can only try to imitate.
  13. Sounds good! I just emailed it to the wife. She is a bread making guru so I have confidence I will be trying it soon. Thanks!
  14. Good Stuff
  15. Good argument for Canamexamerica. I'm not sayin I'm just sayin:whistling:
  16. One mans luggage is another mans speaker boxes.. I guess he could pull a trailer
  17. I never had the privilege of meeting Gunboat but I have met many who are responding to the news of his passing. I must believe this is a great loss for all who knew him and for those of us who were not fortunate enough to be his friend. R.I.P. Prayers sent for family and friends
  18. From??? Do they have more at that price?? Come on Man hook us up. Who's your supplier??
  19. [ It's June 20 and my Furnace is Running. Then you better go catch it :rotf: I know it's lame but I couldn't resist
  20. Awesome!! It sounds like you are in demand. That is a good place to be especially in this market. Congrats
  21. I thought he had passed a long while ago. My personal favorite Slim Whitman moment was in the movie " Mars Attacks" when his music made the aliens heads explode. Anyways R.I.P Slim and thanks for your music
  22. The Wife and I are enjoying your blog. We are planning on doing part of that loop first part of September. Looks like a great adventure!! Thanks
  23. Yes it is a pain. Also if you park downhill you chance rolling forward off the kickstand. I've seen it happen
  24. Good to hear jobs are still out there to be had. Good Luck:thumbsup2:
  25. You will probably start off driving a Toyota forklift :rotf:
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