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Wade 2000

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Everything posted by Wade 2000

  1. Is there fuel getting to the carbs?? I didn't see what was done to clean the fuel tank, fuel lines, petcock ect....
  2. I will chime in and confirm that the 130 handles much better at low speeds and in the twisters it makes the bike feel much lighter. The only downside I can relate is that at highway speeds the wind and trucks push you around a little more. That said I will never go back to a 150 because the performance gains are where I wanted them, but to each his own.
  3. I saw a ton of those around Columbus today and was wondering how they formed. Thanks for the education!!
  4. So sorry Dan. Prayers for you and yours
  5. This is my diesel $0.02 the Cummins gets the best mileage 19-22 depending on rearend and is very dependable the only problem is the rest of the truck is a dodge. The Ford 7.3 is pretty solid, the 6.0, and 6.4, has some problems that can be eliminated by getting the emissions crap eliminated at a 3-5000$ price tag. I would not buy a GM pre 2003 diesel but the duramax is a good one. Just do a lot of research and buy from a knowlagable seller that will save many headaches.
  6. :rotf: Thanks for that one I really needed a laugh today!!
  7. After leaving the IR we rode north through Wisconsin toward Duluth Minnesota then took the loop into Ontario around Lake Superior to Sault St. Marie MI then home. A very scenic ride if you ever get the chance. We had some awesome food north and south of the border and met some great people. 2700miles with my brother and two close friends. The first of Sept the Wife and I left for Cape Cod, MA taking all the 2 lane roads we could through PA, NY, and MA. We stayed on the cape for a week with some friends who have a time share. Again great food and Whale watching were the highlights here. When we left there we headed north into Maine, stayed a couple days in Bangor and took in Acadia NP and a few Lobsters before going west through NH, VT, and the Adarondack Mts in NY before heading home. Around 2600miles with my best travel buddy.
  8. Sorry you lost your brave companion..R.I.P.
  9. Reality is rare, especially in the techno manufactured world we live in. When you doubt what you see and hear from "Leaders" and "Media". Those who are intrusted with providing facts and truth. Reality is people that you can affect and who can affect you Reality is the power and laws of nature Reality is sometimes forces we cannot see Reality cannot be reproduced
  10. What a life. Shall I ride or go boating? I'm sure you have earned the choice. As mentioned I'd turn off the electronics and enjoy your leisure time.
  11. This is my favorite time of year to ride
  12. Yesterday my Brother rode up from WV on his new Yamaha FJR. He traded a bueatiful Roadstar 1700 for it about a month ago and he is not missing the cruiser. I personally prefer the classic cruiser style, that said I am objective when it comes to power, handling, and comfort. So being the" good brother" I offered to give my $0.02 in the form of a ride review. First impression of style is that it has a lot of plastic where the chrome is supposed to be. A few revs and down the road I go, my feet swimming for the pegs that are behind me instead of out front. Once I shift up and feed it fuel I'm grinning ear to ear. This thing has tons of HP, effortless input through the curves. The seat is very comfortable and the foot position is not like a RSV but not bad once I got used to it. The controls are easy to operate and it has two decent size side hardbags with liners. I did enjoy the adjustable power windshield, the quiet ride, and smooth power delivery. After we returned my brother asked my opinion so I asked, do you like an Escalade or a Corvette? Both are awesome rides but how can you compare? The best thing would be get one of each:fingers-crossed-emo if that is not possible ride both and which ever one gives you the biggest smile:big-grin-emoticon: is your style.
  13. Booze, fat girls, fights, and a little freak show.. Who wouldn't like to party with this cat??
  14. +1 on this documentary. I could not believe how decimated Detroit has become. There is a lot of blame to go around but of course no one is willing to take any blame or budge on their agenda. Sad
  15. Hi Dave, I had my petcock rebuilt when I was out west three years ago. They just put in new o-rings and down the road I went. No problems since. Check your carb intakes also for fuel residue. My float valve seats needed replaced around the same time.
  16. Did it really happen?? I love the low speed handling and running it through the twistys, much more responsive with the 130 tire and the cosmetic change is awesome. It really makes it look like a much more modern bike. The only downside I can find is at 75-80mph it seems like I get pushed around more on the freeway but not enough to go back.
  17. Sorry I didn't hunt you down but glad you made it back safe, wet or wetter. We headed East from there and are on Cape Cod tonight. We ran through about 60 miles of rain today but all the roads were wet. I guess we were lucky to miss the big rain. We will be staying here until Friday then heading North to Maine, then back West across the mountains NH, VT, NY
  18. Scarlett is parked outback
  19. Hey Tom I'm at your hotel. Room 708
  20. This gives a whole new take on cruise control:doh: [ame] [/ame]
  21. Sorry to hear about your wife's condition. I hope they can figure out some kind of treatment for her. It sounds like you have a strong relationship and look out for each other. That will get you through most anything. I hope you can add many more years to your total!
  22. That is awesome! You will have a blast! I kinda have the opposite problem. I can barely get the bike out of the driveway without the Wife on the back. If for some reason she can't get the time off work she doesn't begrudge me getting away as long as she gets some miles in over the course of the year. I prefer a small group also 3-5 any larger it seems you don't make very good time. Sounds like you got it pretty good!!
  23. That is what I was going to say!
  24. +1 on the Themorest. I have two of them. They roll up compact, inflate themselves ( via memory foam), and are very comfortable. I also got tired of buying those air mattresses then use them twice and wake up on the ground anyway. I have had my Thermorests for 8-10years and they still work great. The best I've found!
  25. Doh:doh: I wish I could but we are heading to the North East. Upstate NY, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. I have to get that Map colored in:Venture: We'll try to catch you on the next one.
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