I really like the Harley's, the Road Glide Ultra being my favorite. I know there are more advanced bikes technologically but the Harley's have great representation across the country, aftermarket is flooded with accessories, not to mention the cool clothing line..
As for the Haters... There are pro Yamaha haters, Goldwing haters, and the champagne sippin BMW haters that all can be just as big of A-holes as any Harley elitist. Any honest biker will admit his models failings and your models gold stars because he loves motorcycles and riding.
Ride what you like is the bottom line. I personally want one of each but $$$ limits my choices so I try to buy the most reliable bike built for what I need it to do, considering style and representation as well. That is why for now I ride a Venture and hope Yamaha improves with the next model. LETS RIDE!!!!