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Ky. Rider

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Ky. Rider last won the day on December 15 2021

Ky. Rider had the most liked content!


73 Excellent

About Ky. Rider

  • Birthday 05/06/1948

Personal Information

  • Name
    Bill Kinsey


  • Location
    Sedalia, KY, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Horse Riding/Camping, Scooting
  • Bike Year and Model
    06 BC Venture

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  1. Hey Steve, I'm about an hour 1/2 west of you in Graves Co. Yep, too cold and snowy. We rode to Cadiz on that 75 degree day early in the month. Looking to be in the 60's next week though. That's the way it is around here. Bill
  2. I like the upgraded headlight and running lights. Anyone know where they're available?
  3. To answer your question, no significant difference that I know of between 08-13 other than color.
  4. I'm checking in and fine. Mayfield is about 5 miles from me as the crow flies. We had strong winds but no damage. Downtown Mayfield is destroyed as well as outskirts in the path. It's amazing how much difference 1/2 mile makes outside the path. Lots of pictures on youtube. Bill (Ky. Rider)
  5. Either way it's "winner, winner, chicken dinner"" but I do like that blue/gray gen 1 as more classic. AND my current ride is an 06 bc. Both of those are sharp.
  6. Very nice!
  7. I thought someone on this site might want to know of a 1985 Venture Royale for sale listed on VCI in Murray, Ky. It looks sharp with good miles and tires for $1600. I have no connection but saw it listed and wanted to pass it on.
  8. I'v put Dunlap E4's on my 06 RSV but I'm only about 6000 miles in so can't evaluate total miles. So far, they look like I'll be please with mileage.
  9. My wife and I have been trail riding for about 30 yrs. We have seen some beautiful country but some of the best is only about 90 minutes from us in the Shawnee National Forest in S. Il. Our home turf is Wrnaglers in Land Between the Lakes in W. Ky. Most recently rode and camped 3 days seeing the new year in. Good times. That sign is a chuckle!
  10. I was a member of the last combat unit (operation Gimlet, 196 Infantry) that left VN in the fall of 72. I was in B 3/82 artillery and we fired the last U.S. artillery round on Aug. 10. We knew that the future was bleak for SVN after we left but our interest was in getting home after an 11 mo. deployment. Interesting video. Thanks for sharing.
  11. I check in frequently but don't do a lot of posting. My 06 now has 65,xxx miles on it and mostly trouble free other than replacing a fuel pump and regulator over the years. There is a group of us guys (5 - 10) that try to ride once a week. We do breakfast rides in hot weather and lunch rides in cooler weather. We'll cover anywhere from 100 - 200 miles.
  12. Have a buddy that rides one and he loves it. Over 100,000 mi. basically trouble free.
  13. I'm running my first E4 on the front and I can't tell any difference in it and the E3's I ran as far as handling. Don't know about miles.
  14. I met Bob and his wife when they came to Murray, Ky. to get his bike triked at Hannigan's. I loaned him my RSV so they could enjoy riding locally while they were in the area. We talked about our service time in VN as well as our families. I agree with all. He was one of the good guys. That was the one and only time our paths crossed.
  15. Only met Bob once. He and Becky came nearby to Hannigan's to get their RSV triked a few years ago. I happened to be at Hannigan's and got to talking to them since they rode in on a RSV. They had time to kill while the work was being done so I offered them my RSV to ride while in the area and they did so. I think I remember that he, like me, was a Vietnam vet and we shared our story. That was the last and only time I talked with Bob but his nature was such that I was happy to loan him my bike while in our area. That is a compliment to him as all you bike owners know. RIP brother and prayers for Becky and family.
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