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Mr. Holloween

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About Mr. Holloween

  • Birthday 10/31/1952

Personal Information

  • Name
    Dave Haas


  • Location
    Kannapolis, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles,VW's,Drag Racing,Camping,Horses,fishing
  • Bike Year and Model
    84 Venture Royal & 02 V-Star & VW Coffin Trike
  1. Squidly, I have 4 bikes an a trike, Momma says sell the others an I can get a new bike. SOOOOOOOOOOO, Its got to go. I really love the bike. Most of the miles on it are going to PA,MD,an Ohio. Thats where our kids live. Take care Mr.Holloween
  2. Need to sell my bike see classifieds for info.
  3. Thanks all for the returns, I ride a 1gen. an love it but I bought a Kaw.Nomad acouple of weeks ago.(don't really know why,just something different ) I'am wanting to put that j&MCB 2003 DU comm. on it . But the guys an gal that I ride with can't afored the good units. So we are looking at the Chatterbox, As an afordable way to talk back an forth.also with intercom. Can I get any more coments on this. I know their cheap an all but do they work ? Thanks for your time Mr. Holloween:witch_brew:
  4. Can anybody tell me how good the Chatterboxes are. Thanks Mr.Holloween
  5. Can anybody tell me about the Chatterbox Multi sport radio, an the X1, X2 series ?I have nothing on my other bike. I want to talk to other Bikes an have a driver to passenger introcom.It does'nt have to be all that high of quality of sound. Thanks for your time Mr. Holloween
  6. Screaming red, I looked on the websit you said an I could not find a HS-G45 on it ???? dave
  7. What is the Buddy Rich cable an how does it work, how much an where to get it Thank-you for your time Dave
  8. Joe how did you know they were bad ? an if your box goes up do you replace all the diodes ?an one last Q, an I'll leave you alone.lol Should you go a head an replace the diodes before the box goes up if its an old one ?
  9. Whats some good places to order parts from for the 1st Gen bikes? dave
  10. Thanks guys, for all your help. Dave:witch_brew:
  11. No not pulling a trailer. Maybe I have to much air in the front forks ! I know I have over 5 # in them
  12. Hey Guys thank you for the come backs, Maybe I used the wrong word when I said wobble. What it does, at the last little bit before you stop ( what maybe 5 miles hr. ) is when it does it. Its like you have a ton of weight on the rear, an the steering is real light. Like the front wheel is barely on the ground. You know that feeling when you have a pick-up over loaded the steering is very light. More of a wander than a wobble. Thanks again Dave Need Help with this one
  13. Thanks all, I'll tear it down an see what happens.I think the lines have not been repaced Dave:witch_brew:
  14. Thanks for the replies,Steering head ok,tires are new no cupping there.It some how has to do with the air presures I think. I hit the air pres. a couple of times right on an the bike stopped great not a wobble one.but cant figure out more or less in the front or rear
  15. I've read most of the treads on brakes,about all of them hanging up but mine only work about half of what they should. I check out the calpers an not all of the pistons are coming out. The lever is good its mainly the front I have to pull hard to work. Fluid ,pads are ok .Is it my lines or in the calipers
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