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Everything posted by lwinders

  1. I made it home fine yesterday. No clutch slipping. Based on what everyone is saying on here, I think I've got too much fluid. This weekend I'm going to take some out and try it again. I may also purge flush the the whole system to make sure there is not trash in it that may be plugging the vent hole. I want to thank everyone for the help.
  2. When I got the bike, the resivoir was dry from setting for so long. I cleaned everything and refilled it and bled it. I have bled it several time now so I would have thought any moisture would be gone but I may be wrong. As for the fluid level, it is full to the top. I really can't see through the site glass because it is so cloudy. I am getting ready to leave for home soon. I hope I can make it. I have about 15 miles to ride. If I get home, I will go into it further.
  3. As for as the oil, when I changed the oil, I used Yamalube 20-50. That is what our local dealer recomended. I just went out and bleed the clutch and now it feels like it is engageing. I didn't actually ride it, but I did start it and put it in gear. Before I bled it, it wouldn't even engage. Of coarse, it may just be working now because it has cooled off. I really can't understand why it would just all of the sudden quite working. Unless it was like you said and I had too much fluid in it and the heat caused it to expand and disengage the clutch.
  4. I rode my VR to work today for the first time. Everything went well until I was coming back from lunch. About a 1/2 mile from work, my clutch started slipping. By the time I pulled into the parking lot, I had to just idle into the parking space because if I tried to give it any gas, it would just slip. I had a similar problem before but only when I got on the gas really hard. After bleeding the clutch, the problem seemed to stop. Now I'm faced with the problem of getting the bike home this afternoon. Any idea what would have caused this to happen?
  5. Friday night I synced the carburetors on the old girl and then Saturday I put a little over 100 miles on her. I seems to be running pretty good. I really enjoy riding it. I do hope the gas mileage gets better though. I’m only getting 27 mpg. I put new plugs in it when I first started working on it but I have run a lot of Seafoam through it. I may need to put new plugs in it again. I want to thank everyone on this site for their help. I know that I still have some work to do and will need more help, but I feel like, because of all the help I’ve gotten, the bike has come a long way. Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve my gas milage?
  6. I fugured it out.
  7. How do you insert the map into your signiture?
  8. Woody mounted my new tires for me. He's really busy and I hate to waist his time asking questions. I'm trying to keep the expence down as much as possible so I'm tyring to do as much as I can before taking it to him to sync the carbs.
  9. As far as one slide moving more than the others, it's hard to tell because they are moving such a small amount. I'm sure they are out of sync. When I had the carbs off, I adjusted them so all the butterflies were opening at the same time. I haven't checked them again after putting them back on. Where can I buy new diaphragms? I really don't want to pay to have the carbs synced until I know everything is working correctly. Maybe this is the wrong way to go about it.
  10. I've checked the diaphragms up against a light and didn't see any holes but I'll look again. At about 3000 rpm they moved maybe and 1/8 of an inch. They were not all moving the same though. I haven't had the carbs sinced yet. Where should I check as possible vaccume leaks? And is it normal to see gas pooling on top of the butterflies?
  11. Last night after riding my '83 VR about 8 miles and watching my gas gage go from 3 bars to empty, I thought I better investigate. I pulled the cover off of the breather box so I could see the carbs. I noticed that when I rev the engine up that the slides are not moving very much. I can also see a lot of gas on top of the butterflies. I guess my question is, how much should the slides move? It seems to run very well out on the road but now I wonder how much better is should run. When I first crank it up after setting over night, it takes a few minutes for it to start hitting on all cylinders. This may be due to flooding. It starts very easy with no choke. I have checked the diaphragms and don't see any pin holes but they are very wrinkled looking. I really need help. Thanks in advance.
  12. Thanks so much for your input. After hearing your ideas, it sounds like I really don't have any problems that can't be solved fairly easily. This is such a great site. Best $12 I've ever spent.
  13. Well, a year after buying my ’83 VR, I finally got to get her out and put a few mile on her. I had been on a few short rides but not enough to really tell if I had any major issues with the bike. I know that I needed to go on a long ride before I would know what needed to be addressed. I rode about 30 miles on different types of roads. As expected, a few problems showed up. The first thing I noticed was every now and then I would notice a faint smell of antifreeze, so I may have a very slight leak somewhere. It wasn’t enough though to see. After about 15 miles or so, I noticed that the temp was a little higher than I thought it should be. It never got up into the red zone of the gage, but it was near the upper portion of the green. I really don’t know what is normal on this bike. It also seems that the cooling fan is not working. The next thing I noticed was when I got out on a good 4 lanes highway. I had been riding on some slower roads and it seemed to handle pretty well but when I got out where I could let her stretch her legs a little the handling wasn’t a good. At about 70 mph it seemed began to feel unsteady. Almost like I was riding on a ridge in the road, if that makes sense. It felt like it was about to go into a wobble. I just put new Shinko tires on it. Running at 42 psi. I had the air pressure in the shocks set to the low settings on both front and rear. I weigh about 165 lbs. so I thought the low setting would be good. The last thing I noticed was after a few mile of holding it at about 65 mph, the rpm’s began to increase slightly. It didn’t seem like the rpm’s matched the speed I was running, based on what I had been seeing up to that point. Then I turned onto a secondary road and went through the gears, it just didn’t feel right. Then in 5th gear, at about 50 mph, I rolled the gas on pretty heavy and the clutch slipped. If I rolled it on easy it was ok, but when I got on it hard it would slip again. Well, that’s how the ride went. I would really appreciate some help in addressing these issues. I think I’m really going to enjoy this bike when I get all of the bugs worked out.
  14. Thanks for the help. It was about to drive me crazy.
  15. Can anyone tell me where the emergency flasher switch is suposed to be mounted on an '83 VR?
  16. You may want to check on bikebandit.com. They have some pretty good prices on tires and it's free shipping on most of them.
  17. Thanks Keemez. I'll go do that now.
  18. Thank You Venturous, that's great information. I usually do put the model of my bike but forgot to this time. It's an "83".
  19. Thanks Yammer, I'll see if I can find the thread.
  20. I ordered new tires yesterday and I should have them tomorrow. It's been a long slow process but I've just about got the old girl ready to go. I drained the final drive last night. From the looks of the oil, I don't think it's ever been changed. Is there anything special I need to do with the final drive while I have the rear wheel off? It seems like I remember reading something about greasing it or something. There is a grease fitting but I'm not sure if this is the only place that needs to be greased.
  21. gscbertland, Are you talking about the collar that is shown in the exploded view?
  22. Thank you very much for your help.
  23. It seems then that I have the washer in the wrong position. So the shoulder on the axile should be pulled up against the bracket. Is this correct?
  24. I pulled the rear wheel off last night and now I have another question. I'm not sure if I had the washer in the proper position. In fact, the exploded view in the manual shows a collar that I don't have. If I don't have it assembled correctly, this may be why my rear brake is dragging. Please take a look at the attached pictures and tell me if I have the washer in the correct position. Also, should there be collar as shown in the manual?
  25. Thank you Marcarl. That is very good information. When I had the caliper apart before, the bore looked very good. So maybe my problem is the mastercylinder. It still has the original hoses also. I guess I should replace them as well. Thank you again for your help.
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