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Personal Information

  • Name
    Ben G


  • Location
    Winnipeg, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 Venture
  1. FYI, I called them last week and they no longer offer this price, they are now $20 per. They are backordered and take a minimum of 2 weeks to get stock in. They also charge 20 for ground shipping.
  2. It's an 85 Venture XVZ12 with the full load. Air suspension, stereo, full luggage, etc, and only 80500KM on it.
  3. Thanks for all the great advice.. I ran a seafoam soak, also ran it though the tank, checked plugs, cables, lubed all linkage, checked diaphragms (they were ok), sprayed loads of carb cleaner into the carbs when I had the slides and diaphragms out. Seems to have helped a bit but still nowheres near riding level. With the choke on the bike will idle and run like a wild banshee, bike will now idle without choke and will throttle up a little bit with no choke. When you use the choke you can control the idle up to 4000rpm, and rev the s**t out of it. I'm definitely leaning towards needing a full blown cleaning. Off topic question... What type of value does this bike have? Reason being I have someone offering to trade me a 1990 tent trailer in vg cond for it straight up.
  4. So what is this infamous seafoam soak I am hearing about? I would much rather try different things before pulling the carbs... I was told by Yammy that they don't recommend a sea foam treatment... My response.. Screw them. lol Please advise on how to do the soak... Thanks!
  5. So I was able to pull the carb covers off after buying the torx bit and Princess Auto (thanks for that!), all the diaphragms were in good shape. 1 of the diaphragms came right off and the others were stuck to the carb around the edge, so I left them as they were because I didn't want to rip the rubber. The one that was loose came out and the plastic ring was not connected so I reconnected it and it seems to run a bit better. I'm still having the issue of RPMs are having a hard time getting up to 3500 or higher. I was able to go for a ride but had to keep my hand on the choke lever. It seems to have lost it's snap when you give it throttle. I did the sea foam in the tank and sprayed the carbs down through the fuel line and through the opening from the airbox. Any other ideas that I can do without pulling the carbs out? Dealership wants 500 bucks to pull and clean them. I'm not comfortable pulling them out myself. Any tips??? Thanks in advance!
  6. If I remove the carb covers and do find that the diaphragm is shot can I replace it without removing the carbs? Also, how do you get that security screw off? Thanks
  7. Hi, I just aquired a 85 Venture and the bike is running pretty rough. Will only run and idle with the choke on and will not rev over 3000rpm. If you throttle it quickly the bike will sputter and stall, if you slowly feather the throttle the bikes RPM will climb. I'm 99% certain that there are 2 issues. 1) Carb is dirty. I have taken the airbox off, and sprayed the carbs down and also ran a tank of seafoam with premium fuel through the bike. This seemed to have helped alot but it still won't run over 3000RPM. 2) After reading alot of posts on here I think I have a bad diaphragm. I say this because one of the sliders has no vacuum and slides back and forth with 0 effort as the other 3 have vacuum and you can hear it as you slide the slide. A couple questions... Is there anyone is Winnipeg that would be willing to help me clean these carbs and replace the diaphragm (I would definitely pay you for your time), and if not, are my assumptions correct with the carb diaphragm being shot seeing that the slide moves with 0 effort? Thanks in advance! Ben Also will sell this bike for $1975.00 OBO
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