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Everything posted by hillrider

  1. D***, it's the week-end before the cruise. I could do with a few hours of fiddle music.
  2. Tongue weight? Get a fish scale. I run mine between 30-40 bs with no problem. We do a lot a primitive camping (Aluma trailer). and the sucker routinely goes over 500 lbs. To test, put a bathroom scale under one wheel (times 2 plus tongue weight). Really can't tell it's there on the road, but am ALWAYS aware of extended stopping distance. Pot holes in a parking lot are a real joy.
  3. I found that this works great! http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/learnmore/tips/eschelman2.mspx
  4. Because I don't see well, my screen resolution is set to 800x600. Unfortunatly that displays only the upper search box when I want to find something. There is a lower one, and when used in conjucntion with the "google" search and with the "venturerider" box checked, works great.
  5. Thanks Freebird - that was NOT one of the things I tried. Works almost like it was written to that find what I needed.
  6. OK, trying to locate Kuryakin ISO grip installation experiences. What do I type in the "search" field to find these, and not get 40,000 inaccurate responses? Tried a few options, but none of them worked. Got a bunch of irrelevent (?) stuff. any ideas?? tks
  7. Or you can go to O'Reilly's auto parts and get the clear racing filter ("bout the size of your thumb). There's room for it in front of the battery.
  8. Thanks for the grill Steve, it looks great. Did I say I was impressed with the hack. I'd be happy with the that over a trike any day. (can carry way more stuff)
  9. Go to a wheel chair supply store and get the 2" booster used to ease their ride. It ain't pretty but - it's makes a really great ride. (and it boosts the sitters height)
  10. The latching mechanism is held on with 2 screws (tiny countersunk phillips) on the lower clam. If that bracket is reversed, the top clam only opens about half way. Don't ask how I know. (A bent arm doesn't help)
  11. Has anyone replaced their clutch housing ("I" basket)? If so, what did you use to hold the housing whilst loosening the nut??? Mine's an '05, and while it's covered by warranty, the local guy shows no interest in doing the work. I don't want anyone touching my bike who has no interest in it. I'd rather buy the housing and do it myself.
  12. I'm pretty sure that would cure any urges I might have.
  13. No pic here. I even looked behind the monitor.
  14. For what it's worth. My Venture (05) is off the requsite 7% per my Garmin nuvi. But the V-Star (06) is dead on. No error.
  15. Has anyone added electric brakes to an existing trailer?? How much trouble - approx cost (500 - 2000)? I looked at Dexter's site and really couldn't figure out if I could do it or not.
  16. We're still thinking 'bout you.
  17. I've been where you are. Sometimes the right thing SUCKS. No matter what you do, we are with you!
  18. It's been said that the "I" basket changes the RPM location of the chirp. Does anyone know whether it moves it up or down on the tach?? tks chuck
  19. As of last night the parkway was closed between milemarkers 223-225, 285-288, and 355-367. That last one on the south end is the one that will bother me. The GPS doesn't show any base of the mountain roads. Will have to get good maps when I get there.
  20. Goin' to Iron Horse this weekend for a little putterin' around. Thanks for the heads up on the parkway.
  21. dremel tool also works (is actually a little easier). But Vacuum cleaner is a NECESSITY. Little bubbles go EVERYWHERE! Especially with Dremel. Don't take out half the helmet, but a little oversize doesn't hurt.
  22. Tweety and I are going over on Sunday night, camping at Pirateland. I'll keep an eye on the forum for a M&E.
  23. There are those among who know exactly where you are. My thoughts for a speedy and full recovery are with you!
  24. So far every time mine has done that, I've found loose battery connections. Not loose enough to quit all the time, just some of the time.
  25. I'm about to put my third Garmin 350 in the trash (after less than 10,000 miles). The first two were covered by the warranty. And the warranty is now over. Has anyone gotten upward of 20,000 miles out of any brand of GPS. I can get by with tiny buttons and tinny music if the thing will last a while. I'm a little leary of $700 for a Zumo, given Garmin's track record with me.
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