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Everything posted by hillrider

  1. I just got an email saying I needed to re-up my sub (for more money) because they were improving their web experience. I thought that sounded like a lame excuse to get more money out of me. the email makes sense in light of the bankruptcy .
  2. Try the Costco at Town Center. Great prices and the lady seems to know what she's talking about. Experience speaks.
  3. Like the man said, the bike is 8'6". Don't get a 8' trailer.
  4. Try some hippo hands over the heated grips. Makes little ovens! Wear a pair of cotton gloves from Walmart.
  5. Maybe this is it.
  6. What works for me (may need sheep skin in summer) http://www.rei.com/product/723134
  7. What are grits? Read Lewis Grizzard. http://antiorange.dawgtoons.com/module-Pages-display-pageid-27.html
  8. Bought the bike used and thought of installing the Leveling Links. How do I tell if the links have already been installed? Haven't ridden any other 2 gen's, so I have nothing to compare it with.
  9. hillrider


    OK, they're cheap, not cost effective, cheap (read Chinese). But if the looks suit you - http://zennioptical.com/cart/home.php but from experience the quality is good.
  10. Assuming you are central time. GB (Greenwich) is 6 hours ahead of you. 8:00 am at your house is 2 PM GB.
  11. It's been at least 15 years since I had a transmitter in my hand. That was impressive!
  12. O'Reilly carries a thumb sized fuel filter with replacable elements that fits handily under the seat. No hassle - pull the seat and and cut the line from the tank to the existing filter. Maybe do this before the filter needs replaced and leave the old one in there.
  13. 1960ish Sears Moped. It's a good thing the pedals worked. The motor didn't. Or when it did, the shifter didn't. It's good that Owensboro is flat.
  14. That's the right decision. (as far as I'm concerned)
  15. Your model doesn't have the logo on his shirt. Or does he and I missed it?
  16. You're right (as always). Once in a forum it works. From the forum home page is where I was having trouble.
  17. Only problem I have now is that the 'Google' option only shows up 10 percent of the time. Sometimes I can get to it by going into the advanced options, but not always.
  18. My understanding - Nitrogen runs cooler than air (we don't care) But - the Nitro molecule is larger than an o2 molecule and is less likely to induce a slow leak. Big leak (ie hole) it don't matter. But a poor seat to the rim or a flakey Schrader valve and it will reduce the pressure loss. But if your having to pay for it - - better to get on the ground occaisionally. Is also has more stability as far as temp change goes. No pressure change between seasons. If your getting it for free (Costco) great. Otherwise - - - -
  19. Maybe I wouldn't like your V-star. Mine (an '06 1100) with stock muffs, is quiet as a church mouse. I can hear the crunching of leaves on back roads. I'm not a fast rider. My 2nd gen isn't as noisy as some, but i rode a fellows 08 model at the cookout the other day. A quiet basket in a glorius thing.
  20. Yep, it sure would be nice to know if this guy's found a piece of a cure for the whine.
  21. In No. Georgia, on old 9 between Dalondega and Dawsonville, there are enough tar snakes to fill a rodeo. In the summer, the Venture (05) becomes downright unruly with front end wiggle. My V-Star is solid as a rock. Had tree different tires - tire pressure high and low - tightened head bearings. All to no avail. Either the tubes are just a little weak for the load, or the fork oil is low on one tube. Don't want to think about the fork oil aspect. Is there an easy way of checking the fork oil??
  22. flb - do I feel a gentle tug on my leg?
  23. The 'DRAGON' is a stretch of Hwy 129 NW of Robbinsville, NC.
  24. I don't have the jack adapter. What I do is strap the handlebars to the sides of the shop ( 20x40) and place a small rolling jack under the shock. Jack the puppy up so high you could drive a truck under it.
  25. I pull an Aluma that grosses a little over 400, and my greatest fear (and there are lots) is the trailer pushing me around a downhill turn in the twisties. Get your speed down BEFORE the turn starts.
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