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Everything posted by hillrider

  1. One variation has a butterfly in Oz affecting a hurricane in the Atlantic.
  2. It's sleep related. Your lack of it is causing you to see double.
  3. And then sneaky snake goes a dancin', wigglin' and a hissin'
  4. Glad your Mom will get help that will help. Joined the club yesterday. That's when I got the letter saying my unemployment ran out.
  5. http://www.applebees.com/vetsDay/default.aspx
  6. I guess you gotta be there. The inside of the lower covers have a plastic standy uppy thing. It can crack.
  7. If, on your lower cover on a '04 or later, your outboard screw standoff is cracked, your can substitute the spring nut from a '99 and the screw will have something to bite. While changing my antifreeze I noticed the standoff that holds the rubber nut was cracked. No way was it going to re-assemble. But the older 2 gens use a spring nut instead of the rubber nut. I figure as long as the engine guard braces have been installed, there shouldn't be a problem with the hard mount.
  8. At Costco yesterday I saw a 1Terabite external for $99. Gosh - cheap, I remember when memory was $100 a meg.
  9. 'Leaf us alone' http://www.newsweek.com/id/216512
  10. Went out with my old jeans on this morning. Came home and ordered a set of deflectors. tks Buddy.
  11. Talk about the passenger compartment being ruined in that wreck. Cool job of cutting it out.
  12. If it's what it used to be, it's graphite suspended in a freon or alcohol base that evaporates fast. But if there's a low spot in the cable, it can puddle over time and multiple uses and cause a bind.
  13. Between Suches and Gaddistown the road is legend. North of that it's just good mountain road all the way to Copperhill. The only thing twistier might be the 5 miles of 180 (Wolf Pen Gap) west of 129.
  14. Ok, at this point it get's a little tougher, unless someone has the AU wiring. Pull the relay, Maybe the relay has the pinout stamped on the side of it. If not, Use a meter and see which two pins show some resistance, on the order of 1/2K ohms, all other combinations will show infinity, Oooorrrrr , gently open it and see which pins to the contacts and which to the coil. Use the coil pins/wire colors. The other two wires on the switch go to the cruise control. Prolly want to be careful with those.
  15. Under the right lower cover - the black and green/white wires on the blue relay (according to the book)
  16. I didn't know that a Venture could be had without a CB. That being said, I've put a JM CB on the GF's V-Strom that would be easily installed on a Venture.
  17. Arte Johnson's character lives on. Glad there was no permanent damage.
  18. Water in the tank is not nearly the problem it used to be. Seems ethanol absorbs water, hence very little to no settling.
  19. Ok, these old bones don't bend like they used to. Has anyone got experience with these electronic reporting tire pressure guages? The back tire is a real PIA for me.
  20. 20-30 seconds at most. But then, it's a downhill run for 2 miles to the main road.
  21. When mine did that, the bolt hold the front of the brake caliper was loose. My bad, I didn't tighten it.
  22. The bike ran smooth, no out of balance bounce. Admittedly it was loaded, but no worse than if a passenger were on board. See pic.
  23. In preperation for a ride up the Blue Ridge Parkway I checked the tires. Front tread OK pressure OK. Rear - tread OK (not great, but OK) pressure a little high. 48lbs. End result - the guy behind me was looking for the man with an elephant gun. Blowout at 50 mph. Cord showing in three places and 2\32 tread inbetween. Bike was loaded but didn't feel any out of balance bounce. Tire had 4500 miles on it. DO NOT overinflate Avons.
  24. US Navy '65-'69 communications - east coast 38 years AB Dick engineer (gofur-hammer mechanic) Currently unemployed - when unemployment runs out, I'll be retired.
  25. Clean livin' on your part. It's got one.
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