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Everything posted by hillrider

  1. The dremel tip is a good idea. The problem right now is the small titanium bit is too short for the drill to get to the tree. If i ever get the hole started, I've got some left handed bits to try to back it out with. Failing that Three different styles of easyouts. First - get a hole in the bolt.
  2. Seaking - Your post made me feel better. Of the two bolts you mention, one of mine is stripped in the tripletree, and the other is broken. Half still in the tree. Trying to keep from pulling the whole fairing just to drill out the broken one. No joy yet.
  3. Best I recall, outfitting a pumper is a lot like outfitting a boat. It's all necessary and all costs 6 times what it's worth.
  4. Any reason you couldn't get a set of Venture extensions, and install appropriate helicoil??
  5. It's not a big deal to cut it down by hand. I used a band saw and electric sander but hand tools would work also. Make two cuts. The first one for practice.
  6. I've got a '06 vstar 1100 - cable type.
  7. Some years ago while carrying a pager, the boss paged. you don't ignore the boss. So I pulled over and called him back. While talking, I realized I was standing in front of a phone wrapped in 1/2" cold rolled steel with a padlock the size of my fist. I did not need to be there. That afternoon I had a bag phone. And now, we have phones no bigger than my billfold to talk on that know where they are and will tell your wife. Scary
  8. Where I grew up Oak or Hickory leaves were best. Paper if available (had to be trucked in). Beware of an odd number of leaves.
  9. Think about Buddy Rich's knee wind blockers. They made a whopping difference in the buffeting on my bike.
  10. try this one [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALhq-edf0qk]YouTube- Santa "N" Soldier[/ame]
  11. Ok, let's see here. It has 4 wheels, not three, so it's not a motorcycle. It must be a car. Helmet not required, no special license, cheaper insurance. I've got to be wrong somewhere.
  12. I bow to the better engineer.
  13. Freezy, thanks for the ebay link. Now I'd better go back to lurking before I freeze my - - eh.
  14. Freezy Rider - Can I ask - where did you find the clutch tool for 22.00? Gonna need one this winter.
  15. On mine, it's the tires. A result of too many straight roads. A hundred miles in the mountains at it'll go away.
  16. hillrider


    Thought there was a 20# limit on the trunk. Personally pull a Aluma trailer with a Apache tent(5 man) and the kitchen sink, 3 chairs (one for inside the tent)stove, food and 4 gal of spring water. I do like my water and there is some nasty stuff out there.
  17. Under pressure, stuff goes EVERYWHERE. Otherwise it runs DOWN hill.
  18. Whitlow, Yours is mounted as are all of them I've seen (mine included). But it really doesn't matter which side is on as long as it's in tune. Tuning can be done with any SWR meter and Motorola adapters. The tuning affects transmission more than reception. An 1/8" change in antenna length can make a whopping difference in transmission distance.
  19. Some things I wish I didn't need to know. http://abclocal.go.com/wtvg/story?section=news/local&id=7040090
  20. http://www.zazzle.com/my_other_car_is_a_motorcycle_bumper_sticker-128110699120200947
  21. Several years ago I cut down my wind shield to where I could just see over it. Too many layers a plastic to look thru. But a 80, the wind got a little bumpy on my helmet. Not anymore. The deflectors absolutely smoothed out the ride at higher speeds. Thanks.
  22. If all else fails, jump and bring it to Col. Pooles. From there - if it won't turn over, we'll push it off.
  23. The thought was that something might be throwing the casting in a bind. The tell would be to back off on the mounting bolts a half turn and hit the starter, see what happens.
  24. Put 8oz of Motorkote in the machine. Within 50 miles the transmission started shifting 300% better. It went into gear with no resistance at all. but - - (and maybe it's mental) I think the whine is a little louder. After 500 miles, went back to 15-50 synthetic. Shifting is back to being a little stiff, but the whine is still there.
  25. Runs fine on bench. Drags on bike. Cracked housing??
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