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Baby Tater

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  • Location
    Alden, NY, United States


  • City
    Alden, NY


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    Looking for a new bike for 2012:)
  1. It was worth a shot:backinmyday:
  2. Big Tom..feel free to hop in your 4 x 4 and come snow blow my driveway:)
  3. I'm new to the site as well. This site is full of some of the best people you will ever meet:) I am going to be getting a new bike. Any suggestions? I had a Suzuki and a honda..I am debating on buying new or used. Baby Tater
  4. Happy Birthday Dad!!! Hope you have a great day. Can't wait to hear about your trip. Love ya Baby Tater
  5. Hope you feel better soon:)
  6. Mom & Dad.. I miss you but if you chose to stay I wouldn't blame you. The pictures are Awsome. How was the shark? Love ya.. Mom.....watch Dad around those volcanoes. XOXO:bighug:
  7. Funny....Big Tom needs to read it:)
  8. I am new to this site. I read your post and I am deeply sorry for your loss. I love dogs more Than I like most people. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Baby Tater
  9. Hey, How about bringing some shark home for your favorite daughter?
  10. Dear Starfan, Thank you for taking care of my parents. My mom loves lobster. The shark sounds delicious. Hope you all fun. Baby Tater aka Melissa
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