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10 Good

About shouldi

  • Birthday February 26

Personal Information

  • Name
    ron schroeder


  • Location
    celina, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 venture
  1. hi, for 12 bucks a year, you can save that many times over with one good idea from all the members
  2. thats why i got rid of mine, if i wanted to run the rpms up , id by a r1, yamaha has made a big mistake, they could of taken a big chunk of sales from harley and honda with an update 1rst gen
  3. im sorry tombo, the only thing a tx750 is worth ,( golden gobbler) was a boat anchor
  4. i don`t understand yamaha, why don`t they do what they`ve done for 30yrs, put a de-tuned v-max motor in a strong chassis, steal some forks, shocks, brakes,etc, off of there other bikes, offer it in two models, cheap one 15k ( no air, radio, etc ), and a 2nd one with the kitchen sink. But as stated before, they will try to copy harley , a v-twin, 20yrs too late. Wasn`t yamaha late, with a touring bike, superbike, in the late 70`s , early 80`s, such a shame that a company with the technoledgy, can have a bunch of clowns running it, oh, i forgot remember the vision, v-twin, really a great bike, it was 20 years too early!
  5. that is a lean condition, did you ever hear the old 900, and 1000 kawasakis do that after guys put on an header years ago, they didn`t jet the bike right, go back to the original jetting, maybe even raise the needle, put the washer under the clip
  6. i have a friend of mine that is a yamaha dealer, he said they don`t take the valve cover off before 36k, unless there are problems
  7. bmw lt, its a shame yamaha doesnt make a competitor, a new v-max motor in one would be _ _ _ _
  8. a tad rich, but if it runs fine, no real problems, drain the carb bowls, and sync the carbs, go and ride
  9. ok, please listen to what im going to say, i first owned an 84 venture royal, nice bike, no mods, then a 93 vr, nice more luggage room but didnt seem to have any more power than the 84, all 1rst gens are kind of sporty, superbike with bags, some issues. Thought a new bike would be nice, bought a 07 vrs, nice cruser, but less wind, rain potection, especally in the knee area, and but you have to rev it to higher rpms, they made the bike turn less rpms, they went too far in that area, it feels like a neutered rabbit, i didnt like it. Bought a 08 fjr1300, excellent bike, could get you in trouble though, lol, and a little hard on the wrists for long rides. I returned to an 83 plain venture i found with 9000 miles on it, if you like the 1rst gens, please find someone who has a 2nd gen before you purchase it and ride it a little, 2nds aren`t worth the money, i dont know why yamaha didnt build it correctly. I now have that 83, progressive springs, rear shock, a condor fork brace, thanks , aftermarket steering head bearings, ebc brake pads,put a radio on it, with wired remote, wow is what im saying now, and ive got about $2600.00 in it with the bike, mods and repairs. I can`t see me getting rid of it anytime soon, short of winning the lottery and buying a new bmw lt. Heres a couple of pics of the stereo, i took out the vents and got some 5x7 speakers in there, now a nice sound too.
  10. i was wondering, has anyone had both the 1rst & 2nd gen. transmissions apart, are the shafts the same, i know its a stretch, but is it possible to put 2nd gen 5th gear, in 1rst gen. , even if it would fit, i know the ratios are wide, but would be a great highway ratio, and i think the engine would pull it, thanks
  11. P.S. told my yamaha dealer friend if i want a new one, and yamaha doesnt give me an updated 1rst gen, i will buy a bmw, he said, cant blame you. come on yamaha get with it.
  12. yes add me too, ive had an 84, 93, thought a new 2nd gen would be nice, 07, just didnt like it, didnt like the forward controls, or the lack of performance, what a diservice was done to the motor, bought an new fj 08, just not comfortable enough, but great bike. Couldnt find a resonable 86 and up, found an 83, with 9700 miles, been stored well since 01, got a progressive shock, springs, fork bearings, special washer, seals, brakes, and more, hope it isnt a total rebuild, if its an ok bike, who knows how long i might keep it.
  13. yes i would like one too
  14. add me to the list, nothing on it, only 1000 miles on an 06
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