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Midicat last won the day on April 3 2022

Midicat had the most liked content!


100 Excellent


About Midicat

  • Birthday 07/01/1961

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    St. Catharines, ON, Canada


  • City
    St. Catharines


  • State/Province


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSV Venture Midnight


  • Occupation
    Self employed

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  1. Can anyone tell me the Hagon shock part number they ordered for their 2nd Gen? It's time for mine to be replaced. Thomas
  2. Midicat

    2007 RSV Midnight

  3. I am very curious to see this installed and operating. I am thinking about upgrading my tail lights as well. Please update us when you're done.
  4. Any chance you have one more set? Or, that same set available? Thomas
  5. I would be interested in a set. If it's not too much trouble. Thomas
  6. I have my own pic to add. Just to be clear. You guys are the best! Reserving a spot for me and all...
  7. So, I had this happen 3 times. Pulling out of a parking space in 1st gear and then a "click". She popped into neutral. The second time it happened I was leaning into the turn. Needless to say, the bike and I ended up on our sides. This is quite a concern for me since I don't want this happening in traffic. Has anyone experienced such a thing? If anyone can give me some guidance on where or what to look for to correct this, it would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Links are there but pics don't show up unless opened. Is there a way to have the pics show up to make it easier to print complete with imbedded pics? Thomas
  9. Sold! The guy who bought it is going to send it to Zanzibar. Paid cash.
  10. This thing followed me from Quebec. I think I will keep her. She's a beauty! I'm going to clean her up a bit and remove some of the decals.(most notably, the stuff on the sides of the fairing). She is loaded with toys and I can't wait to rider her.
  11. Sally has a stylist who admits that she came home one day to find awesome chunky stew in a plastic container in the fridge. When her mother came home, the stylist thanked her mom for saving some stew for her. Her mother abruptly stated she hadn't made stew. She was eating leftover chunks in gravy dog food. Mmm, Mmm, good.
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