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  • Location
    Wichita, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 Royal Star
  1. Very correct. That is (other then being black) the exact bike. Thanks a bunch for all the information. You guys were a big help. All this information has been really great. On the VMAX Cam Swap. I read the write up in the link and i might do that upgrade as well. Is there a year of VMAX i need to be looking for so i get the correct Cams? Thanks again for all this help.
  2. Very awesome information. One more question. Is there a "Kit" to fit these larger carbs on the bike? It was mentioned above about some different intake boots.
  3. Thank you for your time with this thread and working with me. The bike Looks just like the tour deluxe so i may of been wrong on the model. I will put some calipers on the carbs and measure them. It is a spitting image match of the last bike listed in your link. looks just like this. http://www.venturerider.org/images/07rstd.jpg
  4. Thank you for your Response. It is a Royal Star Tour Deluxe. Plain Jane Royal Star. I will admit that i am not a Royal star expert (Obviously) but i am not sure why the model of the RoyalStar (Not Venture) would change the Engine/Carb configuration. Typically with Motorcycles like this it is nothing more then an Equipment package change. the part numbers do not match up but that could be for many reasons (The VMAX carbs will swap over in some cases even though the part numbers do not match up) hence why i am asking a forum full of Royal Star nuts in hopes that someone on here knows the answer to my question. I just want to know if the Airbox/Intake boots will line up. I can work out any jetting issues at the shop. I am just trying to find out of there were changes between the 2001 Venture and the 2000 Royal star that would not allow the Venture's carbs so swap over. I can only find Venture Carbs on Ebay and i do not want to spend $300 for a set of carbs that will not match up. thanks again for your help.
  5. There are a lot of threads on topics like this one but i cannot find an answer. The linkage in my 2000 is worn and is no longer able to sync. I am hoping the set of 2001 Venture Carbs will match up with the intake boots and airbox. Any info would be great.
  6. Will 2001 Venture carbs fit onto a 2000 Royal Star?
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