Thank you very much, Gary for the pdf and information.
Yes, I seem to have figured out all of the items you mentioned, checked all of the bearings including #8 and they looked fine and were free spinning, no grabbing or wobble. I learned item #6 on page 70 ‘the hard way’ by not having it aligned. If that happens, you will not be able to pull in your clutch leaver on the bike, it will be real stiff. Once I fixed and aligned properly as shown in item #6 all was good.
My specific situation seems to be with item #14 on page 3-68 on the pdf you attached. It is referred to as a ‘spring washer’ on the diagram.
That specific washer in my bike is a grooved washer that fits onto the spline shaft between the clutch boss and the clutch housing.
I just noticed that on the pdf, the clutch boss and housing are mis-labeled in the figure represented.
The clutch boss is labeled #13 and the clutch housing is labeled #15 on the picture.
But, in the written listing they are calling #13 a ‘circlip’ and #15 a ‘clutch boss'.
Which are both incorrect written listings.
Another thing I learned ‘the hard way”.
Anyway, if you or anyone knows what, and how item #14 in the picture, referred to as the ‘spring washer’ is suppose to fit correctly between the clutch boss and clutch housing I would really appreciate the information.
Like I said before, my #14 washer is grooved to fit onto the spline shaft, but actually goes off of the shaft's spline and slops around behind on the non-splined area of this shaft between the boss and housing.
To me it just does not seem correct for some reason, it is like this grooved washer is just slightly too thin and does not stay attached to the spline portion of this shaft.
But I do not know?
Thank you all for any help you may be able to provide
All the best,