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    United States
  1. Just to clarify, the only hitch that requires no safety chains is a bonafide fifth wheel as in a semi. Class 8 big rig. A pickup with a gooseneck is not a fifth wheel. Use the safety chains or leave the trailer home.
  2. Looks good to me. Sizing is the biggest trick when ordering online.
  3. Personally I prefer OEM
  4. Kurt


    If you post it here that you are bidding it will make searching easier. All I gotta do is watch ebay posts here to find what I need. With everyone else not bidding I will have an easier time. It's a great idea. Do it any way you wish, just be aware that not all bidders come her. It is also easy to use a shill bidder now with the bidder id kept confidential. You have to treat Ebay as an open auction just as any other auction. Know the value of the item, what you will pay and stick to that. To get a deal you need to find stuff that is listed wrong or misspelled as stated earlier. A properly listed item on Ebay will bring out bidders. Some just want it more than others.
  5. This may be part of the reason for the calls. A search engine to search all craig'slist for as far as you want to go out. http://www.searchtempest.com/ I got a call from Nebraska on some stuff I had listed.
  6. Sorry to say, but this is incorrect. The only hitch that needs no safety chains is a bonafide fifth wheel.
  7. Safety chains are required as per Federal law. If you don't want to use safety chains leave the trailer home. This subject was hashed over before. By doing a search you should be able to find it.
  8. A little humor there. Had to enter the number to find.
  9. Obviously you don't remember the Halloween blizzard of 1991. It shut everything down for the winter. The last snowfall we got that winter was memorial day. Buck up it will get better. I had mine on the street last weekend. Relax it is coming.
  10. Hang tough it will get easier. Been there and it takes time and I don't think the craving ever disappears completely. Good luck and may the Lord help you.
  11. How's the weather up there? I see all the schools are running late. I hope you didn't get iced in too bad. We just got a bunch of rain down here and it has stayed above the freezing point. How about all you other northern MN folk, how you doing?
  12. Kurt

    Just curious

    Kinda what I was thinking. The only toll (that I am aware of) we have in MN comes in the form of high speed driving awards.
  13. This one probably needs some briefs too.
  14. Just a coupla questions. Do you need donations to help pay for the pudding? Will the matches be broadcast? Is this gonna be an annual event?
  15. done today:mo money:
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