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Old Texan

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Everything posted by Old Texan

  1. We live in Grand Prairie and the tornadoes hit in Arlington and Lancaster, about 6 miles on either side of us. All we had was about 3 tenths of a inch of rain, go figure.
  2. Look at Custom Dynamics, they have a kit to convert to run,brake,turn signal. It adds additional lighting to the rear of the bike which improves safety. I might add that quite a few of us have converted to this system, a little bit of a pain to install the extra wiring but nothing that can't be handled in an afternoon. Also these are LED and you will require a signal stabilizer, call them and they'll help you out acquiring the right components.
  3. We're taking I30 from Dallas to 41 north to 59/71 direct into Mena. Hope you can make it.
  4. A group of riders are leaving from the Dallas/Ft Worth area on Saturday the 29th to ride Talimena for the fall colors. We plan on riding to Mena Ar (about 290 miles) on Saturday, spending the nite and riding the Talimena Byway on Sunday and returning back to the DFW area that afternoon. Everyone's invited, just let us know where you would like to join up. We're starting from Irving at 6am. Most of the guys are HD riders but I'm not holding that against them, they just haven't come around to a good scooter yet. LOL
  5. I use a Nuvi 1450 also, and have looked at the various Ram Mounts. Could you possibly supply us with the mount number your using on the reservoir? Thanks
  6. The headlight fuse is located behind the panel on the left side of your bike, it should be the third one from the left. If you have a owners manual it would help you a lot in locating all the fuses.
  7. Try disconnecting the plug under the seat ( the one with the yellow, blue wires ) Then apply your brakes and check voltage between the yellow and blue and a ground, your battery will work for a ground. I don't remember if it's the blue or yellow that's the brake but you should get voltage to both when the brake is applied. What this will tell you is if the problem lies from the plug back to the brake light or somewhere else.
  8. Thanks Kent, hope all is well with you and your wife. Still taking those long trips with the puppy? Jim
  9. Thank You. That info just saved me a trip to a dealer. Jim
  10. OK So now I can also get the IC to work if the radio is turned on, but without either the CB or the Radio turned on it quits working. Also I would have thought that a IC transmission would have canceled out the Radio similar to what happens when a CB transmission is received that breaks the squelch but on mine it does not. Hate to take it in to the shop but unless someone's got any ideas I may have to. At least it still under warranty. Jim
  11. Just got around to checking out the intercom on my 08 rsv. I'm using the same headsets I used on my Wing. The radio works fine and the CB is OK, the problem is the IC only works when the CB is on. Is this normal? I hope not. Jim
  12. AALWX, I'm sorry to see you had so many problems with your Wing, I still follow what's going on with the GL1800's on various forums and seldom see anything about a Wing overheating so apparently they were able to fix that problem, the frame problem was addressed by Honda a long time ago and has been a non issue for many years. Ride Hard-Ride Fast but keep that shiny side up.
  13. There are a lot of things your going to like about a GL1800, plenty of low end torque, great engine, reasonably comfortable, and of course having a reverse will spoil you quick. The only suggestion I have is if your going to keep it awhile then have a full monty traxxion system installed, the wings are known for having a less then perfect suspension and also joining the "GL1800riders" site. They have about as much info on the GW's as we have on our Yammy's. Enjoy your new ride, I know I had lots of smiles on my 02 when I had it. Jim
  14. There are various products available at automotive stores which you can apply to the connections after there clean and shiny which help cut back on corrosion. Expensive and can't hurt.
  15. In theory it should work, the problem is trying to figure out the wiring on the 5 pin flasher that's used on a RSV, the wiring diagram I have is almost useless as it doesn't show what's happening inside the various components. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and invest in CD's stabilizer, at least you don't have to give back the amps that were saved by going to led's. Thanks for trying.
  16. Larry, Thank You. That made for a nice clean install and may be the way I wind up going, however first I want to try using an electronic flasher and relay and see what happens. Jim
  17. That would be fantastic, Thanks for the help. Jim
  18. Tried to follow the diagram that was linked, however this doesn't seem to be for a RSV as the wire colors don't match. Has anyone been able to use a electronic flasher on there RSV and still keep the self canceling feature? If you have how did you do it? Thanks in advance.
  19. Maybe I need to explain "new". The RSV only had 1100 miles on it when I bought it, it now has a tad over 2200 miles. Would of had a lot more except we've had a horribly hot summer here in the Dallas area and I only ride for enjoyment. So I think with that many miles on the tires they would be scuffed in and should be stable which their not, thus my reasoning for buying new Metzler's. I should also probably say that while riding a wing I was a darksider for a good portion of the time I owned it, so I'm use to persuading a bike to lean through a curve as opposed to just having to think about it. My problem really lies with straight and level and over 65mph.
  20. I have never liked the feel of it as it always felt "squirrly". I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like 404's act squirrly particulary at speeds above 65mph. I've only owned my 08rsv for a short time but just feel uncomfortable at higher speeds as it seems to buffet around a lot more then my wing did. Luckily I live close to Goose and he checked out the bike for me without finding any major problems so I've got to believe it's the tires. Even though there almost new I'm going to switch them out with a set of 880's and see what happens.
  21. The best I can recall Donnie Williams is a Arlington, Tx. Motor Officer. I was fortunate enough to see him ride at this Rodeo as it was held on Lone Star Parks parking lots and was hosted by the Grand Prairie, Tx. PD. Lots of great riding that day, hope they do it again next spring.
  22. Also where did you get the lighted clearance lights from? Thanks
  23. Anyone from that area needs a place to stay or any other assistance please feel free to contact me, we have several extra bedrooms and a 40ft rv parked in the drive. Be safe down there.
  24. The last chrome 90deg valves I bought came from Jake Wilson, but those were for a GW so I'm not sure if they would have the type you need. However it's worth checking out. Good Luck and if you find them please post where and how much.
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