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M61A1MECH last won the day on January 17

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About M61A1MECH

  • Birthday 04/02/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Steve Kowalcky


  • Location
    Edgewater, FL USA, FL, United States


  • City
    Edgewater, FL USA


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, woodworking, woodturning, photography
  • Bike Year and Model
    2013 Goldwing SOLD May 2021


  • Occupation

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  1. Greg, Most of the folks on this thread show as having an expired membership, so they cannot reply and most likely are not even seeing them. Your posts are showing just fine, I am always interested in fixes to hear about potential fixes to known problems, although I am no longer riding, but I keep reviewing posts in case I can help somehow from my experiences.
  2. Yes your message has ben posted, please post the details of your fix.
  3. Fish Rueben, grilled or blackened.
  4. From DR Google I found this, How do I tell what size Mikuni carb I have? Measure the inside diameter of the carb on the engine side. Maybe this helps. Found this here on page 82, of the full manual, not the supplements. https://www.venturerider.org/manuals/1996-2001 Royal Star LIT-11616-VZ-01.pdf
  5. You may be restricted from private messaging because you are a trial member, I will try to PM you with my email address. PM Sent
  6. The bike does have a temp sensor, that turns the fan on and turns the light on. There is a fairly easy test that can be done with each one, see the tech section for a copy of the repair manual that tells how to test it. I have attached a PDF of the pages from the manual that should help. Troubleshooting temp sensor.pdf
  7. That may fit behind the battery, to hold the cable that was supplied with the bike to use as a helmet lock. I forget where the cable was locked to when securing the helmet(s), I am not sure I ever used mine.
  8. No
  9. so here is the picture, I have no idea, except maybe it is a cover for the lock mechanism in the saddle bags on a tour deluxe. I do not recall ever seeing anything like that on my 98 Tour Classic with soft bags. Do not recall if there were covers over the saddle bag locks on my Venture.
  10. May be because you are listed as a trial member, but normally you can just up load from your computer. PM sent.
  11. No the rear shock is not air over hydraulic on the original Royal Stars, the air over hydraulic shocks started with the 1999 Venture and was only used on the Ventures from 1999 to 2013 and the Tour DeLuxe 2005 to 2010. For the front shocks the max pressure is 7 psi and you needed to use a zero loss pump, normally they look like an over sized syringe. I am not sure who makes or sells them now a days. You used to be able to find them at Harley dealers.
  12. Probably take more than a toggle switch, some of the wires carry a lot of current and the heat produced would likely destroy a toggle switch, in cases like that best to use a toggle switch to actuate a relay that is rated for the current. On my 98 Royal Star Tour Classic the ignition switch was located on the left front just behind the radiator so it got plenty hot. My ignition switch went bad while the bike was under warranty so the local shop replaced it for free. I am not sure if new switch modules are still available or not for that year bike, if they are I would replace it, if not look up Dion Hinskey here on the forum, he makes ignition bypasses for the 1999 to 2013 Ventures, he may be able to help with one for your year and model. Here is link to his profile, https://www.venturerider.org/forum/profile/6542-djh3/
  13. Check the fuel pump and the fuel filter. The fuel pump should come on when the ignition is first turned on, there should be several noticeable clicks as the pump pressurizes the system. When the bike dies on the road, open the gas cap and listen for any sound like air rushing into the tank, that would indicated the vent tube is clogged. Sometimes when bikes sit for a long time, critters can make nests in the vent tube and plug it up causing there to be a vacuum in the tank that will prevent the fuel from flowing out. Also check the electrical module on the back of the ignition switch, they have been known to over heat and go bad.
  14. The fairing is made of ABS plastic, you may want to try some ABS glue.
  15. Agreed but the speed bleeders work on what ever system you install them, you can even use them on hydraulic clutches, they work very well and all with out the help of another person.
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