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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. I put on a new set this past September, no issues. The replaced set no issues and about 14000 on them.
  2. Now that was really cool, he even has a leash for the dog when off the cycle. That way you can't leave him at a gas station.
  3. We will be there Jan 28. When Huggins was coach at K-State, the KU K-State became interesting again. He will have the juiced for my Jayhawks.
  4. Ok, I am awake Dan, and both Kansas teams won today and to top it off, Kentucky got beat at home by ex-Big12 A&M . Oh, if WV could not beat K-State, then :whistling::whistling:
  5. I bought it, as the person who "borrowed" it, didn't like it. But I am not bringing it back into NC. Why ruin a good bike when all it does is sit. :rasberry:
  6. Gone up 15 cents since yesterday, wonder why? Are they trying to gouge Santa and his Reindeer? I thought there were laws against that sort of thing.
  7. You can't, your to busy "WORK"ing now.. Oh Oh , I used a dirt 4 letter word, good this thread will now be deleted. :whistling:
  8. Hey, that's all I have left is smack talk. When you have only won 1 conference game in the last 3 years, it is now time to punk up. :fiddle:
  9. I went back to the Wizard of Oz, maybe Dorthy should be playing with her muchin buddies. You guys did play a good game today.
  10. Bailey sounds like a drink, so he is drunk all the time Smith, only half a gun, missing bullets and trigger Austin, wanna be 6million dollar man, only worth 6 cents now Alston, whats an Alston, sounds like an old timer beer (Falstaff) that lost its fizz :rasberry:
  11. The Jayhawker's are taking down the Mountainer's. You've already lost to one Kansas (St) school, might as well loose to the bottom dwellers. GO JAYHAWKS :rasberry::rasberry:
  12. They announced that he died this evening (Friday). After watching him on Dallas, never could watch I Dream of Jeannie again, kept waiting for him to stab someone in the back on Jeannie. But will miss him on Dallas (TNT), first season, he was his nasty old self.
  13. You need to ride the Victory Vision or Cross Country, they both have plenty of room for the rider plus comfort, just don't like an air cooled engine.
  14. I'd take the new Vmax 1700 any day over that Vtwin motor, besides it is not even water cooled.
  15. Dang, looks like the bike lost on that one. Really glad you are okay.
  16. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday: THE BIG 60 Happy Birthday Bobbie, love you with all my heart and soul :wow::wow: :group cheers::group cheers::group cheers: :Crazy_139::Crazy_139::Crazy_139:
  17. This message is from Mary Hopey, she asked me to post this. "She would like to thank all of the Venture riders for their support and donations. This has been a great blessing to her."
  18. Well, you really blew it, and I not talking about a bike ride. There was definitely more to that request, which one of two things; You really don't know your wife after all these years or that 4000 miles wore you out and are no good for anything else but walking. :whistling:
  19. Finally, a place Mechanic and I can have some alone time. :whistling: Looks like a nice fancy and expensive cooler for beer. When can I "Borrow" the new "Beer" cooler? Looks great, but can you put a motorcyle lift on that thing? Thought I saw something like that on a few of them.
  20. So they were swept in 4 games ? Ye Ha, about time. :cool10:
  21. So, why not return it? If they did not send you what you ordered, then it should be returned. :(
  22. And you said that considering your in Oklahoma with all that red dirt? I know when I leave Kansas into Oklahoma, bamm there is the red dirt. Oh, and we will be crossing Oklahoma this week going to Kansas :rasberry:
  23. Let us know what you think about the event. I have been wanting to go either in the spring or fall, don't matter. Something always gets in the way with the timing, this year going to Kansas for an Uncle (he is putting together the party).
  24. This looks like another thread that is going to live forever, :crying:
  25. Ok, went and looked at the rear tire again. Does say 42lb, but has the "V" rating stamp. Well this tire will not last as long as the "H" version
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