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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. You mean your wife is about packed up, while your playing on the internet. :rasberry:
  2. Here are a few links to some bikes I found this morning: http://www.searchtempest.com/results.php?ebover=1&page=0&Region=na&citySelect=zip&catname=motorcycles%2Fscooters&maxDist=250&zip=29209&showeb=1&category=8&subcat1=ccc&subcat2=eee&subcat3=ggg&subcat4=hhh&subcat5=jjj&subcat6=ppp&subcat7=res&subcat8=mcy&subcat9=bbb&addThree3=&minAsk4=min&maxAsk4=max&bedrooms=&minAsk6=min&maxAsk6=max&minAsk8=min&maxAsk8=max&search_string=venture&keytype=all&search_string_neg= The in North Carolina is an 05 Midnight Also a 04 White in Brunswick, GA on the list, but he wants a little to much moola. Under Georgia Northwest, Chattanooga, TN, 06 Midnight with 12,000, should still have warranty, at least a year.
  3. So what's to stop Pecker from riding to Myrtle Beach
  4. We already have 17 motorcycle deaths, plus many more injured this short year already. So be careful this weekend.
  5. If you do, you need to figure out if your going chrome or painted, if painted you must do that yourself (about a week it took me, see my thread) prior to coming down. You may need Riderduke with you, just to show the way
  6. Hey Monty Any update on the turntable for the pitbull lift?
  7. Mechanic and I have you and your family in our prayers. Riderduke and I were talking Saturday about SC drivers being even worse than those in the DC area.
  8. I have Baylor beating Duke in my pool, then West Virginia next week. Hope these Bears have a mean growl and bit.
  9. I agree with V7, except for the front tire issue. I put close to 30000 on the front tire (E3) with not issues and went through two rear tires. When I took off my rear tire last weekend, I showed Mechanic the cupping issue on the E3, but I had close to 16000 on the rear. But something about spending close to 30 to 50 more for a set of Avons kind go goes against the grain, so with equal handling in all conditions I am staying with E3.
  10. I have had both, currently have the E3 still, mainly the cost and about 3000 miles longer on the rear vs Avon and the front E3 went 29000 before I replaced it this year. But I have no issues with either Avon or E3, to me both handled well in rain.
  11. We will be checking to see if there is anything we can do, but he and his family are in our prayers.
  12. 440-324-7676, but if you have AMA, call Choice Motels at 877-424-6423, give them your AMA number for the discount for Comfort Inn.
  13. The Dragon is closed. Wish I could ride with you though. Have fun.
  14. And you want even stop to say, sheeze going right by Mechanic's house of pies.
  15. If the Ugly Orange when, they still got to get by the other Kansas team :stirthepot:
  16. Avon 13000 to 14000 rear 2 up 99%, also I always buy a front for every 2 rear tires. E3, 15000 to 16000 rear, again always buy a front for every 2 rear tires. I have no issues with either of them
  17. all kinds of goldwings on craig list in the Seattle/Portland area. Now remember you and I are to share.
  18. Next spring??, you only have about 3000 miles left max on the Avon, usually around 14000 miles, I am putting a new one on.
  19. I will take two of them too.
  20. Take a look at your owner's manual, supposed to be repacked every 16000 miles and I had not done mine at all with about 38000 miles on the bike. These are tapered bearings with a seal that pops out. These bearings had very little grease, glad I did this job.
  21. There are some of us staying at Comfort Inn in Elyria, Oh at 738 Leona St. About the same distance to Freebirds. I used my AMA number to get a 15% discount there.
  22. Honda Moly is okay, what I used, since the manual called for a grease like Honda Moly
  23. Oh crap, she saw it, :crying:
  24. Not sure what the purple car is, looks like a RoadRunner or GTX, but nice lookin car. Don't let the Mechanic see that one.
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