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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. Sleeperhawk


    Why, Snow makes great Ice Cream.. Maybe Tom needs to learn how
  2. Sleeperhawk


    We like winter riding, don't we Eck, beats the heat anytime.
  3. To bad this doesn't apply to Moped operators.
  4. Yes and it breaks contact in the corners much more easily. Had that happen on a trip and said WTF. Went to the dealer that confirmed my suspicion the rear shock went bad. Had two shocks replaced on the 08.
  5. Then try the switch bypass method, if your bike starts, it is the switch. Since that is a 99 you have (according to your profile), I would assume the switch is the culprit. Here are two links about by passing the switch. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=512 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32359
  6. The Mechanic was not there, so pics are lacking :crying:
  7. I am thinking where this happened, could have been avoiding deer at that time of night.
  8. Steve you and your family are in our prayers. You just have to keep fighting. :bighug::bighug:
  9. well, looks like 71 for a high on Saturday. Now why is it when I am up there, 95 to 100? See we are staying down here to keep the heat down up there so all of you can have an enjoyable time without fighting over the shady spots. :moon:
  10. :Happy Birthday:
  11. Prayers for Pastor Paul and his family. He will be missed.
  12. Always knew you were a "zombie", as many hurts as you have had and you keep on comin.
  13. You have to watch this in its entirety. Count the number "accidents" this idiot has at the same street corner. This starts quickly, so don't miss the first one. I count 7. China's solution is at the end. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTgTP304RYA]Is This The Worst Scooter Driver In China? - YouTube[/ame]
  14. Do they have the highway fixed between Gatlinburg and Cherokee (441) ?
  15. For those that carry, nice interactive map of the states and their gun reciprocity. http://www.nraila.org/gun-laws.aspx And please this is not to start a gun debate :no-no-no: , but info for those that carry on their rides .
  16. I got my cables from Rick at http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/ Call him and let him know you have the Flanders Bars
  17. The lady at the gas station knows that this boy would never be that foolish, he knows what side of the toast the butter is on. :rasberry:
  18. Thanks all for the birthday wishes, fun day, took Bobbie in for her medical checkup, then to dentist for oral extration, so no birthday cake that day.
  19. Really Freebird, your old enough to be her Grandpa, besides you just had a birthday. Now move out of the way you old fart and let us whipper snappers have at her.
  20. umm, what extended warranty? these bikes come with a 5 year warranty that are transferable. But if bike is under warranty, the factory paint should be covered.
  21. Yes, they are both simple, oops mean similar. Both of them are always working on their 1st gen. Every time I see them at Vogel (see only come out together too in the Georgia mountains), their gas tanks are off and tools are spread out around their 1st gens.
  22. Thanks all, and nope do not feel "Old as the Hills" like some doo. :cool10:
  23. Personnally, I like the .40, wife likes her .357 mag. So like most have said, if the gun fits you and you are comfortable shooting what caliber you choose, then go with it. Here are a couple of sites, very informative and like here people are all over the map in caliber and model. But that is what makes it interesting. Just like the old geezers 1st gen bike vs the whipper snapper 2nd gen. http://www.xdtalk.com/ http://www.carolinashootersclub.com/forum.php
  24. Us two, too.
  25. That was a very strange game, KU tried everything to let you guys win. Missed free throws, tossing the ball to your players when we got tired of dribbling, then when that didn't work we tried to run over your players, but Noooo, WV didn't want the game. :confused24:
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