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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. I just used some lithium grease bought at autozone, this version was black with some moly in it, not like the Honda moly though. Seems to work since I have ridden in some fairly heavy rains lately. Oh, the brake has a spring, it will pop out, so watch were it flies too :)
  2. Pull the front fairing off and you will see a cluster of black connectors tied together, fairly large. These are the audio components, take each apart and apply some di-electric grease. Usually that is the issue, loose connectors. Look in the 2nd gen tech section for instructions on taking front fairing off.
  3. Heck, you might as well do the brake lever too. I did mine last week when I put on the chrome levers and both needed cleaning and re-greasing.
  4. The bigger question is how did you get that axle out without loosening the pinch bolt, you must have banged real good on the axle to knock it out.
  5. The seats sure look nice, but I will wait when they have some on the truck at the next bike event to try them out.
  6. Mechanic was not there (including me)
  7. What is it with Wingnuts that don't ride their bikes, sort of like the HD guys, like to leave them sit and look at them. Only 29,000 on an 06 geeeez :stirthepot: Oh, like the color. still looking for a great deal on a white one, though.
  8. I will try this again, for some reason coming up with invalid post: http://www.columbiaflag.com/
  9. Sounds like this is your overflow tube from the tank, and with sunlight you have expansion.
  10. Why not show up for the Georgia M&E on June 12, someone may have the carb sync tool and do yours?
  11. Hell yes, but a little too far
  12. Oh yeah, we help out, then forget to eat because everyone wants work done on their bikes while they are eating, so I suggest that this year the Mechanics get to eat first and what is left over the others can chew on.
  13. Here is one link: http://www.flagco.com/?gclid=CJLltqHv_6ECFQLHsgodOX81Dg and another link for here in Columbia, SC http://www.columbiaflag.com/
  14. Yeah, all the time I lived in Iowa, never got a partridge, smart birds usually. Next time try something bigger, like a pheasant.
  15. So what does age got to do with it? She is not into the crotch rocket thing.
  16. I saw a 09 Red and Black one on I-20 east of Atlanta on Friday, May 28, then another RSV yesterday in group on highway 231 heading south in Huntsville, AL
  17. I had the Barnett in my 05, no issues with the Barnett, like Jeff said a little stiffer when squezing the lever. I put the PCW in my 08 because of what was being said here and cost, so what the heck. So far nothing major but if I have to do it over again, back to Barnett. I am with Boo, something just not right about the PCW.
  18. quick search found this The overall length of a Honda Goldwing is 91.325 inches or 7.6 feet. This includes a wheelbase of 66.5 inches, a front tire diameter of 25.26 inches and a rear tire diameter of 24.39 inches. Source: Honda Goldwing Specifications 130/70R18 Front Tire Specifications 180/60R16 Rear Tire Specifications Read more: What is the overall length of a Honda Goldwing? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1948235#ixzz0pMxwQP9E
  19. Hey, Boomer, there is a gal that likes to ride bikes. Maybe not the third strike
  20. well don't start a thread with WTF and not explain the issue, especially when most do not have a clue to what you are complaining about. so what is the issue?
  21. saltydog and wife have a pet shop. sorry about your pet
  22. I have an 08 and I do not here the whine at all, but my 05 sounded like a jet ready to take off.
  23. Not the same stuff
  24. I never unbolted the fuel pump, so why are some of you doing this? After the first time takes about 20 mins, have not done the relocation project yet.
  25. No more pies until the pie plates are returned, just ask Riderduke, he brings them back and goes back home with a pie. We had a great time, loved the ride through mountains. See you both at MD.
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