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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. Go WarEagle, beak the Quackers
  2. As always, another good thing goes POOF Thank you Blackjack for the 3 years of putting these events together.
  3. This Dodge forum may have the answer. http://www.ramforumz.com/index.php
  4. :confused24: All kinds of pics showing us stuffing food in our mouths :rotf:
  5. Midrsv has one, send him a PM. I sat on his bike with backrest version. Did not get to ride, but just sitting I really liked this seat. The wife and I both think the pillow top breaks down to easily after a long ride, 400+
  6. Spoiled rotten he is :rotf:
  7. Here is a good thread about hooking up the Strebel, same procedure for the Bad Boy. By using this thread, you will still be using your stock horn switch. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=91
  8. Not sure what is going on with your setup, but that horn should have blasted you out of the garage.
  9. I am with OutKast on this one. If the judge will not sign off, then you do not need too neither. Besides, I thought you two were not married, so not sure how your ending up paying for this. Just do not doing anything stupid, keep your nose clean, and if she got a lawyer, then get one yourself.
  10. I do not listen to local radio stations, I have Zumo 550 and listen to XM.
  11. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, so far no issues with the LEDS. The items were packaged well, no loose fittings and the lights are doing the job, lighting up the road.
  12. What about college games? do they come in free instead of paying through the nose for lousy ESPN feeds.
  13. There is an MP3 port, open the cassette deck door and to the right of the slot is the MP3 port.
  14. There is a movie on right now, about Santa's Sleigh being shot down. So your the Grinch that shot down Santa :crying: You mean ole biker dude
  15. If these cover the turn signals, why in the hell would you want to cover them????
  16. Bought one for Bobbie for Christmas, and me being me, gave it to her yesterday all wrapped up with a bow. She thought is was real lense until she actually picked it up. :rotf: But I thought it was broke due to all the rattling. I never opened the box, but when she did there was a very tiny toy dinosaur in the box running around. Even the packing slip said 1 free dinosaur. :rotf: Bobbie loves the new "Lenses" :cool10: Thanks Painterman for the link.
  17. Being dumb, but what do these lenses cover on the RSV
  18. Got you beat Tom, had 16 one weekend here at the house. Talk about all the complaints about snoring :rotf: As to the original post, a lot of us welcome members to stay at our homes.
  19. I did test ride the VV 8 Ball too, basically same bike without the trunk Day and Night difference between the VV Tourer and 8 Ball. VV 8 Ball had no vibration and the transmission did not clunk and bang like the VV Tourer. After doing some more research, quite a few VV Tourer are getting rid of the hydrolic clutch and replacing with the VV 8 Ball cable clutch. The cable clutch was way smoother and hardly no clunking. But until Victory adds more room for the passenger, not going to be buying.
  20. I10 and I20 connect up somewhere just west of San Angelo, Tx (Bobbie's home area)
  21. Here is a link to the collapse http://www.kansascity.com/2010/12/11/2513976/blizzard-socks-midwest-with-20.html
  22. The Vision Tourer and Vision 8 ball, both are handled great in the curves. Even Bobbie thought the Vision Tourer rode better than the Venture, but until Victory puts more thought into the passenger area, will not buy one for now.
  23. Just sat on it, not bad but prefer the Visions, Also for a long legged wife (girl friend), the Cross Country was worse than the Vision, her knees were up to her chest (not that bad but you get the picture). The footing on the Cross Country for the passenger are 1 inch higher from the ground than the Visions (measured from the ground to the under side of the foot peg).
  24. Ok was this close to getting a Vision Tourer yesterday until the following: The Victory dealer was a pleasant surprise, he took the time (about 5 hours), he let both my wife and I ride the bike (most dealers around will not allow that to happen) and at the end wanted to know what needed to be done to the bike to make it better. From what I have read, the 2011 was supposed to have the tranny, but on this bike the tranny during shifting banged (clunked) whatever noise you want to call it, but this did not feel or sound right from what everyone was saying about the new tranny. Once we got on the open roads, huge vibrations at all mph and in any gear, NOT what I expected to have happen on this bike. Told dealer about the issues, mechanic came out and said nature of the beast. Dealer let me test ride the Victory Vision 8 Ball (2011). Came back and told dealer, DAY and Night difference in the tranny and no vibration like I felt with the VV Tourer (2011). Dealer told me he agreed with my assessment, they are going to have the Victory Tech take a look at the bike. Later on that night did some more digging, come to find out the VV 8 ball uses cable actuated clutch, not the hydrolic actuated clutch. Other VV Tourer owners are having their bikes converted to the cable version, no clunks or bangs and shifting much smoother. Next was the Mechanic's area (passenger), she said the seat felt great and loved the heated seat (great day yesterday for testing that), but NO ROOM, she was practically sitting on my back. Dealer could not believe the Venture had that much room for the passenger, but he is convinced now. She was fidgeting the whole 75 mile test ride. But for the rider loved the ergonomics of the bike, just to many issues with the mechanics and passenger area. If it was just me, I would have this bike over the Venture due to the ergonomics of the rider area. The clutch and vibration can be fixed, but not the passenger room. But I will be keeping the Venture for now, just hoping Yamaha comes out with a surprise for 2012.
  25. Also, the guy on the Venture was way bigger than the guy on the GL1800. One of the reasons I want the GL1800 is because of the electrical system and that night time shot of them coming down the strip, GL1800 almost obliterated the Venture with the front end lighting.
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