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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. Hey, Eck, was at a Honda dealer yesterday. Got to talking with them about oil and warranty. They stated any oil that does not have the Motorcycle specific label on the bottle will void the Honda warranty. So they said Amsoil, Spectro and such oils were okay for Honda use. :confused24:
  2. We were over in Sumter getting new shoes put on the rims. Of course we stopped at Honda. :whistling:
  3. Reading posts are faster, but posting is still slow as syrup
  4. Wish I could buy this one I bet Art708 would like this one too, he is about ready to trade off again :rotf: http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267675
  5. I have the heated gloves, just don't care for the bulk. When I test road the Victory Vision, it had heated grips and just for the hell of I decided to wear my normal riding gloves. Loved the heated grips without all the bulk of heated grips.
  6. So you mean it is back to slow again,
  7. Do you think these will work with the 2nd gen? http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/13/121/35014/ITEM/Avon-Grips-Heated-Air-Cushioned-Metric-Cruiser-Grips.aspx?WT.ac=SLIsearch
  8. Why not Oh, I see, but bite my tongue, nope yep, I see, hmmm
  9. :rotf::rotf:
  10. Most likely will be there, hopefully I will not bring the kidney stone with me this time.
  11. Based on the pics, the rear passenger area does not look like much comfort at all and especially with the foot pegs that high up.
  12. Hey, we have some pics of M&E that resemble that commercial, right Riderduke and Beer30 ??:whistling:
  13. I first saw this one during last weekend's NFL games. Just don't read the comments, but some are pretty funny in themselves. :rotf::rotf: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YecsUQopNNU]YouTube - TheLadders 2011 Television Commercial Campaign[/ame]
  14. Hell, I was in the 8th grade chasing girls, never caught one though.
  15. Yes they can still be bought, mainly I find them at truck stops.
  16. That was interesting thanks for the links.:)
  17. Hey Sling, you and Peggy are needed at the Maintenance Day Jam this summer, see Freebird's thread, could be interesting.
  18. Actually I am enjoying it. Miss the days in when I lived in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin and the shoveling began and went on and on. Always hated them snow plows, get the drive way shoveled, then the plows leave nice 2' by 3' wall of packed snow. :no-no-no:
  19. I am glad I got in a ride yesterday morning while it was nice and sunny with 30 temps.
  20. They have already closed government and schools here in the Columbia area. No rain, ice or snow yet, but this thing is stretching from the east/south east to texas to montanna. Looks like we will be getting the ice.
  21. Must be one to two things, the dog did it again or you did not get out and ride today. Was a nice balmy 27 here this morning but sunny, I went for a nice ride. :rasberry:
  22. Got back from my ride, :cool10: Saw several bikes on the road. Called one guy that has a HD, said I was crazy to be out there riding. :rotf: Felt great.
  23. Windchill 23, sunny tired of not riding, going out for a ride. all geared up. bike says lets roll.
  24. Maybe we can get Sling, Peggy and Dave in a jam, when them dulcimers guys (gals too) get to jam, some really good sounds.
  25. Normally do not root for the SEC, but the Big10 never. So once again the "DullBacks" fail me.
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