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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. Why should she, she has you washing and waxing the bike. :rotf: I hope the pay is good :whistling:
  2. I would be contacting PayPal and lodge a complaint.
  3. GL-5 is okay to use.
  4. There are a few actually leaving Wednesday from South Carolina and Georgia. You sure you don't want to leave Wednesday?
  5. It always rains on Sunday after his event, that is to get us out of there. :rotf:
  6. He did state he rotated the bars downward with the controls all pointed downward now. Now he wants the controls back to their original position. So one of two options with his current setup, (1) cut the nipple of the control housings which means eventually the control housings will rotate (spin on the bars) or (2) leave the nipples on the control housings and drill the holes in the location he needs. The other option would be to swap to Flanders Bar which comes back 2 inches for the short arm guys.
  7. If you are going to reposition the controls, then drill a new hole in the handle bar for the nipple. This stops the controls from turning on the handle bars.
  8. The Myrtle Beach Bike is coming back. Tons more bikes than the last two years. Talked to some of the vendors and all where very pleased with business this year.
  9. It looks like a pillow top, but so much firmer and the back rest is really nice. Not bulky and does not interfere with Bobbie at all. They said it would take about 300 miles, but I am totally satisfied after only 150 miles. We need to get together, Bobbie will be in Huntsville this coming weekend, but I have to work.
  10. The seat is way cheaper
  11. Be great if someone took pics and notes to post them up.
  12. What the heck, don't the moderators help you with all the big bucks you are paying them? Sheeez, I would fire the lot of them. :no-no-no:
  13. Actually Mustang Seats is shipping my old seats home free of charge. Also, here is what what happened at Mustang in Myrtle Beach Bike: Went to Barefoot Landing Saturday, May 21 (Myrtle Beach Bike week) to take a look at the Venture seat. Got there around 6:30pm. The guys had the trailer pretty well packed up and shop closed. Sooo, ok, went to the next tent and the guy from Mustang came over and said they found the Venture seat, wanted to know if I wanted to still take a look at it. Pulled the bike up, swapped out the seats and fell in love with the seat. The guys shipped my old seats home free of charge. But here is the real kicker!! I have Kuryakin grips on my bike, the left one snapped (second one to do this) while riding my bike to the Mustang trailer. The Mustang people went over to the Kuryakin trailer (already closed and about packed up), told them what happen. The Kuryakin rep came over with a complete set of grips (left and right), the charge was nothing. SO a big thanks to Mustang with working with me after hours, talking to Kuryakin about the grips and to Kuryakin giving a complete set of replacement grips, no questions asked.
  14. Or you could ride down to Columbia, SC and I would show you
  15. :rotf::rotf:
  16. So, did she ever say what caused the accident? Wish we could have made it, but been down with somekind of bug.
  17. You mean itsy bitsy tiny fish :rotf:
  18. I got an extension at Seirra's for Bobbie. Attached in normal position, then have I have it tucked between the seats and she plugs in the drop cord from the helmet. She just pulls out what she needs between the seats. When unhooking tucks it back in between the seats and dismounts with no cord wrapped around the legs. Actually put a little bit of white paint to help her line up the connection when it is dark.
  19. Randy, with MD the week before and Vogel this year, something had to give. I know next year we will be going to the Ashville meet.
  20. I hope the dealer did not tell you to run premium. This bike runs on regular, another benefit over HD and others that require premium.
  21. You mean I can do this without taking the carbs off? I need to the valve gaskets and get to it soon.
  22. Glad you have success , so another quirk to installing the Barnett, sheeez .
  23. Take some pics and post them so we can see what you have. Did you put the OEM parts back on to see if the clutch works normal. You do not have to put cover on and do not start the bike. Lever and clutch should operate with OEM parts, if they do then the Barnett is not installed correctly.
  24. Condor, now where were you when I posted about my troubles with the Barnett That was a very informative link.
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