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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. The question I have is "Can it handle two people, three days worth of clothes, two cherry pies and go 200 miles per tank, have ZUMO with XM, Weather and road conditions, CB and cassette player?" otherwise I do not want it, too expensive.
  2. The restaurant wasn't Long John Silver by chance? :rotf:
  3. Kind of agree with you Boomer, every Baron 4 2 4 is I have heard is loud and when we follow BEER30, all we here is his bike and not the Khromewerks.
  4. A few of us have these pipes on our bikes, no rejetting required. Mike has his for sale, he thinks they are too loud, but my wife loves the sound. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=60399
  5. Happy Birthday, Mini :cool10::cool10:
  6. Looks like you guys had a great time. We did miss being there.
  7. Glad both of you had a good time. Definitely, a nice ride up there in 1 day. Did you guys have a jam session at all? Have not seen any posts about this. We will be going next year.
  8. I guess this has become the Goldwing MD ,
  9. Boy did they clear after eating them Texas beans, next time Squidley, leave the beans at home. :rasberry:
  10. Happened on both the 05 and 08 when hitting big bumps in the road. Yep, turn the switch off, then back on, set cruise and go.
  11. nope, we have not been there. did not even know it was out there.
  12. That is where most people have stayed in the past, until the seedier part of town started running their personnel business at this place.
  13. I had an 05 with 60,000 miles, no pump failure. Currently on the 08 with 52,000, no pump failure, knock on wood.
  14. :rotf::rotf:
  15. Will not be able too, have to stay around here due to work and being on-call.
  16. Ask Eck about changing the air filters, all that plastic, gas tank I believe has to come off, and whatever else that is on top of the GW air filters.
  17. You are doing a great job, just wish we could have made some of them so far.
  18. Was he riding a cherry colored bike with brown leather work on it? That would be BEER30.
  19. There are very well known issues about the fuel pump. Take it in and replace under warranty/
  20. What type of tires are running now that you only have 38 in the front? If Venoms, should be around 42 front and 48 rear
  21. I've got a secrete.
  22. We wear ours most of the time, the only time we don't is like in Myrtle Beach Bike week .
  23. Swifty
  24. I am pissed, husband needs to quit flirting with the waitress.
  25. Ummm, I don't think the wrecks help any :whistling:
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