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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. The tool was the easy part, putting the gasket and valve cover back on was the pain.
  2. Well congratulations. Now you need to figure out how to rig a baby seat on the wing. Grandpa Muffin, sounds good.:bighug:
  3. In another thread about Rocket and Rod, they are leaving out Wednesday for Tennessee http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=604515#post604515
  4. Where are the dang pics ???
  5. Now if I had the 350 bucks. Thanks Tom
  6. Congrats Joe. You don't need to feel old, now you can play like a child with her.
  7. Yeah, that is what I said about not needing a truck. Done that once, now will always have a truck, the car can go bye bye.
  8. Only if you run out of beer
  9. What if a certain one was does not want a shirt and patch, just the meal, $5.00 bucks right?
  10. Yeah, I want to see pictures.
  11. I have a set, was getting ready to put on ebay, pm me if interested.
  12. Happy Anniversary to you both!! :bighug:
  13. Did mine yesterday at 51000, had to replace 9 of them.
  14. Randy Thanks for coming and showing us what to do on the valve shims adjustment. I was more concerned with you riding back in the heat than rain. Thanks again
  15. I am working on the bike, valve shim maintenance. Along with a few of the guys and gals showing up to help out, with a hamburger and hotdog cookout thrown in. :cool10:
  16. You and your family are in our prayers,
  17. No me not jealous, me just not stupid to put wife in a swapping deal with bikes on a public forum :stirthepot::rotf: Oh by the way, Monty you still going to Jacksonville after all this? I think the heat is getting to all. :whistling:
  18. I think I should send this thread to both of your wives, sheez they get no respect and after spending your money, letting you guys lay around drinking beer, in general letting you both get lazy, now one of you will keep the dogs before the wife, the other hasn't even told his wife about the other wife getting thrown in to the deal. Me do not want to be neither of you, the beach front property has lots of bodies. :no-no-no:
  19. You hurt from talking, never :rotf::rotf:
  20. These bikes keep cropping up. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285699 Instead of a GW, I may just have to buy one of these one day.
  21. You and your family are in our prayers.
  22. Where is a picture of this bike with his big grin ? Sheeez where is Bobbie when you need her taking pics, oh yeah someplace at PA gas station.
  23. Yeppers, I am going to be the guinea pig on this one. I have the original tool too, so we will compare.
  24. Take videos, not pics, I want to hear the cussin
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