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Everything posted by Sleeperhawk

  1. LMAO
  2. Looks like a major headache trying to clean all the bugs that front end will scoop up !!
  3. And 34mpg, really ? no wonder it is a 6.5 gallon tank
  4. Switch to Hybrid mode and the reply I made now makes sense.
  5. I thought it was full of Mountaineer Moonshine, not knowledge
  6. Yeah you doo!!!
  7. Never liked any of the color combinations till now. But I have been seriously looking at them since 2010. Went on a Texas trip with Eck and when we came back very early in the morning, I thought I had a jet landing behind me. The electrical system on a GW is fricken awesome. I thought I would not like the riding position of the GW but actually like it better than the Venture and the seat is way more comfortable than the Venture.
  8. Now, you watch, Yamaha will now come out the the new Venture in the fall of 2016.
  9. I feel the same about the Venture vs GW
  10. A few of you know that I am now riding a goldwing. Yeah, had to give up the cassette and CB, but I really do like my goldwing. So here is a pic of the tupperware.
  11. You just jealous, because you thought you had them dethroned. See you in the tournament.
  12. Great, it really feels nice to be part of the outsider group now.
  13. Sheeze I feel left out, I have not been bashed at all since I got my goldwing and sold the venture.
  14. When did it get cold? Nice balmy 50/60.
  15. Don't see it on the calendar yet.
  16. Really don't like his movies, really don't mind blood and guts, but all of his movies usually the same lame plot. Revenge, kill and kill some more.
  17. Ok, throwing in my 1 cent. Been on this site from almost day 1. Wife and I have met wonderful people through this site and have formed extremely valuable friendships. I still come to this site looking for info, mostly because I can't keep track of all the info. Also, I know when M&E will occur. What I believe is hurting this site is Facebook. People, posting info on Facebook is like eating food, taste good going in for the moment, but smells like crap coming out the other side. Really, try to find something important on Facebook posted even 24 hours earlier sucks. This is why this site is invaluable. Get rid of the Facebook Venture which has fractured this site. Ok, time to go back to my corner. Ok, going back to my corner
  18. It is part of the AIS system, part 4XY-14881-00-00 HOSE, BEND 1 , but I went to Autozone, found tubing with same inside diameter swapped it out.
  19. Ok, so on the Michellan web site, no stock front end tire, but what I did see is below. Looks like the stock front end size is actually listed as a rear tire, so why not order both rear tires? http://motorcycle.michelinman.com/tires/michelin-commander-ii#dim look under rear and you will see this 150/80 B 16 77H (actual front size for venture) 150/90 B 15 74H (actual rear size for venture) What I don't like is the lower load rating for the rear size than either E3 or the avon venom/cobra
  20. Well, I have been having a back firing issue for a while now. So I thought I would go ahead replace all the exhaust gaskets coming off the heads. Well, look what I found up by the right front cylinder and this is behind the exhaust coming out of the cylinder.
  21. Not, if I have to go get another bike it will be the Goldwing. Two up most of the time and that bike XVZ17 is not great for two up all day riding.
  22. I do have a question. So to do a carb sync I have to remove these and make sure I have the original bolts to put back in the carbs ?
  23. You do realize according to Snopes, this is a fake post. snopes.com: All Motorcycle Owners Are Listed as Gang Members in the FBI
  24. Congrats on the Mountaineer's making to the Sweet 16. Yep, we laid a goose egg, outplayed, out coached and no heart. I am pulling for you and Oklahoma to make it to the Elite 8 and beyond.
  25. I want to see W.V. and KU in the Sweet 16 and Elite 8, which means W.V. beat Kentucky. Oh Yeah.
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