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Everything posted by OrlinEngh

  1. Ham and sharp cheddar with a little mayo on wheat.
  2. This is Karaboo's Denis Karaba he past a few years ago and his family is ready to sell it. It is one of the cleanest and best kept cycles I have seen. He took great pride in it. There are pictures of it in his profile. If you are interested you can get in touch with me and get you more information. My phone number is in my profile. Thanks Orlin
  3. After 39 years of road maintenance, I get to hand my duties off to a new younger guy. The way it was looking I told Sharon that it looks like another winter of plowing snow and sanding icy roads. I had put my winter plan together and along came just the person we were hoping to find. He likes the work and lives a half a mile away from the Town shop. He went through his 60-day trial period and has done pretty good. Needs a little guidance and some more experience and I think he will do fine. I will still be doing some work running the road grader, He said he wanted to slowly work his way into it. So a few days a month I will go in and play around with the grader. And I can pick and choose the days. So now it's time to get to work on the house and get some hunting in and wait for it to snow and all I have to do is put some wood in the stove kick back and watch it fall. And it is going to feel good to know that I won't have to be up at 2:00 in the am to head out into the weather and head to work. Orlin
  4. Its hard to pick a favorite there is so many roads to ride. There are a few roads that I do like to make sure we ride each year. I know tomorrow we will be going for a couple of the long ridge roads, and there are some great views in the morning then on the way home hit the valley roads. You will have to come our way and we will take you out on a nice tour of the area. We have always gave a open invite to stop in and say hi and chat and it doesnt take any arm twisting to get us to go for a ride.
  5. Its looking like Me, Sharon and A1Bummer and maybe a neighbor will be heading out riding for the weekend. Its aways away, how about a early June time to get together. Here in our area. Orlin
  6. Congratulations, Grand Pa! One of life's best things to be blessed with.
  7. Hello all. When and where. When September 26th to 29th, Where Near Viroqua Wisconsin. I know this is a very short notice. Our weekend opened up and thought I would put the invite out there. We like to ride the lettered and named roads around here. And we are in no hurry there is a lot of curvy roads and nice views to take in. Those that have come in the past have always enjoyed the rides. Our days are, Meet here at 9:00 and head out we will stop for lunch and then make our way back here to cookout and set around a campfire. If you want to come and camp with us your welcome. We will have porta potties here. So, its rustic camping. Orlin and Sharon
  8. Seems to me that the blues need to go to the blues and blacks to blacks. Orlin
  9. Hello, Sent you a message. Orlin
  10. I have a 05 and a 07 RSV. The 07 I will give it a clean up and sell this spring, The 05 I took it down to the frame and went threw everything and must have gotten it right it handles and runs out way better than the 07. My 05 will be with me until I cant ride anymore, I have yet to set on another cycle that fits me better than this one.
  11. Merry Christmas
  12. I have been riding since I was 8 years old and I learn something new every time I go for a ride, But then maybe I am getting old enough that that I have forgot some and it just comes back to me.
  13. Thats the scenic over look just north of Genoa Wi, nice view of the bluffs and the Mississippi one of our favorite places to go.
  14. We got out today for a ride, Great weather not to hot. About ready to head out for a few days no place in mind just get to the end of the drive way and flip a coin for left or right. Feels good to be back on the seat again. I was going to hang it up. With my eyes the way they were. I can see clear again and feel comfortable again.
  15. I finally got in over the last couple of weeks and they put a new lens in the right and left eye. All I can say is wow its like seeing a new world out there again. If you have been putting it off dont. Its quick in and out. Both times I was in and out the door in less than two hours and the surgery didnt even take 10 minutes. Crazy the stuff they can do now. Sharon and me got on the bike and put on 150 some miles Saturday. And no more of that funny feeling in my head that I have been getting the past couple of years when going around the curves and there are plenty of those around here. And am back to getting to my list of things that I had put on the back burner until I had this done. Next on my list is me and my Granddaughter are heading out fishing next week now that I can see to tie on a hook or a lure and we should have us a great time. And then I am going to pack up the cycle and pull up to the end of the drive and flip a coin for left or right and take a ride for a few days with no place special in mind. Orlin
  16. Happy New Year!!
  17. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Its going to be a high of 9 here Christmas day. Orlin
  18. Dennis was a good guy. He joined us in on quite a few rides and the gatherings here at our place. Will miss his company. His family will be in our prayers.
  19. It's looking like we could have decent weather by the extended forecast. But that could change in a hour.
  20. Hope you Tip and Trooper can make it. And we can catch up. It's been to long.
  21. Anyone that wants to join in is welcome. There is a few Venture riders coming. And staying here at our place with their campers. If the cool nights don't bother you bring a tent or camper there is plenty of space. We will be riding Friday and Saturday, We will head out of our place at 9:00 ride untill lunch and then finish up the afternoon with a ride and back here to cookout and set around a fire and visit. I will be putting the rides together this week and next. As far as I know all of the motels are booked for that weekend. There maybe some local cabins or bed and breakfast places available. If you want to come we are 6 miles East on Hwy 56 Viroqua Wi. Orlin
  22. I was very much looking forward to having a get together. We have always enjoyed having the Venture Riders come for a visit. Have got to meet some of the best people and have made many friends from all over. But there are times that life just seems to get in the way. Nothing bad just seemed that there was a lot that got threw onto my plate and not enough time in the day. Must be getting older or the days are getting shorter. Could look at doing something in September. Good time to do some riding and cool nights to set around the fire. Orlin
  23. until

  24. I have decided to cancel, Orlin
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