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Everything posted by Blackjack

  1. For what it's worth: Allowing yourself to get offended is a problem that you create and you own, not anyone else. One should always first consider the intention of the person and their comment; if that person did not intend to offend, then no offense can or should be taken. If one is concerned about a comment or has a question, then a conversation should ensue to achieve clarity. My simple motto: always respond, never react.
  2. I so regret to hear of your ordeal and difficulty, but am glad to know that you are on the mend. I sincerely wish and hope for as full and complete a recovery as possible.
  3. Your blood sugar will drop significantly when you do one simple, but difficult thing: eliminate ALL sugar from your diet. I am not aware of any sugar, in any form, that is actually good for you. You will have to read the label on everything you eat to see what the sugar content is. You will also need to call an immediate halt to almost all fruit juices, any and all sodas and the great big world of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cereal, etc.). Good Luck! You can do it...
  4. The Barber Museum is, without question, a must-see! It houses an extraordinarily rare and diversified collection. As stated before, don't go hungry, but do allow yourself plenty of time to take it all in. I have seen some folks get through it pretty quickly (in an hour or so), but as one who soaks it all in, looks at everything and reads all of the information, it takes me a good 2 1/2 - 3 hours.
  5. I agree! This one thread alone was a great read and incredibly informative. Thanks to all who participated...
  6. I regret to hear of your difficulty. Quite simply, what you should do is what you (only!) think best to do! Don't listen to, be concerned with or influenced by the rants and/or comments of others. This is about doing what is right, according to you!
  7. The Pirelli MT66 is a great tire, but I doubt you will get very good mileage given the weight of your bike. For a $100 it might be worth trying anyway.
  8. Brother Jeff, I am ever-so-hopeful that this time around you actually get fixed. Here's to a prompt and full recovery...
  9. We are very sorry to hear of your Mother's mishap, Dan, and send thoughts and prayers for all of you...
  10. Kindly accept our sincere best wishes for a full and speedy recovery for Jean, as well as some peace-of-mind for you... Terry & Janis
  11. The ME 660 is a great tire, but only on a right-sized bike. The front tire will likely give you decent-to-good mileage, but the rear tire can't tolerate the work and load on such a heavy bike.
  12. Brilliant!
  13. I am hoping that all goes well for you during surgery and that you have a very prompt recovery...
  14. Janis and I send our regards to both of you and sincere best wishes that all goes well. If there is anything I can do to be helpful please don't hesitate to let me know...
  15. I just spoke to Bob and discovered that he no longer has his 1st Gen, so the request here is for his Millennium.
  16. Wow! That looks fantastic!
  17. I have an '83 750 in the garage that is slowly going back together (leaky gas tank). It's not pretty, but it sure is sweet...
  18. What I find disconcerting is that there is no consequence that befalls Zimmerman. Had he done what he ought to have done, which is to stay in his vehicle and away from the person he was concerned about and following, there would have been a very different outcome. Whether or not he ended up having to defend his own life is another issue altogether, but it is very clear to me that should never have been necessary.
  19. ...is tomorrow. Please see this thread for details regarding the service and PGR Escort: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=78640
  20. http://www.pgrofga.com/
  21. It is with a very heavy and very sad heart that I inform all of you that Pastor Paul died on Tuesday from complications related to his recent motorcycle accident. Toni has just told me that he went into a Code Blue status (likely the result of all the broken ribs) and was rushed into emergency surgery. If I understand correctly, his spleen was engorged, then ruptured, and he bled out. I apologize for the sketchy details, but that is all I know right now. Paul was a giant of a man with a heart and a laugh that easily accompanied his size. He was both diligent and vigilant in his friendship and ministry to a great number of his motorcycling brothers and sisters, including those he knew here on this Forum. Truthfully, every time I bite into seafood I think of the great times many of us enjoyed on Tybee Island with Paul, Toni, and each other. The funeral will held next Wednesday morning (May 29th) at: Elliott Sons Funeral Home, 2524 Lumpkin Road, Augusta, GA 30906 | 706-793-0123 | http://goo.gl/maps/ZM018 PGR will escort Pastor Paul to his place of internment at the Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Milledgeville GA. http://goo.gl/maps/FNozZ For those of you in the area, your attendance, if at all possible, will be greatly appreciated by Paul's family.
  22. It is with a very heavy and very sad heart that I inform all of you that Pastor Paul died on Tuesday from complications related to his recent motorcycle accident. Toni has just told me that he went into a Code Blue status (likely the result of all the broken ribs) and was rushed into emergency surgery. If I understand correctly, his spleen was engorged, then ruptured, and he bled out. I apologize for the sketchy details, but that is all I know right now. Paul was a giant of a man with a heart and a laugh that easily accompanied his size. He was both diligent and vigilant in his friendship and ministry to a great number of his motorcycling brothers and sisters, including those he knew here on this Forum. Truthfully, every time I bite into seafood I think of the great times many of us enjoyed on Tybee Island with Paul, Toni, and each other. The funeral will held next Wednesday morning (May 29th) at: Elliott Sons Funeral Home, 2524 Lumpkin Road, Augusta, GA 30906 | 706-793-0123 | http://goo.gl/maps/ZM018 PGR will escort Pastor Paul to his place of internment at the Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Milledgeville GA. http://goo.gl/maps/FNozZ For those of you in the area, your attendance, if at all possible, will be greatly appreciated by Paul's family.
  23. I got a call from Toni earlier this week to let me know that Paul had been in a pretty serious accident (on Tuesday, I think!). He is in the hospital, where he has already had leg surgery and remains afflicted with a number of broken ribs and other resultant difficulties and ailments as a result. His 2002 Midnight Venture is a goner. Please send your thoughts and prayers in his direction...
  24. Halaaa.... Which is Happy Birthday in the language of Brothers. Sorry I did not see this thread sooner, so belated wishes from Sweet Darlin' Janis and yours truly.
  25. Now that you are done with 50 you can start the next half of your life, my Friend! Here's to good-lovin', good-eatin', and good everything else... Happy Happy!
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