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    Pamplona, Spain


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  • Bike Year and Model
    XVS 650 Classic
  1. Well, she is probably thinking in some other things .
  2. Hi Freebird, mine is a 1998 650cc VStar (in Europe is called Drag Star). I bought it about a year ago at a quite good price and it doesn't worth a try changing the clutch basket. The owner at the local Yamaha service (I trust him, because I know him years ago) says he can change it but the whine can come back with the new basket. Probably in no more than a year I'll be riding a XVS 1100, so I will live with that noise. SilverT, I'm glad my whine make yours a silent bike but believe me, in the video is even quieter than on the bike. But to be honest, if I stay on the floor and any other rides the bike near me, the whine can hardly be heard. So I think the windshield has a lot to do amplifying the noise.
  3. Hi, Just arrived here searching the internet about solutions to that horrible noise from the engine in my VStar 650. I see there is no solution. Just to some people who believe that changing to another yamaha model will avoid the whining, check mine in this video. Sorry for the bad recording, but I was only interested in the sound. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg7Y7IOQCJQ]Riding Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic.[/ame]
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