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Personal Information

  • Name
    Joe Palermo


  • Location
    Gilbert, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1996 Royal Star tour Deluxe
  1. Hello All, I wanted to put some tunes on my bike and did not want to spend $450 for some 4' bar speaker set up. so after great deliberation I came up with this. Amp is dwg with renote and speakers are Patriot which i bought at vidsonix. They are on Ebay and also at the web site. I have got say this thing CRANKS!!!!. All told I got about $150.00 in it and am very happy and easy install. Pm me if you got any questions. Also here is a link to the youtube video I posted. Thought this may help someone searching for a good system and not have to cash a savings bond. [ame= ] [/ame]
  2. Well dug in and jesus what a job to get at that filter! Also took off the air box and found a pretty dirty filter. Also the was about a 1/2 teaspoon of oil back by the breather in the airbox. Hears what i think... Bad air filter lead to excessive draw from crank breather tube. Changed all filters and bowls and new plugs as long as i was at it. Took her up on the freeway and ran her hard for about 40 miles at 70-85 and walla! no problems.. Thanks guys. I will be paying my dues to join this great forum!
  3. 1996 royal star tour deluxe. I have been having problem with bike seems like it runs out of gas at freeway speeds. It will start missing a little bit and as soon as i release the throttle it goes dead. It has happened to me twice now. First time i replaced the battery as it was bad. I purchased the bike with 4000 miles on it about 6 months ago. Took it in for inspection and dealer said all good except carbs could use a service. I declined as bike ran just fine. They gave me some additive and told me to run it through a couple of tank fulls and see what happens. It may help at low throttle. So this happens only at speeds 65-75 mph. As soon as i coast to side of road it starts right up again. I can ride it all over town here in Phoenix so it gets hot with no problems. I am going to change air and fuel filters next. Anyone have any other suggestions? Oh I also ran a little seafoam thru a couple of tank fulls.
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