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About lumberjack49

  • Birthday 02/25/1964

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Millington,MI, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    R/C airplanes
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 MM
  1. thank you Freebird for your hospitably there is no other like you. I two made it home around 4pm great time and great friends
  2. IM home great company better friends and great pictures
  3. that will get you thrown into the dog house
  4. might be time to do a oil change
  5. ya that sounds right and i was wrong forgot what plug was on the bike benn out on the road to long
  6. could be wrong but i think its a 4 pin cobra mic that will work
  7. if i remember right there is two screws on the bottom of the old ignition switch. after u remove the ignition switch remove the two screws and put the same key to the new switch
  8. maybe someone here can help me i have a little spark for the front two cylinders back two are running fine tried sea-foam still on the first tank with sea-foam plenty of power going through the gears any ideas????
  9. was planning on leaving Friday alsotrying to get Michelle to go had to take the week off so i would be sure that i would be home
  10. its been awhile but i think one of our member was making and selling something like that
  11. sure looks like it could be
  12. i saw a guy use a small adjustable wrench (crescent wrench)
  13. I dont post as much as I would like and cant post as often as I want, but I hope this Year as well as every year we still wake up and start A new day with the thought of a new day too live and and A new day too make it better.....HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY
  14. yes 7317 is the right one look at the fram filter same number just use the wal-mart brand (super tech)
  15. you guts are sick off this stuff........ i came home from Miami Fl to this cold weather i have only been home one day so far and im ready to head south again
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