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Everything posted by wecruz

  1. Alot of harley bashing on here........ the wife and I have ridden our sportster all over new england and have never had a problem.I love my harley as much as any of the bikes ive owned or I probably wouldnt have bought it in the first place. all the bashing sounds like people are trying to make up for a short coming of some sorts.
  2. plugs and terminals all looked like brand new as well as the boards....
  3. used a test light and found there is ground in the large plug on the back of the cms
  4. where is the fuse located?
  5. any guesses where this ground issue might occur?
  6. Does anyone know if there is a fuse that goes to the cms, mine is a 1988 royal My warning light fuel gauge and clock are all out. Thanks allen
  7. [attach]72184[/attach]pemaquid light house in Maine 5/2012 [attach]72185[/attach] Franconia notch NH 5/2012
  8. congrats on the new ride,I see you were lucky enough to get the fastest color!
  9. done hope it helps you out...
  10. Thats too funny..... I live in vermont and its going to be 60 here tomorrow, ill be riding the bike to work
  11. congrats and welcome aboard,lots of good and knowledgable people in here.
  12. wecruz


    I'm not sure but think it is aside effect of wedding cake...........................
  13. still riding to work almost everyday, although I only live 2.5 miles from work......
  14. godspeed young marine
  15. Happy birthday my brothers and sisters proudly served 1982-1986
  16. just picked up 6 dozen wallets....... probly wont see you folks for a while, ride safe
  17. Well Im one of the members that owns both the yammy and a 2007 sportster 1200c, and yes it does make alot of noise as for the power..... it will out run and out handle a venture i have also owned hondas and a kawasakis..... my friends ride all differnt brands.
  18. Done...... Godspeed little guy!!
  19. God speed young men
  20. I dont get it!!!
  21. Now thats some funny stuff right there!!!
  22. This question was asked a few months ago...... Now I personally have drawn hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of knowledge from this board not to mention dang good entertainment and camaraderie. the purpose of this post is that I just used a how to about fixing an e-4/e-1 code on the class system. followed Freebirds instructions reassembled and it now works perfect!!! Don't mind telling ya'll I feel a little proud of myself. soldering gun 5.86 solder 2.00 fixing it myself... priceless (with alot of help from friends I,ve never met) Thanks, Allen
  23. wecruz


  24. Thats it we are moving to texas.........any snow plows there for me to service:sign green with env:
  25. Did anyone bother to keep track of thier milage this season? had a pretty decent summer here in vermont and managed to put 8200 on the yammi since may 23rd. and about 1000 on the harley......
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