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Everything posted by Steveb1959

  1. http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac9/Steveb1959/IMG_1120.jpg http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac9/Steveb1959/IMG_1119.jpg http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac9/Steveb1959/IMG_1122.jpg
  2. Yep, put em on last summer. Love em. Waited until JC Whitney sent me a good coupon and pulled the trigger. The Chrome and quality are nice. Install less than 2 hours. With the baffles closed the sound is slightly louder than stock but very close. When the baffles are open it is not a big difference at idle or even under light acceleration, but crank it and it has a wonderful sound. I did not make any other mods. I would definately do it again.
  3. My owners manual says to use SAE80 GL-4 Hypoid gear oil. It says I can also use GL5 or GL6. I happen to have an unopened bottle of Pennzoil Gearplus SAE 80W-140 GL-5. Can I use this? Thanks.
  4. Just did what looks like a 2 minute job in my owners manual. After about 15 minutes of what the %^$#! I came to this board. Thanks to all who posted before and thanks for the proceedure for cracking the fairing. Next time I will get a person with little tiny doll hands to help!! Thanks again. Steve
  5. OK, I'm going to put my 2008 venture S on the market. Need a little input as to asking price. It has about 12K, new Dunlop Elite 3s last summer. Still under warranty. Has Wagner Fiberglass grill cover. Bike is in excellent shape. Thanks for the input. Steve
  6. PHAT list them for our bikes at $764.00
  7. Retail $849.99 !! Cruisercutomizing $764.99. That is a pricey exhaust, but it is unique. Wonder how difficult it is to install?
  8. I was just looking at them also. Great concept. I would be interested in any feedback also.
  9. If you find or design something to link the front tubes I would be interested. I like the sound also, so much so that I am going to add an aftermarket exhaust so I can enjoy it even more!
  10. I thought about not adding the linked brakes because of this issue. I think it can be made workable by either having it cut out under 5MPH and/or not having the foot brake pedal linked. Compressors are cheap and I like being able to change suspension settings as conditions change without having to manually pump shocks. It also ensures the front tubes are set to the same PSI on both sides. But as I said up front, if no onboard compressor at least make the air fill valve in front service both tubes at the same time. I like the feedback!
  11. Pretty much!
  12. I dont know if anyone else is interested in this or not, but here goes. There are almost 12,000 members on this board. Does yamaha monitor this forum? If not they should. Here is a group that not only owns these bikes but take the time to share their ideas. The 2nd generation Venture is basically the same as 12 years ago, it's got to be time for an update. I love a lot of things about my bike but would like to see some modernizing. So I will offer my ideas. I welcome challenges to my opinions and input from others. maybe Yamaha will keep some of these ideas in mind when they develope the next generation. here is a start: ADD Fuel Injection. Improve economy (A BMW with the same weight and displacement can get 55 MPGs). Better cold starts. No more cleaning carbs. Etc, etc… Hydraulic Valves. No more adjusting. Longevity. ABS. Safety. Insurance rates. Linked Brakes. Safety. Insurance Rates. Adjustable Windshield. Ala BMW and Kawasaki. Because they are awesome! Adjustable Handlebars. They just don’t fit everyone. 3rd Brakelight. Safety. Insurance rates. Tachometer. Self Explanitory. Other Guages. Nice to have. Temp, Volts, Air Pressure. Gear Indicator. The bike is quiet. When I ride next to Harleys I forget which gear I am in. The Tachometer will help with this also. On board Air Compressor. Can adjust suspension. Have air for flats. (If not an onboard compressor at least link the front and then rear shock air system together so they can be equally adjusted) No Roll Back Clutch. Subaru used to make one. This is a heavy bike. Loaded down with passenger and luggage, in traffic, on a hill sometimes it is a monster to take off. It must be able to be disengaged with a thumb button right next to the clutch lever so the bike can be moved around a parking lot. This will give you something the competition does not offer. Delete Cassette Player. Self Explanitory Keep V-4 .Everyone has a twin. Seat. The best stock one out there IMHO
  13. Ordered the Wagner Fiberglass grill Cover today, they look awesome and it looks like they will protect my radiator. Still have not decided on risers or new handlebars. I have been reading the threads and some have had cable issues with the risers and others have had a problem with the risers banging into the cover on top of the gas tank. I know I need to do something...
  14. Thanks. I would never have found that based off the description and picture in the owners manual!
  15. For the spark plugs?
  16. OK so I did my first work on my 2008 RSV. Oil change and filter. No problem! Spark plugs a diferent story. According to the owners manual and the Service manual easy to do, just pull the plugs, well I could not figure out how to get to the front 2 plugs. Did a search here and I have to remove the gas tank. Also in my owners manual it says I have an Auxiliary DC Jack and terminals. The terminals are right next to the battery, but I cannot find the jack. Anybody? Conclusion: Owners manual kinda sucks, service manual not much better. This site has way better info. By the way, used Purolator Pure one oil filter, and Risolene 4T semi-synthetic 20-50 oil. I am going to have the dealer do my carb sysnch this time because I just dont have time, but the next one I will do a search here and try and do it myself.
  17. I have a 2008 RSV. There is a local guy selling Screamimg Eagle Mufflers off a 2008 HD Dyna Superglide in like new condition for $100.00 bucks. I would sure like a louder set of pipes to put on when I ride with my HD Buds. Does anyone know if these will slip on without any mods? Thanks. Steve
  18. Glad to hear it worked. I don't think I could bear another long trip without some relief! The riser is number one on my list. Did you use the 1.5" from Barons? Did you have any cable issues?
  19. Just wrapped up a 4000 miles 9 day ride. Tacoma, WA - Missoula, MT - Boise, ID - Pochatello, ID - Cedar City, UT - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Phoenix, AZ and return. Bike ran great, averaged 37-42 MPGs but was cruising at 85+ the whole way. Had to get new tires in Phoenix, the old ones were starting to show some wear and it was 115 degrees, I did not want to blow a tire. One thing I noticed, I started to get the Howl I have read about here, by the time I got to Phoenix it was almost unbearable, it completley went away after I changed tires (Dunlop Elite 3s). Couple of other things. The seat was awesome, 0 complaints. I have a huge knot between my shoulder and neck, I was in agony the entire trip, the handlebar reach just does not work for me, I think I will get the 1.5" risers and see if it helps. I got some cheapie Hwy pegs, they helped me stretch my legs but I will get some stirrup types before my next trip. I will get the guage set from Ponch, I did not realize how much I like having a Tach. The windshield gave good protection but would not shed water, I will get one with more angle and a vent. The guys I rode with all rode Harleys, loud Harleys, I could not tell if my bike was running and without a Tach starting off was a guess because I could not hear my engine. The Tach should take care of that problem, but maybe some pipes also I like my ride and I think I will keep it for a while!
  20. :322:I'm overwhelmed! Wow great suggestions. Guage set sounds cool. Had not even thought of the engine guard braces. Looks like a fun summer.
  21. Exactly! Thats why sites like this are great. You get feedback from people who actually have them. But of course then the different opionions can drive you crazy. Eventually I guess I will have to link up with someone who has them on his bike and listen to them myself. That sounds like fun though!
  22. The bike was beautiful. It was quite different from anything else I have ever ridden (My current rides a Honda Rune and a BMW K1200LT). This bike is replacing the BMW that I got last year. The BMW is an amazing bike but I have had nothing but problems from day 1. Anyway, It was about a 2 1/2 hour ride home. Rained most of the way. The bike ran great. I had a problem with water clearing off the windscreen (both outside and inside) so I would have to peer around it often. My torso stayed relatively dry, the outside of my legs and helmet got wet. I put around 210 miles day one. Checked my mileage, it was a little over 45 MPGs. Because of weather I rode fairly tame (under 70). I gotta say the more I ride this bike the more I like it. As soon as I get used to floorboards instead of pegs) I keep putting my feet straight down looking for them) I think I will be good. The BMW turned just by thinking about it, does not work with this bike, not that it does not handle well but you do have to tell it where to go. I will be shopping for Highway pegs for longer rides. I have seen some that look like doubles (kind of a stirrup and a toe rest) and that looks like it would give me the most flexibility. If anyone knows about these or variations of them I would be interested in info. The front brakes squeeked slightly when I got the bike and now there is a loud scraping noise when I use the front brake. I do not know if this is brake dust, something caught in the pad, or worn out pads. Bike had just over 6K. Like the bike a lot. Want some chrome add ons, a tachometer, a GPS, a clock, luggage rack. Where do you guys buy your stuff, some sites want stupid money for anything that says motorcycle on it. Looking forward to feedback! Steve
  23. I listened to the RSV soundclips on this site. I gotta say the Hooker Tunable Header slip ons from a Harley Road King sounded the best to me. Of course this is a recorded soundclip. Anyone here have these pipes? Do they sound as good in real life? http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/attachments/hooked_venture.wav
  24. They are a blast!
  25. I saw links to aftermarket slip on and complete exhaust systems. There were sound clip links to listen to. Very interesting, but how about real world performace increases? Has anyone posted results besides sound of the different exhaust systems? HP/ Torque, driveability, heat issues, MPG impact, ease of install, etc.? Thanks. Steve
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