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Everything posted by GothicJB

  1. I put in new spark plugs ... NGK double checked the gap at .035 ... and now that they are in i have a slight backfire when coming off the throttle ... anyone have any ideas? I can take them all out and check them again but I was very CAREFUL when putting them in so as not to bump them and ruin the gap.
  2. Thanks ALL - I appreciate the info and help ... I pulled the side cover off and looked at the rear reservoir and saw ... OMG WTF!!!??? (see pics below) ... apparently the previous owner didn't find this an important thing to mention before the 150 mile ride home when I bought it!?!? He attempted to "fix" the broken res (i'm assuming he broke it by trying to loosen the fill cap) with rubber epoxy and a hose clamp. Anyway, good thing i just picked up an almost complete parts bike the other day - pulled the res off that one and replaced... so far - no more light. Going on The Patriot Ride tomorrow and feel a LOT better about the issue now. Took me 30 minutes to pull both reservoirs and replace the damaged with the good. Kinda proud of myself never having done that specifically before lol. Thanks again everyone - this alone was worth the $12 membership fee
  3. Thanks soooo much! I'll have to check that this evening... Previous owner zip tied the sides panel on so not sure what i'm getting into there lol.
  4. ok ... so my understanding was that I only have 1 MC ... on the right handlebar... is there another in the rear somewhere ?? that could be the problem.
  5. checked the float (white piece that moves up and down in the bottom of MC?) didn't seem to be sticking at all ... not sure if there is a "proper" way to check that though?
  6. Hey all - Got an '83 Venture Royale that has started intermittently displaying the low brake fluid level warning light... usually it pops on during acceleration in 2nd and 3rd gears. Checked the fluid levels and they seem fine. no drips, leaks or missing fluid at all. BTW ... brakes are working just fine as well. Anyone have any suggestions or ran into this before? Thanks in advance J
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