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Everything posted by revinger

  1. I have a 2000 honda insight hybrid I bought new in 2000 that cost about 20k back then. Glad to know relatively prices have effectively dropped on hybrids. I agree the opponents want to try and compare cost based purely on hybrid costs against some stripped down base other model. I have 170,000 miles on the insight been mostly satisfied with it. I have definitely never kept any other 4 wheel vehicle this long. When it was new I was routinely getting mpg well above epa rating without driving like a snail. On lighter note I was going to suggest that maybe some Yamaha engineers any to work for Toyota's speedometer department and that all the perceived slow driving Prius were actually fills that thought they were driving actually above the speed limit because their dash was reporting 58 but true speed much less Bob Evinger Marshall, Il 2002 midnight
  2. I finally got a short ride in yesterday here in east central Illinois. 43 degrees but road were finally clear even though we still had snow on the ground everywhere else. I hadn't been on the midnight since the Saturday after Christmas. It has been nasty here ever since. Had to charge the battery before it would start. I haven't had a bike sit for 7 weeks in eons and did not expect it this winter. So it wasn't on the maintenance charger. I definitely enjoyed the ride. Bob Evinger Marshall, Il 2002 midnight
  3. Lost a long time friend yesterday. Our schedules never aligned to where we could get together other than an occasional email. He was to officially retire after 28 years with the state police next month. He was in one of the first groups when Indiana restarted their motorcycle officers. We did some really stupid stuff on motorcycles in our 20s and survived. He pointed me to the Ventures 3 or 4 years ago after I tore a leg muscle and couldn't find a comfortable bike. Sold my 85 wing because it hurt to ride. He had a first gen at the time that he swore he had put close to 300k on. Still in shock, thought we might actually be able to get together for a ride finally. Supposed to get in the 50s today here in eastern Illinois. I have got to go for a ride. Bob
  4. Worst motorcycle wreck I was in caused by a dog darting to get with his aggressive buddy. I was watching my arch nemesis and the other dog who over the years had never bothered me decided to dart across at the last instance. I was 27 st the time, young and nimble, did the wrong thing and reflex action tried to swerve instead of taking him straight on. I went down at 35 mph, launched over the handlebars. Tucked and rolled with nothing broke but almost wished i had. Every part of my body felt like a steam roller went over me for a week. Flash forward 20 years on an evening ride when 2 deer teleport in front of me. I learned after the dog no swerving. Darn the torpedoes full speed ahead. Was on an 85 goldwing that time. Felt like a mechanical bull, but I kept the bike up, the deer on the other hand did not fair well. Sent from my S758 using Tapatalk
  5. East central Illinois I don't winterize my bikes, there are too many days even in the winter months where the roads are clear and the temps above my minimums to ride.
  6. So far I am happy with it, only put about 500 miles on so far. I had planned on riding down to natchez this morning but didn't like the looks of the radar for a large area between me and Mississippi. Been a really mess up vacation. Haven't ridden Near as much as I wanted to. Would like to do a thousand mile something this week but weather is crap in directions I had plans for.
  7. I rode 300 miles over the weekend. Went on a test ride down to cave in rock ilinois to the state park. Took a tiny tent and a summer sleeping bag with me, didn't take a pad to lay on, stupid. Slept badly and apparently on my right side as I about couldn't walk from a stiff leg this morning 24 hours later. I am a jogger, I have not been this sore after running 8 miles. The bike did great , I think I Will skip the camping though . I came back home Sunday morning as needed to help my daughter pick out s computer for college. Going to attempt to head for Natchez miss in the morning. With no planning for where I will stop or stay. Not the best but I like the randomness of doing it this way.688 miles according to google. If I make it close will ride the trace back up to Nashville. Kids and wife are in a local play Friday night they would like me to be back for. Well see if I have the gremlins dealt with or not.
  8. Darn gremlins, dark side tire on, shock replaced buy boss called asking if I could cut vacation short, crisis at work. Looks like any road trip will be delayed for a week our more. I don't think even a first gen venture could out run these gremlins. Oh well, it well give me a little time to get adjusted locally to the dark side before venturing out on a long ride. Sent from my GT-S5830M using Tapatalk 2
  9. the replacement used shock arrived today. 2 days in transit for half way across the continent not bad. I got the shock put on sat on it and noticed something, no squeaky squeaky noise.I took it for a very short 4 mile ride on my leaky tire and suspect that my original shock was in some state of bad since I got the bike. No squeaks and it was a totally different ride. Tire is supposed to show u UPS tomorrow, so another day of vacation will be spent wrestling the machine in the garage instead of on the road.
  10. approximately 41,000 miles on my 02 midnight, last week it sprang the dreaded overnight oil the garage floor syndrome. I bought the venture with 28,000 on it a little over 2 years ago. Ruining vacation, tell me about it, I started 2 weeks last saturday. Found a used shock parted off an 07 with 24k on it. i know its a risk that the used shock might do the same thing 3 days after I put it on but at the moment it is the least expensive alternative. Given that a deer bone ruined a 6 week old rear E3 tire the day before. Shock according to USPS should arrive today. I am hoping for the tire store to call to say my replacement arrives today or tomorrow, so may still get to do some riding on vacation on my bike yet. Going darkside this time. Was thinking about it when I changed the tire in may but didnt have time to research it then. Decided this was an opportunity.
  11. I think I have talked myself into realizing this tire is just trash.even with the internal patch it's still slow ltaking and in daylight the external gash looks worse than initialassessment.i've got the metzler I pulled off memorial day weekend that still may have s thousand or two of usable life, I am getting to good at pulling the back wheel though and would prefer to only do it one more time this summer. Think I will car tire it, probably have to order one, guessing nobody near me Carries thay size in stock,isma couple hours from Indianapolis, if I could find a place up there with a Goodrich tire I might just drive up st this point.burning vacation days to work on motorcycle, no matter how much I like the bike is just wrong. Sent from my GT-S5830M using Tapatalk 2
  12. Just came in from a couple hour wrestling match with the rear tire. The plug was holding pressure the last day, but the first 24 hours it didnt. Acquired some radial patches from a car parts store. The surprise when i removed the tire, was the hunk of bone laying loose inside the tire. 2 inches long by 7/16 wide by 1/4 inch thick. Needless to say the hole on the inside of the tire was considerably larger than I had originally thought. I've put a patch on then inside, pumped it up and its on the bike. I didnt put the side bags back on because I will be surprised if the tire is still at the same pressure in the morning. While finishing up, I decided this an 'opportunity', It may be time to go, sit down, and go dark side. I had considered it before I bought this Dunlop, and since it may have met an extremely premature demise. I may be tire shopping tomorrow. Shock is still dripping, ride at least for the few short rides I made on it with the plugged tire felt normal. Looking at some of the other threads I see I am not alone this month with "BSS" Blown Shock Syndrome. time for some sleep, dreaming of what its like to not have a blown shock.
  13. No, i've Never put a bell on my bike, maybe that is the problem. Going to pull the wheel tonight our Sunday and put a patch on the inside. Just dread the effott required to get off the rim. Sent from my GT-S5830M using Tapatalk 2
  14. Okay, I had let my subscription expire and this week was just enough to push me over the edge and pay up. I start on 2 weeks vacation on saturday. I "was" all set to take some long rides. Memorial day weekend I took a short 1200 miler from my place down to atlanta, ride the georgia mountains and back. I became nervous the friday afternoon before hand that I didnt have enough tread on the rear tire. So I went to to the local dealer picked up a dunlop E3 and spent 3 hours that firday night getting it installed for a Saturday departure. All went well. yesterday the wife calls and asks if we can meet for lunch. I work from home, hopped on the bike did the 6 miles to town and then came back home. Uneventful, Last night I got on the bike to go to the grocery store. Sat down on it and thought someone had put a lowering kit on it. back tire was flat, my 1600 mile at best tire flat. jacked it up spun the tire expecting to find something metallic and instead there is this nice 'white' shard sticking out of the thickest part of the tread. Poked at it and it was a chunk of bone. The dogs collect deer parts during deer season and well I cant seem to get rid of all the bones they drug up. My luck I rode across a chunk yesterday and lacerated the tire. I dug the crud out and where it went through the belt felt to be not much bigger than the plug file. I went ahead and plugged it. I know it is frowned on by some but darn it wasnt a cheap tire and is barely worn. Now today at lunch I go out to check to see if its holding pressure, and well, my venture has decided to take a leak on the floor. I thought I had pinched an oil line somewhere with the jack but I dropped to the floor and find that its the rear shock leaking profusely. So now I have a tire I am not sure I can trust and a rear shock that has let go of most of its oil. So much for the spare cash for a long distance ride on vacation. Not sure what I will do about the tire, but just how bad is it to ride around on a rear shock that has lost its seal? So much for my sob story. Well, my wife offered me her 600 shadow to go on a ride, but it just isnt the same thing. bob
  15. What a weekend, apologies to midnigtrider1300, I left after work Thursday and stopped in Nashville for the night. Had an suv pass me on the pennyrile outside ft Campbell and as they pulled back into the lane in front of me I saw a puff of smoke and black shrapnel. They had blown their front right tire. Fortunately the tire debris was all small and they made it to shoulder okay. Then a little while later as I was merging.on I24 I zoned out and almost zombies right out of the curve, my brain. Realized I wasn't leaning enough and the body just didn't respond. Was a bit to tired even though it had only been about 3 hours of riding, I had worked 8 hours before paddling up. Got dang lucky twice on same leg. When I got to Nashville I ate and went to bed. I did ride for about 3 hours on the trace Friday morning before pointing the bike to my destination. Trip was to meet up with a friend which ended up falling through as he had another buddy pass away Friday night so he didn't make it to dothan. 2nd purpose.was to visit a German cafe in daleville, al and visit the ft rucker aviation museum. When i pulled into the lot at the cafe, they were closed for.the entire holiday weekend. I did make it to the museum though. Trip home was much less eventful In One 13 hour ride than the 2 days I took to go down. Bob Marshall, il
  16. I ROde +650 yesterday myself dothan Alabama to Marshall, il. The hottest feeling point was coming through Nashville. I had a mesh and padded riding jacket on for most of the trip. Wore a camel pack and finally dumped the water and topped off with cold water outside of ft Campbell. What was left in the pack I swear I could of taken a bath in it was so warm. While in dothan stopped at a mc dealer and jokingly asked about getting a air conditioner installed. The parts guy showed me a frog togg chilly pad. Cheap enough I got one hoping it would help. Ibhad broke the trip up down to dothan across two days and was miserable. May e it was having the sun mostly to my back on the trip home but being able to stand up and get my head and shoulder into the air stream with that wet pad on my neck sure seemed to help me feel cooler. must of hydrated a little better on the return trip, bit not much. Kidneys were producing but not in vast quantities, was competing with the sweat glands. If.I do many long rides like that in the heat, I am going to need something besides the stock seat on my 02 venture. Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
  17. Okay, I like to get out of dodge on memorial day weekend. I am in east central Illinois. Looking at a destination 500 to 600 miles out for a $100 hamburger, yes I am a pilot to. Was thinking about ft rucker Alabama to take in the army air museum, anybody know of anything better. Other thing to cross my mind is riding part of natchez trace. Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
  18. Got to correct something, It's not 25 mhz to 12.5mhz, It's khz(kilohertz). A single 25 megahertz bandwidth signal would take out the entire vhf public service band. Signal that wide might as well be spark gap.
  19. I am in the process of digging down to check valve clearances on 02 venture. Want to wait and see if they need adjusted before borrowimg the tool. However, noticed the rubber intake between Carb and head have what seem to me to be substantial cracking in the material. Should I go ahead and replace them or is this semi normal aging Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
  20. I had one of those bad experiences as well. Even though paypal and eBay made it mostly right it tainted me.so much that i basically don't even consider looking there anymore. Bought item from someone claiming they were in Everett, Washington and.of course the item was supposedly tested and worked. Got it, installed it and painfully obvious it was never properly tested.before he.put it.up for sale. That was when the fun began. Turned out the sellers official.address. for eBay wAs in victoria, so i had to ship a 50 pound box through customs to an unwilling recipient. Cost me almost 10% of what I paid to get it back north of the border. So you can add.me.to the cold.day in hades before i use ebay with any frequency again.
  21. O live on the Illinois Indiana state line near terre haute, channel 10 had a news story claiming both Indiana and Illinois had mc redligjt law take effect on jan 1. Not that matters here, my sheriff rides to and live around the corner he had told me more than once to not mess with waiting on a couple of the problem lights in our town when riding. State has never been able to get one of the lights to trip proper for a motorcycle. But glad it is official on record now.
  22. My 02 does it too, no idea what causes it.
  23. So where can one find hitched for second gens. O had tried Dennis kirk at one point out of desperTion and didn't find anything on last attempt. Bob e Marshall, il
  24. In my area, yes. That driver gets their car towed unless they can provide the proof. Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
  25. Not sure about the other guy, but I rooted my phone for several reasons. To get the plethora of carrier bloatware off of it, to be able to install what i want. My main reason though was to put the version of android on of my choosing not the carriers. I am also a developer and had plans to write a few apps for myself, though I have yet to find the time with everything else going on in life. I have not regretted rooting mine. Bob e
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