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    marshall, IL, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 midnight venture
  1. Deja vu, at least you weren't 1000 miles from home like I was 2 weeks ago. Ride it all day with a regulator like that and the battery gets so hot cant touch and whistles like a tea kettle. Glad you are safe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. And just a final note from myself,. Made it home this evening after a long +700 mile day. I left Pratt, Kansas this morning and avoided interstates for the first half of trip so it was a long day, but my venture has regained my trust. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Oh. I bought a new ratchet set, u joint to get ti the regulator bolts, I spent a lot of time Monday and Tuesday winning around farm supply stores, . Kmart and hardware stores. I could of saved myself some money, I spotted and ended up buying one of those small side post battery ratchet wrenches that has a 10mm and 5/32? Socket. It fit easily up to tighten the bolts even the left one that the radiator kind of block's With the new regulstor I had no problem using that. The oem regulator. The bolts sit a little lower with the guns and I had initially used the big ratchet. The battery wrench fits in the tooky bag a lot easier though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Yeah, regulator was in back of my mind as a potential problem down road, I just didn't expect to get to that stop sign in the middle of nowhere. I put 400 miles on the bike today, trading the state roads back home been in U.S. 54 all day-to-day note in pratt Kansas for the night. If I were to put a finger on when the regulator blew, on the ride today I thought of something. August 21, ok road down to cave in rock Illinois to watch the eclipse. On the way back the 3 hour ride took 6 hours and several hours wss in stop and go idling barely moving. Temps were in the 90s and the radiator fan was running a lot. I was worried then about the extended idling running the battery down. Maybe that contributed to its demise or accelerated it. My mood is much better today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. The bolts that came with new regulator were to short thicker heatsink, but Napa provided Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. And in the spirit of rawhide being filmed around tucumcari,..... Rolling, rolling, rolling, keep this doggie rolling Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Post arrived, slight problem,. But should be able to rectify st Napa. Heat sink is much thicker and mounting bolts are to short, but I'm checking out if room Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I have enough trouble squeezing everything in to the storage on my venture, losing the back trunk, [emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. That does remind me that I need ti check the tail light, I had put an led 1157 replacement in the taillight, couldn't believe the increased tail light and license plate illumination, Neff ti check out to make sure that is still working before I get on the road Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. How to have a heart attack. Ups tracking was showing a message about a flight delay but it ahould arrive today but possibly late. The website had not updated from Albuquerque since 5am, it just updated and I nearly had a cardiac, it showed arribal scan of Las Vegas.... It took me a serving to focus on the phone screen ti see it wad las Vegas, nm and not Nevada. So it's moving this way and judging the time between Albuquerque departures and the scan at Vegas it's still moving on a plane. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Yes takes voltage and current to produce power, and I was so tempted to just put new battery in and head home and watching the battery temps, not sure who makes this new battery I picked up at Napa but at least from a battery post standpoint the construction of this battery looks significantly better than the Wal-Mart battery. I've been trying to figure when the regulator got flakey. I took my 22 yo daughter with me on a memorial day ride from East centrsl Illinois down to Nashville and the full natchez trace and then interstates home. Suspect it went out after that, but other than my long rides it's mostly lots of local ridden with an occasional trio to Indianapolis which is about 2 hours one way. I'll know something about the ups delivery in about an hour. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Waiting on package, found out that the tiny ups depot I'd in town and went and the"full to then last night. They are going to pull the package so I can pick it up when it get here, should be several hours sooner than if I have to wait on it here at motel. But ups tracking shows a flight deejay, it got to Albuquerque at 5am, they have a small cargo plane that flies into the local airport. Originally was ti be here about 1030, hoping it is close to that time. Going to be optimistic and load the bike up but not check out until last minute. I wss able ti get the regulator unbolted yesterday, I did not try to do it down and unhook, I hope the plug is not a bear to unhook, but I'm ready going to be heading home later today, Think positive Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I started flying sailplanes when I was 13, soloed at 14 and seat belts are just second nature because of that, though I miss those 4 and 5 point harnesses in the car:) I was 16 driving a big old mercury Montego ,1969 station wagon, going caving in the back country of southern Indiana, took a wring turn and backtracking on a gravel road. I had two friends riding in the front seat who were not belted. We were going down a gravel steep hill and all three of us at the last moment remembered the 90 degree turn up ahead with sheer drop. I felt the back wheels pendulum back and forth off the road on both sides trying to recover from the skid, and we were barely going 30. They both slammed into me on one iteration of the slide. I've always been convinced if I hadn't had my belt on we probably would have been getting towed out at a minimum. Those slippery vinyl seats were horrible Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Once in a great while, I'll ride up to the end of the driveway, 1/4 mile without my helmet. Having hit a dog st 40mph 30 years ago and remembering counting the helmet strikes as I tumbled down the pavement adds to my personal insistence of wearing one on the road Like the other poster, for 12 years I was an EMT-I on the local paid volunteer ambulance service. Saw too much bad stuff to not appreciate seatbelts in cars and safety equipment in general Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. And in the cool morning air two 35 mph trips 2.5 miles up the road to Napa and the regulator was still holding 14.2. At least I can do short ride to the food strip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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