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Everything posted by MAINEAC

  1. WOW!! All you gotta do is whine to get an award???? I was wondering how that worked... Maybe we should call them the "Whiney Awards"... I noticed Squidley has a boatload... That's probably fitting... I guess this post won't get me any award... Que sera sera... I can't help it if some people don't have a sense of humor... I'm a victum of Coicumstance nyuk nyuk nyuk
  2. Yo Bill you forgot the pics...
  3. Man I don't know what you guys did when you were kids or maybe you can't remember that far back... I remember cranking up Deep Purple, J. Geils, Steppenwolf, etc. etc. on my car stereos and older people hated it back then too... But I didn't care it was cool... now my Jensen Tri-axles didn't crank like some of these new sound systems but you could hear me coming down the road.. As far as the windshield washer trick... I've had people do that to me on my bike and I don't like it... I think a few have done it on purpose and one guy got a 1/2 a cup of Dunkin Donuts cup of coffee splattered on his windshield that magically flew out of my cup holder.. Payback is a Beeaatch..
  4. I'm planning an escape from the Frozen Tundra and was messing around on weather.com looking for a weather window to plan my escape.. I found the Interstate Forecast feature which is nice but it gives temps in various cities all at the same time of day... But if you select Option 2 you enter your leaving city and can add cities at the time of day you're going through them. It's snowing here Mon. but Tues. is cold and clear... I'm hoping the Main roads are clear of ice & snow by Wed. cuz Thurs & Fri another snowstorm coming through. So I got one chance to get out of here this week. I'm going to FL for Daytona Bike Week. I had to mess with the formatting to post it here... It's actually easier to read on the weather. com website... I think it's java or something... Anyhow here's what my trip is looking like... My Travel Summary Below are the forecasts for your selected cities and times. Forecasts are based on the time of day you selected. If your trip is more than 10 days away, you will see averages and records for that day. Belfast, ME, US Feb 25 Morning ( 7a - 9a ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/32.gif?12122006 Hi: 29°F Lo: 11°F Precip: 0% Wind: From the West Northwest at 15 Worcester, MA, US Feb 25 Noon ( 11a - 1p ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/32.gif?12122006 Hi: 28°F Lo: 16°F Precip: 0% Wind: From the West Northwest at 17 New York, NY, US Feb 25 Late Afternoon ( 3p - 5p ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/31.gif?12122006 Hi: 38°F Lo: 23°F Precip: 0% Wind: From the North Northwest at 5 Baltimore, MD, US Feb 25 Late Evening ( 7p - 9p ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/31.gif?12122006 Hi: 40°F Lo: 28°F Precip: 0% Wind: From the Northwest at 5 Washington, DC, US Feb 25 Late Evening ( 7p - 9p ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/31.gif?12122006 Hi: 42°F Lo: 26°F Precip: 0% Wind: From the North Northeast at 6 Fayetteville, NC, US Feb 25 Midnight ( 11p - 1a ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/29.gif?12122006 Hi: 52°F Lo: 29°F Precip: 0% Wind: From the Southeast at 2 Florence, SC, US Feb 26 Early Morning ( 3a - 5a ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/28.gif?12122006 Hi: 59°F Lo: 46°F Precip: 10% Wind: From the Southeast at 6 Savannah, GA, US Feb 26 Sunrise ( 5a - 7a ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/28.gif?12122006 Hi: 67°F Lo: 52°F Precip: 10% Wind: From the East at 7 Jacksonville, FL, US Feb 26 Morning ( 7a - 9a ) http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/31/30.gif?12122006 Hi: 71°F Lo: 49°F Precip: 10% Wind: From the East at 8
  5. The Yamaha rack is kinda small for my use... I have the Gold Wing JC Whitney style I bought on ebay for $45. It gets some rust on the welds once in a while but it polishes out.. If I wasn't so cheap I'd buy this billet rack... Link Here http://www.americanmotorcycleaccessories.com/prodimages/2017.JPG
  6. Yo Animal when are you heading out... I'll probably be cruizin through VA on Thurs.... BTW I still got yours and Honey's #s... I look forward to hooking up with you guys..
  7. I just found out today... I'm heading to Florida... Probably gonna leave Wed if the roads are clear of snow... It's supposed to snow Thurs & Fri.... Wed. calling for a High of 33F... Anyone else going to be there or riding down??? Lowell will I see you over there this year? I'll be staying in Kissimmee 2/27 - 3/8... Might do a Key West trip in there... I hope to see some of you guys down there...
  8. That French Roof Boxer looks like it would come in handy if you were a Star Wars Groupie or something...
  9. I bought one similar to this on ebay for $50 shipped... I wear glasses and use this when it's cold out and I can flip up the front to have a smoke while riding... http://www.discountramps.com/mcImages/modular-helmets-7.jpg ebay link here
  10. Goose nailed it... But I'd like to add this... If you see me coming from the other way on a dark road... Ill be the guy giving you the friendly flick of my brights... It's my little way of sayin' 'Hey Numbnutts kill the brights!!"... Then if you leav'em bright I wait til you get close and hit my brights... It's my little way of sayin' "I hope my silverstars drilled a hole in the back of your skull @sswipe!!!"
  11. Here in the Northeast they all charge by the axle and it's BS... Another pet peeve of mine is the Maine State Ferry Service charges a MC the same rate as a car... Even Mass. gives bikes a break on their ferrys... UBM is trying to fix that..
  12. Sounds like bad gas has gummed up your carbs... I would try the seafoam 1st but that didn't do it on my Bro's RSV in FL... He just brought his to a dealer and they did a full diagnostic check on the bike for $98 then determined it was the carbs... They pulled the carbs and acid dipped them... changed the diaphrams, synced the carbs for a total of $550... My Bro says the bike never ran as good as it's running right now... But now it has so much power his clutch is slipping... It was propably slipping before he just didn't notice...
  13. I thought they didn't have crime in Canada????
  14. Maybe if you talk nice to her your wife would explain the rules to you... Hope you're feeling better Ivana
  15. I'm missing something... What does bumper stickers have to do with this news story???
  16. Botched Pizza Order Leads to Beating PALM COAST, FL (AP) -- Flagler County authorities say a restaurant owner pistol-whipped and beat a customer who complained that his takeout order was incorrect. Joseph Milano, the owner of Goomba's Pizzeria, has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and released on bail. According to a police report, security footage from the pizzeria shows that Milano struck Richard Phinney with a gun. He then jumped over a counter and started to assault Phinney and his roommate. Phinney was at the pizzeria to collect a refund for a calzone, which he said was prepared incorrectly. He was taken to a hospital after the incident with a bloodied head. Original story here Don't mess with Goombas
  17. That kinda crap has been going on for years for CDL drivers... NY and CT are the worst for losing track of paid fines... I know cuz I've had the same go around there.. Good luck getting it straightened out..
  18. Check the back up fuse under the left battery side cover... I think it's the one closest to the front..
  19. Nice footwork Dave!! I had a similar situation (without the accident) in FL last year where a woman just moved into my left lane (no turn signals of course) while I was beside her and almost drove me into the median... I hit the rumble strip, the stebel air horn and the brakes at he same time and the Stebel moved her back over... Stebel air horn = the best 40 bucks I've spent and I don't leave home without it..
  20. George I've been giving that same advice to anyone that will listen... I had a heads up to this cuz my Bro's got the sealed beams and they do a poor job of adding light and look kinda yellow... So when I ordered my passing lamps I got the RSV light bar and the Stratoliner lights... The Strat bulbs didn't work out and I've replaced the bezels with wannabe Adjure tri-bars (similar to the V-Star bulbs) and they work great... I'm using the 55W Silverstars in mine but I also have the Buckeye Performance higher output stator... I ran the 55W with my old stator for about a year but the stator burned up.. One more thing if you go with the 35W H-3s buy an extra set of bulbs because they can be hard to find in stores... Most I've been to only carry the 55W bulbs... Do you already have passing lamps or are you buying them for the 1st time? If you already have the chrome buckets you just need to replace the bezels.. If you're just adding passing lamps get the RSV passing lamp light bar and the V-Star (or other H-3) passing lamps... This will come with the chrome buckets, bezel, and H-3 bulb and some wiring... Good Luck
  21. It's a chicken and egg thing... If the thermostat can freeze so can the radiator...I have seen previously open thermostats freeze up during engine operation... But if the thermostat is open the warm engine coolant will usually keep the radiator from freezing at above -30 F... Below that and all bets are off.. I ran a "winter front" on my truck for years and it wasn't there to keep the anti-freeze from freezing it was to allow the anti-freeze to get warm enough to produce heat inside the cab... The old Cummins and Detroit Diesels had a problem staying warm when it got below 0... Never had a problem with Cats as they always seemed to produce enough heat... Todays big trucks can't use a full winterfront because of the aftercoolers...
  22. 3000 Miles???? I'd have to change my oil 10 times a year... I pay extra for Amsol Synthetic so I don't have to change it so often... I usually go 6K miles but have gone 10K between changes on 1 occasion... Also in the 62K miles I've put on my RSV I've never had to add a drop of oil... For the record I use K&N oil filters cuz that's what my Bro carries in his shop... I'm gonna try the Shell Rotella this spring... I ran that in my big trucks for years..
  23. That happens when the thermostat freezes shut and won't allow the the water/coolant to circulate and the engine overheats... In cars I've poured very hot water on the thermostat housing to fix that problem...
  24. My theory is the freeze plugs will pop and the engine will be saved... After all that is the function and purpose of the freeze plugs...
  25. My mechanic buddy turned me on to this stuff... No mixing involved... He says that's what they use at the track... http://www.mxbits.com/acatalog/Engine_Ice_medium.jpg Click here to go to website Engine Ice Hi-Performance Coolant offers superior performance in all types of water-cooled engines. Our initial research was primarily in the area of off road motorcycle performance. All of our research proved that Engine Ice Hi-Performance Coolant provided superior performance in most all conditions. Right from the outset, our product was able to reduce operating temperatures by as much as 50oF. So we figured, Why wouldn't it work in street bikes! So we began testing in various models of street bikes from the high-performance road race machines to the standard street bike and Engine Ice exceeded even our expectations. For the 2008 Road Racing season, Engine Ice Hi-Performance Coolant is legal in AMA, CCS and FUSA road racing. We are so proud of our product and wanted to show the road race community how well Engine Ice performs in the most extreme conditions, we sponsored the Engine Ice 200 Mile Team Challenge as part of the Formula USA Road Race Series. The Engine Ice 200 Mile Team Challenge series was won by one of our sponsored teams, Edge Motorsports, a race team that realized the benefits of Engine Ice Hi-Performance Coolant and chose to use our product throughout the series. You can get just a partial list of the top caliber racers who are smart enough to choose Engine Ice Hi-Performance Coolant for their racing machines. Even if you are just a casual rider, we're confident that you will experience great results with Engine Ice Hi-Performance Coolant in your machine.
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