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Everything posted by MAINEAC

  1. Some people call it Winter Storm Warning.... in Maine we call it Friday..
  2. If I was gonna get a Valkyrie it would have to be the Rune... Those things are off the hook...http://farm1.static.flickr.com/183/383663391_54cea5be14.jpg
  3. David if this offer still stands I'll swap you my pillowtops for your corbin... I took the trunk of mine and the passenger seat is just too big.. Send me a PM and see if we can work this out... I'll send you one and just to show you I'm a sport I'll pay shipping for both seats..
  4. Wind. Snow. Ice. Blizzard conditions. 2,000 miles. 30 states. 100 million people. Worst storm in 40 years. State of emergency. Natural disaster. In Maine we call it... Wednesday
  5. I'm running a Dunlop 404 Rear tire on the front.. Getting ready to install my 3rd CT on my bike.. I couldn't score a Kumho anywhere so I'm gonna try a Nexen this time..
  6. I'm sure the mice in your garage will be real impressed .... I don't even wash mine when I put it up cuz we usually get a couple of days here and there during the winter that i can get a ride in... but salt and sand on the road gets it pretty dirty... I wash mine in the spring or a while after i get to FL in March... I keep the war paint on in FL for a while so all the trailer queens know I rode mine down...
  7. I never owned a 1st gen..... BUT..... I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night.. Seriously tho it's the old Standard VS Cruiser thing... I always preferred a cruiser... My cruiser goes plenty fast enough to kill myself... why would I wanna speed up the process??
  8. KJ are you the guy that wanted to swap a corbin for pillowtops??? If so I can make the deal now... I just scored a freebie truck so I have backup wheels now... before i couldn't go without my seat and at the time I was planning on coming to TX... Well plans changed .. My Bro in FL needed me to help him out... But if you wanna swap that corbin for my pillows I'm ready..
  9. I had a Chevy Lumina van that did that and something was actually rubbing the inside of the tire...
  10. I had a malemute that almost died from chicken bones... They come out like razor blades... Vet was inside up to his elbow cleaning him out... A bunch of anti-biotics and canned food cleared him up tho... I had another Dob-shep mix that stole a packaged unopened strawberry-rubarb pie off a counter and didn't leave a crumb..

    RSTD ?

    You might wanna rethink that... I took off my trunk this summer and that pillowtop seat now looks like I grabbed a pillow off the couch and stuck it on my back fender... just sayin'
  12. Cool old bike... love this syle... I posted a pic of that bike on my facebook a while back... it looks like something Arlen Ness would do... In fact Arlen actually made a similar bike shown here... http://www.duccutters.com/ArlenNess-Smoothness.tpl http://www.duccutters.com/ArlenNess-Smoothness/arlend%7E3.jpg
  13. AAA don't do bikes.. As an organization they seem to be anti-bike IMHO
  14. WOW!!! You park your bike in a spot reserved for a pregnant woman and you're giving advice on how to be a gentleman... You don't see any irony in this?? Too friggin funny..
  15. It's not really a plug without a link... http://www.compacc.com/ There ya go Ruff got your back... Good talkin to ya at Biketoberfest Bud... Hope all is well in your world..
  16. There is a lot of abuse with those handicap mirror signs so you need to cut the guy a little slack... Maybe if you just explained to him your disability you could have difused the tension... My own sister uses my deceased father's placard to park in the closer spots.. Someone mentioned pregnant woman spots... Are you for real?? You really begrudge a pregnant woman getting a closer spot?? Then you compound that with taking one of those spots.. Just when you think you've heard everything...
  17. What were you interested in trading for Thumper?
  18. No I haven't posted any pics of mine... wasn't sure what someone would want in trade... Will try to score a camera to take some pics... Mine is like yous... show's normal wear but no tears... Yes my backrest is off right now while I paint the trunk... we can trade all the pieces..
  19. That's what I am looking for... black with studs... Guess I'll see what Thumper wants for his and go from there... I'll probably be in Houston in a few weeks after Sturgis... I miss the studs when I had my midnight seats...
  20. I'm still waiting for Thumper tp post some pics... maybe we can work a 3 way deal..
  21. If I can get my stuff together I'll be leaving Maine on Thursday... Not sure where I'm staying yet and no firm plans... Just flyin by the seat of my pants.. I'm on a low budget so I'll probably be camping at state parks on the way out...
  22. Hey Thump I'd like to see that grey seat... I just painted my RSV with bedliner paint and the grey would probably look good.. Get the pics up and I'll try to get some up on my $80 paint job...
  23. EZ if I don't end up trading them I'll get back to you...
  24. I'm stripping down my RSV and removed the trunk and the stock seat looks like I stole a pillow off the couch and stuck it on the back fender... I know some of you have tried the Corbin and don't like it or your passenger don't like it and have one sitting in your garage... I don't have a lot of money but I have some items for trade if anyone is interested... I would be willing to work a deal... 2006 Yamaha Pillowtop seat... Very Good condition Yamaha chrome rotor covers - Brand new Old Stock (These are discontinued and getting very hard to find if not impossible and went for $150 a piece... Caliper cover in photo not included) http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/images/STR-4NK15-10-00.jpg Show Chrome RS Caliper covers - Brand New (These are easily modified to fit a Venture... These go for $65 a piece) http://www.scootworks.com/swcart/shop/bbp/62-108l.jpg Kuryakyn Gold Wing Ring of Fire - Brand new (These are the ring of LED Lights that go around the rotor covers and stick on with double sided tape... The ones I have are amber lights around the outside and amber lights facing in to the wheels... I think these go for around $100 a piece) http://www.macsmotorcycle.com/acatalog/7391-sm.jpg Yamaha Chrome Billet Passenger Floorboards - Used in Very Good condition (these listed for like $200)http://accessories.yamaha-motor-europe.com/files/images/EU/STR4WM573001_HR.jpg I got some other stuff too... Who wants to make a deal?
  25. They came off my 03 which I bought in 05...
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