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Everything posted by MAINEAC

  1. Velly Interesting.... I'll have to try that when I get around to swapping my P.O.S. Avon with my Kumho Powerstar.
  2. If it were me I'd use these Petercar lights for 10 bucks... http://www.bigrigchromeshop.com/Merchant2/up_large/UP39451.jpg Man they got some cool stuff on that site... I'm glad I found it
  3. Here's what you need Shlep.... http://www.bigrigchromeshop.com/Merchant2/sl_sm/SP-42100A.jpg or http://www.bigrigchromeshop.com/Merchant2/sl_sm/SP-62120AC.jpg or any of the hundeds of other lights this site has... Don't waste your money on those LED replacement bulbs they're junk http://www.bigrigchromeshop.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=BRCS/CTGY/MCLSP
  4. You mean these.... http://www.cyclewareables.com/pages/wheels_custom_metric_jardine/jardine_wheel.gif http://www.cyclewareables.com/pages/wheels_custom_metric_jardine/custom_wheels.htm
  5. "seasoned"???? Is that something you get done in a Pickle Park? LEDs use less juice than regular bulbs and you should know that Mr. TruckDriver.
  6. I hauled my RSV to Bike Week in a 8' Ford F-150... I think I coulda closed the tailgate if it weren't for my fishtails.
  7. Call it "The Inquisition" or think what you want... This is a fairly new mod that I'm going to do myself and I want to know about any potential pitfals that may occur. That's the purpose of this forum.
  8. Is this anyone here? I scanned it from the July 2008 Hot Bike Baggers Magazine.
  9. Where did you get the WWW? Did you paint them on?
  10. Not sure where Rte 11 is unless you mean NY... If you're crossing NW VT and want to minimize Interstates... I'd suggest I-89 S to 104A E to 104E to 15E to US-2 all the way to Bangor, ME where 2 runs right into I-395 which will hook you up with "The Airline" Rte 9 to a short jaunt down Rte 1 S to the Calais - St. Stephen Border Crossing... Not the most scenic ride Northern New England has to offer but pretty good... Should take 7 - 8 hours riding time depending on your pace... Local info: Helmets optional for adults in NH & ME Lots of wildlife on this route... Moose, Deer, Bear, Fox, Coyotes, Racoons, Porqupine, etc... Be very careful at Dusk - Night.. Moose eyes don't reflect like Deer and their darker color makes them harder to see at night. ME is not 'line-locked".. You can pass legally on a double solid yellow line... But you must use your head and can still be charged with unsafe passing... but it comes in handy with slow vehicles and farm equipment... Not sure about VT & NH.. and Vt has too few passing areas for my liking. Can have alot of Truck Traffic from St. Johnsbury, VT to Newport, ME. Alternate Route: Take the Cat High Speed Ferry from Bar Harbor, ME to Yarmouth, NS and ride roads back. http://www.catferry.com/fares-pricing/ ... It costs about $170 for bike & rider.. $79 for passenger. If you have a little extra time you can go south on I-93 through Franconia Notch State Park... One of the most scenic NH has to offer and ride down to Lincoln and across Rte 112 which is known as the Kancamagus Highway which runs through the heart of the White Mountains.. It will add about 50 miles and 1 Hour travel time to your trip... I think it's worth it if you have the time. Have a safe trip,
  11. If you have a pick-up all you need is a pair of ramps or hire a ramp truck to load it into your pick up... Maybe someone in the Kitchener group has some ramps you can borrow... You'll also need 4 good ratchet straps.. It worked for Me on my trip to Daytona Bike Week and back... Good Luck and I hope you're feeling better.
  12. Wow .. I've only replaced my rear brakes once in 58,000 miles.... Not sure what brand and I do swap'em around when nessesary.
  13. I'm getting here late... Don did the personal attacks get deleted? I don't see them.
  14. Phil chances are it was water coming off the Air conditioner as condensation.... Not Anti-Freeze or oil.
  15. Anyone have or considering a front radial tire... Avon and Dunlop have them in our size 150/80R16... The new Avon Cobra and the Dunlop D251 which are listed for Gold Wings and are 71V which is are rated for 149 mph and 760 lbs Load rating... looks like this may be a pretty good setup... i don't think I'll get more than 2K more miles out of my Avon Venom front... I'll probably get the Dunlop as I'm not too impressed with Avon Tyres.. According to some websites these tires fit Honda VTXs and Kawi Vulcan 2000... Oh Yeah BTW Bridgestone makes a Radial in our size too. http://www.avon-tyres.co.uk/motorcycle/images/tyres/big/half/h_RGB-Cobra-AV71.jpg http://www.dunlopmotorcycle.com/tires/80_t.jpg
  16. Thanks Don... I think we can act like Grown Ups
  17. You rode 350 miles on a wobbly tire??? OK.... Well sounds like you might have had a balancing issue or maybe the bead wasn't seated 100%... How did you and your friend balance the wheel? How much air pressure did it take to seat the bead? Did you take pictures of the tire on your bike? Inquiring minds want to know
  18. If it's mold the only thing I know that kills that is Bleach..
  19. Well I was told you have about .5" of clearance on both sides and the 165 is .4" wider so I hope there's no clearance issues. I'll keep you posted on my results.. They said 1-6 days shipping so it'll probably be next week before I get it on.

    New Skins?

    I only got 7500 miles out of a rear Avon.. I know others are claiming up to 3 times that.. I don't know how they do it.. Just be careful on wet roads.. I found the Avons to be a little suspect on wet roads compared to the Dunlop 404s.. I hope you have better luck than I did... I'm going to the Dark Side and just bought a Car Tire.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=222816#post222816
  21. I couldn't find the Federal 165/80-15.. Seems Tire Warehouse had a inventory glitch and don't have any... So I just bought a Kuhmo Power Star 758 on Ebay for $68.58 shipped. http://www.tyretown.com/upload/products/1218.jpg 165/80TR15 . Treadwear: 400 Traction: A Temperature: B400 A B Speed Rating “T” = 118mph (190kph) 87T Load Index 87 = 1201lbs (545kg) per tire Max. Inflation Press. 35 psi Rim Width Range 4-5.5" Overall Diam. 25.4" Tread Depth 9/32"
  22. Just kidding Froggy... Run whatcha Brung
  23. http://www.bikez.com/main/headingwings.gif 80 Yamaha XS 400 discussion Join the owners' forum for tips, comments, questions and answers
  24. Hey, glad you figured it out.. I gotta track a non charging issue when I get home.. Tried a rectifier that didn't work
  25. They're pretty loud when you get on it... Not too loud riding normal.
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