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Everything posted by MAINEAC

  1. GOOD THINKING!!! So you can check your oil and do your mascara at the same time... what a time saver...
  2. I originally bought the Stratoliner 2 bulb lights and the RSV light bar... The bottom bulb is just a parking type lamp... not sure what the size is and the passing lamp is a H3... I upgraded to Silverstars because the left original blew within a week... they use U-Haul type splicers inside the bucket to connect the 2 bulbs and they did a poor job of connecting them... So I fixed that and installed the Silverstars and they burnt the little grey reflector cups in there... turned them purple & blue... I think the originals were 35 W H3s... Then the glass cracked right where my little Star Visors were positioned... I guess it took a few bumps to do that... So I swapped out the Strat Lamps... In case you haven't figured it out yet... I do not reccomend the Stratoliner Passing Lamps.
  3. The H rating is good for 130 mph... The only way mines going that fast is if I ride it off a cliff doing 120 mph...
  4. Unless the higher rated tire is a Metzeler.. then all bets are off
  5. The Avon 80H is the tire I just removed @ 7500 miles... the website called it reinforced... As you know I'm not a big fan of Avons.
  6. Here's a newsflash Gig... In 1975 that was a tourer not a cafe racer... Nice score!!!
  7. You're signature is working my post was directed to pilot he just upgraded from a 07 RSV to a 09 Ultra... Wow I guess I gotta spell everything out... BTW Kite that's a very sporting offer... that should entitle you to an exceptional member flag... You're quite the Humanitarian
  8. Thanks Squid... My point is the Dunlop load rating apears artificially low and can be exceeded without problems and the Metzeler load rating seems like it would be hard to exceed yet they have numerous failures and blame overloading as the cause... So it seems load rating as a guideline is overated as Mfgs must use different methods or stardards to come up with their load ratings...
  9. WOW!!! Trade a 07 RSV for a 09 Ultra... Must be nice... I'm still paying on my 03
  10. I rode one at Daytona Bike Week and was disapointed with the legroom but all the controls are adjustable and it's the same wheelbase as the RSV so probably with the adjustments and hiway pegs I could probably stretch out... As far as the bags go it's supposed to be the same amount of gallons as the RSV and the Ultra... I think the shape makes it look like smaller storage...
  11. Here's the e-mail they sent me.. http://pi54.com/Victory2009/email/promo_ridermagazine.jpg Dear Victory Motorcycle® Enthusiast, Don't just take our word for it - read the opinions of legendary motorcycle journalist Clement Salvadori. The noted rider and author rode the Victory Vision Tour to Death Valley and wrote about his extremely pleasurable riding experience in the June 2008 issue of RIDER. "This machine shines..." he wrote in the article titled "Vision Quest." "Good acceleration, good brakes, good lean factor, good comfort." To read the article yourself, click here You'll learn how the Victory Vision - the new standard bearer for luxury-touring motorcycles - impressed a touring connoisseur who has ridden millions of miles and written thousands of magazine articles. After reading Mr. Salvadore's article, visit your Victory dealer to see the Victory Vision for yourself. Have a seat on the bike that will deliver the best riding experience of your life. To locate your nearest dealer click here. Victory: The New American Motorcycle™
  12. I'm with Peg... Victory broke the mold and came out with something refreshing and new and hopefully Yamaha will get the hint and come out with something new next year... I happen to like the Vic and think it's a pretty cool ride and if I had the money you guys got I'd probably buy one... I guess Ol' Salvatore Clement likes it too... http://www.pi54.com/Victory2009/PDF/Vision_Quest_Rider_Final.pdf
  13. The front Metz 880 & D-404 are rated the same 71H = 761 lbs The rear Dunlop 404 is rated @ 74H = 827 lbs The rear Metz 880 shows a reinforced 80H = ??? Not sure Metzs site sucks and doesn't show weights and Dunlop doesn't have a tire rated 80... but a 77H is 908 so a 80H has gotta be around 1000 lbs. I can tell you from experience the Dunlop load rating is artificially low... Cuz I've had way over the 827 lbs on mine before riding 2 up and pulling a trailer with the only problem was it wearing out at 7000 miles which is understandable. Metzeler used the overloaded and underinflated excuse whenever they had a failure... Their load ratings are higher than Dunlops yet the Dunlops have very few failures..
  14. Ply separations, chunks of rubber falling off, and a couple of blowouts... see for yourself.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?searchid=716887
  15. You only lose the power savings while your turn signals are flashing... At all other times there is a power savings... I don't know about you but my turn signals are flashing a small percent of the time I'm riding.
  16. It's the Victory Vision.. http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/victory/vision/experience/
  17. I am running the Kumho Powerstar 758 165/80-R15... I have 2000 miles so far... no clearance issues or rubbing... I had a wobble @ 32 Lbs... I boosted air to 40 lbs no wobble... Too early for me to recommend as it's a work in progress and need to put a new front tire to give fair analysis... So far so good
  18. Wear bars are there to tell you when to change the tire... when the wear bars are flush with the meat of the tire it's time to change it... And if your state does inspections the tire will not pass.. That being said I think most of us have gone past the wear bars a time or 2 without any problems.. But I usually adjust my riding style during these periods and avoid wet roads like the plague.. I bought my 03 with 10K miles on it and it had Bridgestones on it... I assumed they were the original and I got 2K more miles out of them but swapped them out because the front was badly cupped... I switched to Dunlop 404s cuz I wanted Wide Whitewalls and fell in love with them cuz they were 100% better than the Bridgestones ever thought of being.. I got mixed mileage out of a bunch of 404s... 7K (2 up w/ trailer 3 week trip) to 14K out of the rears... 10 to 20K for fronts... I then tried the Avons after reading how great they were and was disapointed as I only got 7500 out of the rear running 95% 1 up and very little towing... I also do not like the wet road hadleing of the Avons... But my opinion doesn't matter because everyone else loves them.... I still have the smaller front on 10K but am thinking about going with a radial front to match up with my radial car tire rear.. For the Car Tire Record... I had a wobble at 32 lbs of air and I boosted the air to 40 and no more wobble... I'm not for or against the CT conversion yet as I only have 2000 miles on it and I'm still running a 75% worn front smaller sized Avon... I'll reserve judgement to see how this works out in the long haul... But so far it's been pretty good once I figured out what pressure to run.. I can still feel some of the nubs on the tire after 2K
  19. Hey Jeff is this the Carrier? http://www.streetperformance.com/ART/PRODUCTS/101484/90087.jpg

    Sig too large?

    Ah.. The plate looks grainy... i think I screwed something up

    Sig too large?

    I fixed mine now it looks like crap.
  22. Who said you Newfies are goofy? Good job Keith!!! The only nuts on my seat are the ones on top of it...
  23. This is America!!!! You can wear the Flag anyway you want... I really like what this young lady has done with her flag... http://www.lalalingerie.com/prodimages/H2002.jpg
  24. I think the Vision looks pretty cool especially without the "removable" trunk... I did the Daytona Bike Week test ride and I was disapointed with the legroom... I thought it had less legroom than my RSV... I thought it was closer to an Ultra Glides legroom and the floorboards are higher and the seat is lower so you squat a little more... I guess Hiway pegs could fix it.. I might have to take up my local Victory Dealer's offer to test ride... They send me e-mails every other week... Maybe I'll cruize over to Bah Habba
  25. What are you using Goose? Something you bought or made up yourself? you got pics?
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