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Everything posted by MAINEAC

  1. I Can't help it... Everytime I hear Tucumcari I think of this song and Lowell George (4/13/45 - 6/29/79) R.I.P. ... I included the lyrics in case anyone wants to sing along at home [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrCMlSWlDX8&fmt=18]YouTube - Little Feat - Willin'[/ame] Willin' Lowell George I been warped by the rain, driven by the snow I'm drunk and dirty don't ya know, and I'm still, willin' Out on the road late at night, Seen my pretty Alice in every head light Alice, Dallas Alice I've been from Tuscon to Tucumcari Tehachapi to Tonapah Driven every kind of rig that's ever been made Driven the back roads so I wouldn't get weighed And if you give me: weed, whites, and wine And you show me a sign I'll be willin', to be movin' I've been kicked by the wind, robbed by the sleet Had my head stoved in, but I'm still on my feet and I'm still... willin' Now I smuggled some smokes and folks from Mexico Baked by the sun, every time I go to Mexico, and I'm still And I been from Tuscon to Tucumcari Tehachapi to Tonapah Driven every kind of rig that's ever been made Driven the back roads so I wouldn't get weighed And if you give me: weed, whites, and wine And you show me a sign I'll be willin', to be movin
  2. Yeah I know... I've been across I-40... I was just jokin around... Hence the Comic Font... I've seen that road get pretty slick during a hard rain after a dry spell... Keep it between the lines Man..
  3. I would have done more but in 2006 I only did 6000 miles cuz I was Truckin for America..
  4. 42 months - 62,000 miles on my 03
  5. Newsflash Rick... Winter ain't here yet.... On December 21st you can officialy be tired of winter...
  6. Al it sounds like your squelch is set too high... Lower your squelch until you hear static then go back up one notch... If you don't get any static with the squelch all the way off then you have radio and/or antennae problems..
  7. Wow that's quite a snowstorm... Here in Maine we call that a "dusting"... Did anyone there ever hear of sand... Last time I was in West Texas that's all I saw was sand... You see if you sprinkle some sand on the roads the cars won't slip as much... Then if you mix a little salt or calcium chloride in the sand it will help melt the ice... Hey Brian you could get in on the ground floor on this...
  8. OKay... The way it was posted I thought it was a recent development but couldn't find anything about a bankruptcy... So now you're saying they went into bankruptcy a few years ago but they've recovered now... So what's the point of the original post? Did you just wanna beat on Walmart a little?
  9. They may be bankrupt but they have $6 + million to spend on a new store... Council clears tax agreement for new H-E-B By Chris Cobb The Herald-Zeitung Published December 9, 2008 The city’s second H-E-B grocery store could be going up soon on Loop 337 and Texas 46 after the New Braunfels City Council on Monday approved a tax incentive agreement with the developers to help shoulder road construction costs..... The rest of the story
  10. Some of you guys are giving H-D way too much credit... This bike is a retro dirt tracker styled after Motorcycle Hall of Famer Jay Springsteen's old XS-750... Except the pipes are on the wrong side... It was thought that it was going to be a Europe only model but I guess enough Americans P*ssed & Moaned about it they decided to include a "Limited" run of these here in the U.S.... As transparent as their marketing ploys seem to most of us it works for them in a big way... This model just might reel in a few more Kool-Aid drinkers.. BTW Triumph has had bike in this class for a couple of years... Sorry the Harley is not that exclusive... 2006 Triumph 900 Scrambler http://www.cycleworld.com/assets/image/2006/Q2/051820061855500051.jpg
  11. Here's an online manual that I think will work: Toro Power Clear Snowthrowers (2-Cycle Engine)
  12. Quit exagerating... It's only -34.60F
  13. Here's a suggestion Boomer... Tell the dealer to use regular bolts when installing the new ignition switch... That way when it needs replacing again in a few years after the warrantee runs out you wont have to hack off the factory PIA bolts... I had mine replaced under warrantee (intermitent issues) and when I brought the bike to the dealer they said they could't do it I asked why not... they said they didn't have the fancy ignition bolts... I said No problem I don't want those things anyways... Turned out to be a win-win...
  14. Most of my problems were at higher speeds (over 75).. It doesn't like the cold too much either... I've gone out on cold mornings in the car and it won't do anything until the defrosters warm it up..
  15. I hope this clears it up..
  16. My advice... If you like it go for it... Don't worry about what other people think
  17. Warm at last... Here we are just getting to FL for 07 Bike Week parked next to my Bro's clean RSV... I rode it around for a few days like this showing it off as war paint but then some S.O.W. wrote "Wash me" on the fairing and I was forced to go to a Bikini Wash.. http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p181/Maineyak/warm20at20last.jpg
  18. HUH???? Jerry my bike looked like that when I rode mine to FL one year... The pic off the trailer... I just saw the one on the trailer... When I left Maine there was 18" of snow on the ground but the roads were clear until we ran into some rain.. I'll see if I can find the pics...
  19. That ought to keep you going for a while... Good luck
  20. I am on my 2nd Lowrance... I have a iway 500c and a iway 600c... This GPS has some of the best features... Large Display, touch screen, customizable screen, mp3 player (10 gb on 500 and 5gb on the 600), and is water resistant (a zip-loc sandwich bag makes any gps waterproof)... BUT... The hard drive does have some issues... The vibration using a handlebar mount messes up the hard drive and intermitent problems range from freezing up to constant re-booting... I am going to come up with a different mount and try it again in the spring... Also at times during high speed runs 75+ mph (in car & bike) the GPS has trouble keeping up with the result being a arrow on a white screen.. I have had it reboot and freeze in the car a couple of times but it happens more frequently on the bike.. Bottom line: The Lowrance is a fine unit and may be the best one out there but you should be aware of it's quirks/bugs before buying one... I got mine on ebay for $325.00 brand new in the box.. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2006/11/lowrance-iway-600c.jpg
  21. I got one more pic for you... Make sure and get the insulated blade connectors... I didn't solder mine and have had no problem with the crimp connectors... I slide the insulated part up the wire and crimp the metal part to the bare wire then slide the insulated piece back over the connector and hook er up... My battery had like 4 or 5 wires hanging off the terminals and it was getting hard to catch the post screw to the nut underneath because of it... Now I just have 1 heavy gauge wire to the fusebox and all my accessories (Horn, GPS, passing lamps, cigarette lighter) have there own fuse now and it's a lot more organized... http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g23/klm4755/brake%20rotor/IMGP5420.jpg
  22. I installed this auxiliary fuse box under the seat in front of the battery underneath all those hoses and wires... You can find this at Napa... hope these pictures help you out... http://www.r1200gs.info/howto/images/relay-1.jpg http://www.r1200gs.info/howto/images/Schematic4.gif
  23. It was 43 here yesterday... Warm enough to go for a ride up to Bangor for a service call... I did get spit on on the way home... so much for 10% chance of rain..
  24. Tell us when do you actually have to put the bike away living in El Paso, TX???
  25. IMHO This is bad advice and asking for trouble... One of these days you're going to be pulling your carbs to clean them... I use Sea Foam to stabilize my gas and have had no springtime starting issues.
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