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Everything posted by MAINEAC

  1. Yeah I should be there... I don't have a life...
  2. Ok Who are you??? And what have you done with Snarley Bill???? Oh man are you gettin sappy since you started hangin out with those Gold Wienies...
  3. Toga!!!! Toga!!!! Toga!!!!! http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o29/ursielala/toga.jpg
  4. Ok it's not a straight pipe... It does have a baffle... It kinda looks like a little chrome cherry bomb... Probably not going to increase performance but it's probably not going to hurt it as bad as a straight pipe... Probably a pretty cheap way to make some noise... I think it will need some tuning tho... And make sure his passenger isn't going to cook their feet.
  5. My guess is yes it will need to be re-jetted... Usually those sport bikes are so highly tuned that any exhaust change requires re-jetting... I don't get the straight pipe thing though... If he see's any improvement at all it's going to be at the very top revs... His lower end and mid-range RPMS are going to be crap... Mid-Range is where the bike is going to be run 90% of the time so the straight pipe is definitely NOT an upgrade and will hurt performance... JMHO
  6. I got a Sansa View mp3 player... My old Sansa e200 got left out in the shed on my RSV and the display froze and got all messed up... It still works but hard to see screen... My old one was 4 Gigs the new one is 16 gigs and fits all of my 4000 songs. http://www.techshout.com/images/sandisk-sansa-view.jpg
  7. I'd say either Bandit or Rocky...


    My 03 doesn't whine but my Bro's 00 does a little... With the radio on (mine's on 95% of the time) you don't hear it... I did notice a little chirp recently and I'm thinking it's the Bel-Ray oil I just switched to... I'm going back to Amsoil
  9. I'm ruined with that song forever... All I think of is this version... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7FUvz9Dym4]YouTube - Ding fries are done-Family Guy[/ame]
  10. I'm not real big on pics but I found these from my trip to FL for 07 Bike Week... We got a foot of snow the day before on top of the 6" that was there and I had to do some shovelin to get her out but it warmed up to the high 40s the next day and the Plow Boys did a good job... By the afternoon the roads were pretty clear but the dooryard was a little slick but I got her out to the road without droppin her... http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p181/Maineyak/030907001.jpg?t=1229620852 Here we are on the road about 3:30 PM on Saturday... Florida or Bust!!! http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p181/Maineyak/030907007.jpg?t=1229621013 I woulda made it to FL by Sunday night but as you can see I'm draggin a Ball & Chain (Hint: I don't mean the trailer)... This was her first long haul on the bike... We made South Jersey by 1:00 AM after running into some freezing rain... Then on Sun. we hit colder temps in VA & the Carolinas then what we left in Maine... Can you say Alberta Clipper?... Sure you can.. We holed up at some flea bag motel in SC semi frozen.. Kissimmee, FL... Warm at Last http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p181/Maineyak/030907011.jpg?t=1229621950
  11. I joined around Feb 05 but was pretty much a lurker for a while and bought my RSV in June 05... I remember Dallas.. He always posted in all caps... I thought he was a pretty funny guy... Then I talked to some guys that knew him personaly and found out he wasn't trying to be funny and had some serious issues and I felt like crap for laughing at him... DOH!
  12. Frohe Weihnachten! to you bud... I told my recruiter I wanted to go to Germany and he told me to go next door and join the Army... But the Army wouldn't take me... Maybe someday Keep the dirty side down Man
  13. It sounds like the luggage rack braces where they bolt up to the fender struts... These do come loose... Also check the grab rail handles where they bolt to the luggage rack behind the back seat.. try lifting up the trunk while parked and see if anythings loose..
  14. They don't chuck anyone outta here... If they did I'd be gone... There's some pretty good people here except for that Squidley guy... Watch out for him he's trouble..
  15. You're gonna fit in fine here... I've been through Stewartstown a time or 2... Last year I had a 4-5 week job in MD/VA and my parents lived in Lancaster at the time and on Friday nights I'd head to my parents and usually take the back roads instead of sitting in traffic on the Interstates.... I've done most of those backroads in SE PA.. Nice Country.. For the record I don't share the love affair everyone has with the Avons.. I thought they sucked on wet roads and only got 7K out of a rear.. I'm in the minority here (I have to say that so Goose don't get wound up) and your results may vary... Some people here are claiming 20K+ miles which I find hard to believe... I really like the Dunlop 404s and have about 50K on like 5 rears and 3 fronts... The 404s were the best handling tires that I've tried but I've been limited to the Bridgestones that had 10K on them when I bought the bike and 1 set of Avons... and a small sample on my CT 4K (jury's still out on that)..
  16. Sometimes I take it to the next level and do a little Blasting and Interacting... OK I thought you were yankin my chain with the Fellow Rider thing... No Prob with that I just don't hear that used much except for maybe a sarcastic time or two... I've been on here since 05 but who's countin... The site crashed a while back and all that old stuff got lost... The V2K uses Radials I believe cuz I'm considering going to a 150/80R-16 to better match my Radial Car Tire in the rear... maybe even a Bridgestone cuz all thos Vulcan riders seem to like them.. But Goose is right the Bias RS Bridgestones suck... I didn't know how bad until I swapped them out with Dunlop 404s..
  17. Check all of the above suggestions then check the shifter rod where it comes out of the case... Mine seeps a little and my shifter linkage is kinda sloppy... The screw that hols on the shifter fell off once and I think I'm missing a bushing or something... I gotta fix it this winter... My Mechanic/Bro says it's a PITA to fix the shifter rod so I just been keeping an eye on it... I've done 62,000 since 6/05 and haven't had to add a drop of oil between changes..
  18. Fair enough and (belated) Welcome to the club... Fellow Rider?? You're messin with me with that right? I forgot to mention I have been hearing about some Metz failures on other heavy cruisers but it hasn't reached the percentage of the RS yet... Ride On
  19. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002004&id=364&highlight=flanders http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002002&id=146&highlight=flanders See if this works... If it doesn't... Go to http://www.venturers.org/index.php click Tech Library then type Flanders in the search box... 2 pretty good write ups... I don't think you have to be a member to view the Tech Library... Let me know if you have a problem with this and I'll PM you...
  20. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjDDUV-Vpwo]YouTube - Toys in the Sun Run 2008 Part Two[/ame][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6ZyPEOwLzw][/ame]
  21. N3FOL I think the point you're missing is... Metzelers are "Thee" tire to run on 99% of the motorcycles out there... I used to run em on my GW and I swore by them... They would outlast Dunlops & Conties 2 to 1... My tire guy swears by them and thinks they're the greatest... But on the Yamaha Royal Star line there have been lots of issues with them... Ply separations, blowing chunks, and blow outs... I won't run them on my RSV, But I am running a Car Tire on the back... Some people consider that to be risky but I don't think it's as risky as running a Metz... We've heard all the excuses from Metz... Rider abuse, under inflation, overloaded, and "Oh it's just the Brazil made Metzs"... Well I've heard of a few German Metzs with issues too... Hey if it was just a few fat guys with big Ol'Ladys that don't know how to work an air gauge I'd be the first guy on here calling it BS... I don't know how long you've been here or on other RS Forums but it's way past a few fatties..
  22. Thanks anyways Dude but I quit wearing patches years ago...
  23. I just checked up on Elgato... It seems Ol Felix has a H-D Road King... Felix forget everything I wrote in the previous post... I thought you had a RSV... Take your trailer you don't need the aggravation..
  24. If it was me I'd ride it... You can usually find ways around closed passes in CA... It's not CO where you can get trapped in a valley for weeks... But I have a sense of adventure and will use any excuse to ride... If I had Wienies telling me to truck it would make me wanna ride it even more... But hey that's just me... You wanna be Mr. Play it Safe put it in a trailer...
  25. http://www.gandermountain.com/ http://www.fivebelow.com/
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