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Everything posted by MAINEAC

  1. This sounds like a much better deal than the 50K mile bike for more money...
  2. I plan on seeing it probably on DVD... I can't make it through a movie house movie without falling asleep... I think it's cuz I smoke.. BTW I think the best movie Clint directed was Mystic River .. One of my all time favorite movies... If there's anyone that hasn't seen it yet it is a must rent...
  3. I didn't know about your son's condition and am sorry to hear it... Have you considered Making a wish? A neighbor of mine has a daughter with a very rare version of Menegitis and they put in a wish and got a all expenses paid trip to Disney for the whole family... Might be worth a try... http://www.wish.org/refer
  4. I don't think he's served any time yet... Last I heard they just threw a new set of charges at him... http://www.floridatoday.com/graphics/mastlogo.gif January 6, 2009 Bike builder faces additional felony charge BY KEYONNA SUMMERS FLORIDA TODAY Prosecutors have filed an additional felony charge against famed motorcycle builder Billy Lane, court records show. Lane, 38, was charged two years ago with one count of DUI manslaughter in connection with a Labor Day 2006 traffic accident in which 56-year-old Sebastian Inlet park ranger Gerald Morelock died. Police said Lane’s blood-alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit when he crossed a double yellow line to pass several cars near Melbourne Beach, striking Morelock’s motorcycle head-on. DUI manslaughter is a second-degree felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. However, the Brevard state attorney’s office has filed an alternative charge of vehicular homicide, also a second-degree felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Prosecutor Tom Brown said he filed the charge in response to a November hearing, during which Lane’s attorneys withdrew their bid to bar trial testimony about the blood evidence and said they would instead raise the issue at trial. DUI manslaughter requires proof that the defendant caused or contributed to the crash and had an unlawful blood-alcohol level, while vehicular homicide simply requires proof of reckless driving. Once the defendant waives their right to speedy trial, there is a three-year statute of limitations on filing charges against him or her, Brown said. “This issue (about the admissibility of the blood evidence) will not be resolved until trial so we have gone forth with the added charge,” Brown said. Brown said filing the vehicular homicide charge, which requires the state to prove Lane was driving recklessly but does not include a drug or alcohol element, ensures prosecutors are able to proceed at trial, no matter the judge’s ruling on the blood evidence. “We are preparing for all eventualities at trial,” he said. Lane’s defense attorney, Greg Eisenmenger, said he doesn’t believe there’s any basis for either charge filed against his client. “It came as somewhat of a surprise to see something like this filed so late in the game,” he said. “This is a tragic accident that doesn’t rise to the level of willful and wanton reckless driving,” Eisenmenger said of the new charge. “And there’s significant issues whether Mr. Lane was under the influence of anything at the time of the accident.” Lane’s trial is set for Feb. 9.


    Looks like the events are scheduled Mon. 6/2 thru Sat. 6/7.... Here's the link... http://www.tourexpo.com/data/content/view/343/194/
  6. Low Buck fix would be some rocker panel chrome stick on... I used some of this stuff to dress up my piggybacker trailer... Make sure to peel off the clear protective layer after install... Only pitfall would be trying to fold it around the cupped edges... might have to make some releif cuts to avoid creases... 6" WIDE PER FOOT = $ 6.95 FT. http://www.32chrome.com/auto10.jpg
  7. I've been thinking of doing something like this myself... But I'm going to remove all the hard bags and install leather bags with fringe and studs and go to a solo saddle with either a rear fender luggage rack or a fender bib... I don't know when I'll pull it all together but I have millions of ideas floating around in my head... I'd like to swap out my fairing for a quadzilla... It looks like there might be enough room above the radio for the speedo and idiot light panel... Whatya think??? http://www.hoppeindustries.com/images/RDSTAR3.jpg
  8. Hey Kid if you can navigate the WWW without all the kiddie link buttons that AOLame provides you should really consider getting a real ISP... Of course it will require a few hours of phone calls over 3-4 months to actually get AOL to stop billing you and they will come up with free months to keep you... If you accept any of their freebees it will make it that much harder to escape later... The WWW is not as scary as AOLame makes it out to be... Good Luck
  9. http://www.iowanationalguard.com/museum/CDStory/CDstory/Events/LibertyStatue/LibertyStatue.JPG
  10. No I don't... But all I did was turn the key on and poked my tester into the wires until I found one that lit the bulb and used that... You're gonna love the lighted frame it does a blue-white glow to the back of the bike... http://www.annco.com/products/images/web/tg-01057300.jpg
  11. Cops accused of Toys for Tots thefts ‘tarnished’ police’s image, official says By Freeman Klopott Examiner Staff Writer 12/25/08 The four District of Columbia police officers reportedly caught on tape stealing from Toys for Tots “tarnished” the department’s image, a police official said. Police confirmed that the four officers had been put on desk jobs as internal affairs investigates them for stealing toys. Officials said if the officers did take the toys intended for the city’s youth, they will be prosecuted. On Christmas Day, the department’s community outreach director, Yvonne Smith, fired off a message to an e-mail network for residents of the Southeast D.C. neighborhood where the thefts allegedly occurred. Smith wrote that she’d hoped to see Christmastime news coverage include positive stories about police outreach in one of the city’s poorest, most crime-plagued neighborhoods — the 6th District in Southeast Washington — instead of a tale about the strong victimizing the weak. The story of the four officers accused of taking the toys “starts off Christmas on a sour note, puts distance between the community and the police, and worst of all, tarnishes the image of the Department during a time when we are trying to build strong relationships to foster trust that ultimately helps us solve crimes,” Smith wrote. As police officials released few details on the investigation on Christmas Eve, police cadets were unloading a van stuffed with toys at Sursum Corda and Potomac Gardens Public Housing Developments, Smith wrote. “People of all ages ran out and surrounded them, taking toys and saying, ‘the police have never done anything like this here,’ ” she wrote, highlighting how police outreach can benefit relations with the community. “Please don’t let the Christmas story of the day be about an investigation of officers who make up .001 percent of the department,” Smith concluded. “Many many many more members made outstanding contributions during this holiday season to make a difference in the lives of families who are struggling.” Two of the accused officers worked for the department’s youth services division, and the four were caught on tape taking the toys, WJLA reported. Original Post
  12. I think the only time the carb heaters turn off (when activated) is when the bike's in Neutral...
  13. I wouldn't take it to the dealer for anything other than warranty work... My few experiences with warranty/dealer work on my bike has come back with issues... I would do the work myself and did when I bought my "laid down" RSV... But if you can't do the work yourself I'd suggest finding an independant shop... If there's insurance money involved you might go to a Yamaha Dealer for an estimate... Most likely the dealer's estimate will be higher than anyone else's... You can save money buying good used parts instead of top $ for new assembly line reject parts... There's a guy on one of the forums that had an accident and bought the bike back with the insurance pay out... fixed it up himself including a custom flame paint job and added some goodies and put 3 grand in his pocket... Now he has a cool looking ride... That's what I call making a positive from a negative.. Good luck, man

    Sick horn

    Make sure it's wired right... Don't ask how I know this... Try reversing the wires to the Stebel... this won't hurt it... It's worth a try
  15. You shoulda quit there Kid... OK class what have we learned about seats??? They are subbbbbjecttiiiiivvvveee... Not everybody's arse is the same... What works for some is a pain in the arse for others (literally)... Glad your RSV seat is so good to you Kid... I happen to know Animal has Midnight Seats and some custom seats (I think Hartco)... Obviously he's looking for something different... Why can't you just help a brother out instead of pooh-poohing his reasons...
  16. Here's the link: Mustang Seat Contact Us
  17. I think some people are refering to a L.E.D. bulb... http://www.global-b2b-network.com/direct/dbimage/50279488/LED_Bulb.jpg Those don't work real well in a RSV because the bulb is aimed straight up... The circuit board type LED I bought on ebay with a smoked lens for $60 but it didn't have any white lights on top to light up my plate... So I got a LED plate frame that works real nice but cost an extra $35... http://clearalternatives.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/LED-38-IT.jpg http://www.highgearhobbies.com/estore/images/CTL/CTL-0038-S.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31J0V0u6%2BLL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  18. George I have different results with my Diehard Battery Charger/Maintainer... When my stator went bad I was still doing some riding locally while my stator was being shipped... A couple of times I barely made it home and my radio wouldn't even play by the time I parked it in the shed... I'd plug in my Diehard and next day my battery was fully charged.. My Diehard is the Sears version of the Battery Tender.. Item Description: Charge your battery from inside the vehicle! Fully Automatic Battery Charger/Maintainer with Float Mode Monitoring for 6 and 12 volt batteries. 2 Amp, 12 Volt/4 Amp, 6 Volt slow charge with Reverse Hook-Up Protection is ideal for keeping stored, lead-acid batteries charged and power maintained at all times. Great for Motorcycle, Lawn Tractor, ATV, Snowmobile size batteries and to maintain larger Car, RV, Boat, Deep Cycle, Antique and Classic Car batteries too! Includes: 50 amp battery clamps, 12V accessory plug and permanent ring connectors for fast, easy charging every time. http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/2/0/0/18/4/AAAAAkFuxhgAAAAAABhM0A.jpg
  19. Coker makes a 165 BFG that I think will work.. Click to enlarge 165R15 BFG 3/4" WhitewallSKU579810Construction:Poly/SteelLoad Capacity:1168 @ 35 psiTube Type:TubelessOverall Diameter:25.4Cross Section:6.5Tread Width:4.6UTQG Rating:300-A-CMax Inflation:35Rec. Rim Width:4--5.5Options
  20. Herb did you have a CT rear and Bias front tire or did you switch them out at the same time? I am going with a radial front in the spring and was wondering if it's an upgrade from the bias factory front..
  21. It's not really nessesary to relay the fuse box.... if... you're going to use relays to all the things running off of said fuse box.... If you used switched power to run the individual relays they will only work with the key on... Relay at the box is just one more component to potentially fail and unnessesary if everything running off the box is wired properly... The only thing I have non relayed is a cigarette lighter and I want that to work without the key...
  22. If I was gonna give up my RSV I'd be looking at the Stratoliner... I'm a big guy and legroom is a big deal for me... http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Gallery%20%20A/Yamaha%20Star%20Stratoliner%2006.jpg
  23. You guys missed a hell of a party... http://studio2628.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/homer_simpson-41.jpg


  25. Hey same back atcha Bill... Happy New Year.
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